Our ambition was to create a timeless and elegant spot that could grow and prosper in downtown Reykjavík. We were inspired by the local Cafés and bars, still in their original state since the 60’s and wanted to recreate that friendly atmosphere where the Interior design plays it’s role in bringing people closer together. Matbars’s style reflects it’s cuisine – the new Nordics pragmatism with a health dose of Italian and Mediterranean charm. All interiors, furniture and lights are custom made in Iceland by local craftsmen. The graphic identity of the restaurant was also developed by our team.
▼以传统冰岛咖啡馆为设计原型,see the traditional nordic cafe as the basic concept
▼家具细节设计,furniture detail
▼吧台,bar table
▼餐厅入口,the entrance
All photo credits go to Gunnar Sverrisson