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The Visualizing Equity in Landscape Architecture Project|Samantha Solano, ASLA+TJ Marston



The Visualizing Equity in Landscape Architecture (VELA) Project is a research initiative that reveals, spatializes, and acknowledges the status of gender equity throughout landscape architecture. Over twenty years have passed since the last report documenting women’s careers in landscape architecture. The issues raised then are similar to many problems women face now. To understand why these disparities still exist and the gaps associated with them, the VELA project offers a current review of women’s status in both academia and the profession. The research collected over 17,000 unique data points from multiple public sources. The analysis organizes the data into a series of robust visualizations that catalog current trends and highlight opportunities to improve gender equity in the profession. The purpose of this research is a question of value—to recognize where “we” as a profession fall short and where critical re-alignments must occur. The project is a provocative and timely exploration that serves to inform, instigate, and empower the landscape architecture community to rally together and transform the future of practice, now!

▲VELA,即“景观设计行业公平性的可视化”项目,提供了景观设计领域的第一个可视化数据库,它对全美专业代表和学术机构中的性别分布情况进行了长期的比较和研究。The VELA Project. The VELA project (Visualizing Equity in Landscape Architecture) is the first visual database in landscape architecture which comparatively maps and studies over time the distribution of women and men in professional representation and academic institutions throughout the US.




1973年,ASLA的首位女主席Darwina Neal撰写了一份关于女性在景观设计领域的职业状况的重要报告。在其具有开创性的发现的推动下,接下来的几十年间陆续产生了一些后续研究,每项研究都对女性在行业中的地位提出了关键性的见解。在过去50年,大量文献和报告都着重强调了女性从业者在考取执照、职业晋升和创业方面面临的歧视问题。距离上一次重要报告的发表已经过去20多年,当时女性所面临的诸多问题到如今仍未得到解决。随着以女性为中心展开的各项倡议在社交媒体和集体讨论中的重新出现,对女性在景观设计行业中的地位进行深入且符合当代趋势的研究势在必行。







自1981年以来,ASLA通用设计类、住宅类、分析与规划类的专业奖项中,仅有不到10%被授予女性创办或担任领导的公司。从个体层面上看,23%的ASLA奖章被授予女性,其中最多的是Bradford Williams奖章(45%),最少的是社区服务类奖章(10%)和ASLA奖章(12%)。尽管ASLA理事会从1899年起便不断吸收会员,女性成员的比例仍然只有16%。在2018年至2019年任期,ASLA分会主席有32%是女性,而在1901-2018年,ASLA的73位主席中仅有9位(12%)是女性。


在Miriam Rutz于1975年给出的工作报告中,全美国仅有6名女性在景观设计领域担任终身职位。在今天,约有388名女性在美国景观设计院校中担任要职。VELA项目从全美69个LAAB认证项目的公共数据中收集了约1400个独特数据点,其结果揭示了女性和男性在职称、薪资、组织领导以及奖项方面的差异。



Timeline. Twenty years have passed since the last report documenting women in landscape architecture. Today, we witness similar trends but with sparse data to tell the story. VELA aims to complete the current narrative on gender equity in landscape architecture.

▲目的+方法:由于先前的研究已经记录了女性在实践中的情况,本次研究主要以学术界和专业组织为目标对象,试图建立女性从业者在整个景观行业中的全面基线。除了计算性别比例外,研究还对数据进行了空间和时间上的映射。Purpose + Methods. Since prior studies document women in practice, this research targets academia and professional organizations to establish a comprehensive baseline of women throughout landscape architecture. In addition to calculating gender ratios the data was mapped spatially and over time.


Professional Career Ladder. Initial data shows as you climb the professional ladder, there are less and less women. The drop off is significant in three spots; after graduation, licensure, and awards and leadership.

▲毕业率+获奖数量:在过去的15年,获得景观设计学位的女性人数多于男性,且大多数学生奖项由女性获得。这些数据表明,并不存在“缺乏有才能的女性”这一问题。Graduation Rates + Awards. The last 15 years have seen more women graduating with landscape architecture degrees than men and women make up a majority of student awards. This data highlights that a lack of talented women in the pipeline is not the problem.

景观设计师执照的考取情况:在毕业之后,致力于考取执照的女性数量下降了10%,而真正获得执照的女性也就变得更少。持有景观设计师执照的活跃从业者仅有27%为女性。Licensed Landscape Architects. After graduation, the numbers start to decline with the number of women pursuing licensure dropping 10%. Even fewer women get their license. Only 27% of active licensed landscape architects are women.

▲ASLA奖章和专业奖项授予情况:自1981年以来,仅有9.7%的ASLA专业奖项被授予女性创办或担任领导的公司。尤其值得注意的是,即便女性从业者的人数已大幅增长,实际的性别比例依然没有随时间发生改变。ASLA Medals + Professional Awards. Since 1981, 9.7% of ASLA Professional Awards and 20% of ASLA Medals have been awarded to women/women-led firms. Most notably the gender ratio has been consistent over time, even as the number of women in the workforce significantly increased.

▲ASLA全美国+分会主席任职情况:在2018年至2019年任期,ASLA分会主席有32%是女性,而在1901-2018年,ASLA的73位主席中仅有9位(12%)是女性。ASLA National + Chapter Presidents. Thirty-two percent of ASLA chapter presidents from the 2018-2019 leadership cycle were women and from 1901-2018, only 9 out of 73 (12%) ASLA presidents have been women.

▲ASLA理事会:尽管ASLA理事会从1899年起便不断吸收会员,女性成员的比例仍然只有16%。在过去的10年间,这一数据仅提升至25%。Council of Fellows. ASLA’s Council of Fellows, which has been inducting members since 1899, has a membership base of 16% women. In the last decade, only 25% of fellows inducted were women.

▲学术职称梯状图:在景观设计专业担任教学职务的女性占39%。在较低职称中担任终身职位的女性占45%,分布相对均衡。全职教授职级的性别分布差异最大,女性仅占28%。Academic Career Ladder. Women represent 39% of faculty positions in landscape architecture. The percentages across lower ranks suggest equity is on its way with women representing 45% of tenure track positions. The full professor rank experiences the greatest disparity (28%).



▲CELA区域主任分布情况:女性担任CELA(景观教育学者委员会)区域主任职位的比例与男性持平,但在不同地区存在明显差异。在过去10年中,美国有三个地区从未有女性担任过区域主任。CELA Regional Directors. Women are represented equally in Regional Director Positions within CELA globally. But there are large differences in representation across CELA Regions locally with three US regions having zero women as Regional Directors in the last 10 years.

▲CELA领导职位分布情况:总体来看,CELA的领导职位有不少是由女性担任,但在主席职位中的占比仅有27%。秘书职位中,女性比例高达89%,这表明了女性在担任的职位类型上存在差异。CELA Officers. Overall, there is significant representation of women holding Officer positions in CELA. However, only 27% of CELA Presidents have been women while 89% of Secretaries were women, showing a large disparity in the type of positions women typically hold.

▲初级教学奖项分布情况:虽然女性在初级职称中的占比较高,但女性在初级教学奖项评选中,尤其是在研究和创新奖项类别中获得的认可明显更少。这可能是导致担任终身职位的女性人数减少的原因。Junior Teaching Awards. While the percentage of women at the junior rank are high, women receive significantly less recognition in Junior Teaching Awards, especially in the Research and Creative category. This may contribute to the drop in women from tenure track to tenure.

高级教学奖项分布情况:获得高级教学奖项的女性数量相较于初级奖项明显增加,但女性在研究和创新奖项类别中获得的认可仍然较少。这表明,生活方式的改变(尤其是在职业生涯中期)可能会使女性在学术界的发展受到影响。Senior Teaching Awards. The number of women receiving senior awards raises significantly from the junior level. However, women still receive less awards in the Research and Creative category. This suggests lifestyle changes (greater mid-career) may play a role in the advancement of women in academia.

▲学院院士分布情况:被评选为学院院士的女性人数明显少于男性。从时间轴可以看出,这一趋势并未得到改善。在过去7年中,有3年未有女性获得学院院士称号。Academy of Fellows. Women are inducted into the Academy of Fellows significantly less than men. The timeline highlights this trend is not improving with three out of the last seven years having zero women inducted into the Academy of Fellows.


In 1973, Darwina Neal—the first female president of the ASLA—prepared the premier report on women in landscape architecture. Surged by the groundbreaking findings, several subsequent studies throughout the following decades emerged. Each provided critical insights into the status of women in the profession. The last 50 years of literature and reports highlight substantial disparities in licensure and promotion, women-owned businesses, and job discrimination. It has been over twenty years since the last significant study was released, yet women today still face similar issues. With the resurgence of women-based initiatives populating social media channels and conference circuits, the timeliness of having a contemporary dive into the status of women in landscape architecture is imperative.

Unlike previous studies that collected data solely from exclusive membership pools, the VELA Project reveals evidence from open-sourced data, providing a glimpse into less studied areas of academia and professional progression and leadership. The research asks questions across various topics and comparatively maps the overall distribution and disparities found between men and women while revealing how those disparities have changed over time. These categories include; graduates, student awards, licensure, design awards, organizational leadership, faculty rank, faculty salary, and research/teaching awards. The work presents a series of data-driven cartographic visualizations and infographics that are easily accessible to the viewer while providing deeper analysis and reflection opportunities.


The primary research methods involved secondary data analysis collected from publicly accessible sources and existing data reports. The inventory of data was aggregated into larger datasets that eliminated individuals identification to maintain anonymity in the representation of the results. This process occurred through spatial simplification and data points receiving either a W (for women) or M (for men). This research’s organizers acknowledge that specific metrics include bias based on perceived identification of binary gender classifications. After the extensive data collection, the results were organized and then visualized by time, ratio, quantity, and proportion. The results are not only the collected statistics, but the visualizations themselves are the results.

Professional Organization and Leadership Results

The VELA Project collected 16,000 unique data points collected from ASLA, the Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Scholar Program, CLARB data on active members with a council record, and state ASLA chapter websites.

The overall data shows that women dominate in pre-professional narratives. More women enroll in and graduate (55%) with landscape architecture degrees, showing a nearly 10% gain from 2013 to 2017. In the ASLA student awards, women receive more recognition in the Communications, Collaboration, and Community Service categories while the General Design and Analysis and Planning categories have almost equal representation of both men and women. And 65% of the Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Scholars are women. This momentum and representation drastically dissipate as women enter the workforce and navigate through their professional careers. After graduation, the amount of women actively pursuing licensure through CLARB drops almost 10%. And within CLARB’s 2018 active, licensed landscape architects database, only 27% identify as women. As the pool of mid-level and senior-level women practitioners decrease, so do the residual effects in leadership and recognition.

Since 1981, less than 10% of ASLA Professional Awards in the General, Residential, and Analysis and Planning categories have been awarded to women-led/owned firms. On an individual level, 23% of the ASLA Medals have been awarded to women, with the highest representation (45%) in the Bradford Williams Medal and the lowest in the Community Service (10%) and ASLA Medal (12.5%) categories. The Council of Fellows, which has been inducting members since 1899, has a membership base of 16% women. Thirty-two percent of the ASLA chapter presidents in the 2018-2019 leadership cycle were women, and from 1901-2018, only 9 out of 73 (12%) ASLA presidents have been women.

Academic Results

In a 1975 task force report by Miriam Rutz, only six women were identified holding tenure track positions in landscape architecture across the United States. Today, there are approximately 388 women throughout the U.S. faculties of landscape architecture. The VELA Project collected about 1,400 unique data points extracted from available public data found on sixty-nine LAAB accredited programs in the United States. The results looked at the relationship between women and men across rank, salary, organizational leadership, and awards.

The percentages across junior faculty ranks suggest women are making tremendous strides in representation


VELA 项目 | 揭示景观设计行业性别平等现状
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