发布时间:2022-01-13 04:28:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Addressing Systemic Inequities in Neighborhood Greenspace: Leveraging Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Elements to Enhance Well-being | Joan Nassauer, FASLA





This multi-year transdisciplinary research project in Detroit, MI, USA, addressed the relationship between greenspace and residents’ well-being in neighborhoods struggling with widespread vacant property. Leveraging green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) investments by the water utility to create new neighborhood greenspaces, it investigated which design elements were essential to well-being, and which had the greatest effect on well-being of residents.

Detroit, like many legacy cities, has a history of deindustrialization, racist housing policies, and years of disinvestment contributing to depopulation. Poverty and property vacancy disproportionately affect disadvantaged residents in some neighborhoods. These residents’ experiences with vacant property undermine their well-being, personal safety and property values. Greening of vacant lots may promote well-being, depending upon how residents experience the qualities of greenspace landscapes. However, maintenance to ensure that vacant lots are well-cared-for is challenged by budgetary limitations of legacy cities. For this reason, understanding how to select GI design elements that can be maintained over time and that will make a difference in residents’ well-being is essential to landscape architecture’s capacity to address systemic inequities in legacy cities.


BACKGROUND: Property vacancy in legacy cities disproportionately affects disadvantaged residents. Property vacancy in legacy cities degrades neighborhood greenspace, disproportionately affecting disadvantaged residents. This project in Detroit, MI, identified design choices that can support well-being by addressing inequities in the quality of greenspace in neighborhoods struggling with vacancy and poverty.








2. 以学术理论为基础:以可复制的方式测试景观设计元素对居民幸福感的影响,具体的做法是对有关幸福感、选择偏好以及社区绿地感知的学术文献进行全面回顾。在建立幸福感方面,需要了解小尺度的景观元素如何对居民的心理和情感健康产生影响,以及他们可能影响健康的社会和身体行为。在关怀感和安全感方面,大量的学术文献表明对社区绿地的感知会影响遗留城市的居民的幸福程度,同时有许多研究确定了景观设计元素在提供关怀感和安全感方面的关键作用。不过,要解决社区绿地的不平等问题,需要将以上这些因素集中在一起考虑,以实验性的方式调整设计元素,从而对它们与选择偏好、认知以及幸福感之间的关联性进行量化。



实际的操作从以下几个具体问题入手:• 居民们更希望附近空地上出现哪些元素的组合?

• 居民对于安全、关怀和吸引力的感知会如何影响他们的喜好?

• 居民对于不同的设计选项有何期待?这些选项将如何影响他们的幸福感,包括心理和情绪健康、与邻居的互动以及在附近散步的意愿程度?

• 鉴于需要尽可能地降低维护需求,哪些设计元素对于提升幸福感是不可或缺的?哪些元素对于幸福感的影响最大?








TRANSDISCIPLINARY ACTION RESEARCH. Our transdisciplinary action research process combined the scholarly knowledge and research methods of several disciplines with the local knowledge and practical insights of neighborhood and agency stakeholders to offer novel research results.


OPPORTUNITY: Leveraging stormwater infrastructure resources for greenspace benefits. By showing how vacant lots could be designed as new forms of green infrastructure that enhance well-being while also managing street run-off very effectively, we leveraged the water utility’s investment to deliver greater neighborhood benefits.


RESEARCH QUESTION: What design elements will enhance residents’ well-being? We selected elements with varying maintenance requirements, and hypothesized that residents’ perceptions of their safety and care would affect preferences for vacant property in their neighborhood, and their own well-being.


RESEARCH PROCESS. We iterated between scholarly knowledge and methods, and local knowledge and practical insights to build actionable new knowledge in our seven-year project. Here, we focus on part of that research, which relates to our research question on image 4.


DESIGN STRATEGY: Draw on scholarship and local knowledge to select design elements. For the survey questionnaire design, we varied design elements suggested by past research and local knowledge that we hypothesized would affect residents’ perceptions of care and safety, their well-being and their preferences for transforming nearby vacant property.


METHOD: Questionnaire and design element alternatives. Our questionnaire included visualizations of 10 design alternatives, randomly selected from among 14 developed for each study area. They represented a factorial combination of the design elements we had varied, shown in image 6.


METHOD: Replicate study areas for pilot sites and census survey. In an area designated for GSI implementation by the water utility, we selected replicate study areas with overall property vacancy of 39%. Then, we trained Detroit residents and former residents to conduct door-to-door interviews of all occupied households.


RESULTS: Who was represented in the survey? Those interviewed were predominantly black and had household incomes below $27,000/year – similar to US Census statistics for our study area and the City of Detroit, but disproportionate with state and national statistics.


RESULTS: Who should maintain neighborhood greenspaces? Respondents indicated that volunteering to maintain neighborhood greenspace was not a desirable solution, and the city should maintain neighborhood greenspace. More than 1/3 already filled gaps in maintenance of nearby vacant property. They wanted to see government take responsibility.


RESULTS: What design elements enhance well-being? How much? Considering maintenance efficiencies, mown turf is the element most essential to well-being of residents, with significant improvements over infrequent mowing. However low-growing vividly flowering shrubs and herbs significantly enhance well-being compared with tree plantings or mown turf alone.


RESULTS: Well-being is associated with specific design elements that require different levels of maintenance. All designs manage stormwater very effectively. Since all alternatives except the control vacant lot managed stormwater very effectively, well-being could be decisive in design choices. Residents strongly preferred shrubs and flowers, associated with the highest well-being, for a vacant lot near their home.


CONCLUSIONS: Implications for design. Leveraging infrastructure investments, landscape architects’ choices of small-scale design elements can powerfully affect the well-being of people living in neighborhoods disadvantaged by property vacancy and poverty. This addresses greenspace inequities that contribute to health disparities.

▲分享知识,促进实践:图中展示了遗留城市的利益相关者人手一份的项目报告。在整个研究过程中,研究团队的首要任务是及时地与城市的利益相关者分享新知识,其中包括综合文献回顾(2017)和最终的综合评估(2019)。此外,团队还发表了数篇具有参考价值的学术论文,作为该项目的一部分。SHARING KNOWLEDGE FOR PRACTICE: Project reports used by legacy city stakeholders. Throughout our research, our first priority was to immediately share new knowledge with stakeholders in legacy cities – from synthetic literature reviews (2017) to our integrated assessment (2019). We also have produced refereed scholarly papers as part of this project.


VALUE: Addressing systemic inequities in neighborhood greenspace. By learning from agency decisionmakers and neighborhood leaders in our transdisciplinary team and from residents in focus groups and our census survey, we identified small scale design elements that landscape architects can employ to make a difference in residents’ well-being.


Importance of Research Goals

Our overarching goal was to inform design strategies that can address inequities in the quality of neighborhood greenspace, especially where property vacancies and inadequate maintenance have changed neighborhood landscapes in legacy cities. Quality of greenspace may affect the well-being of residents. Well-being is known to be associated with access to greenspace, and inequitable greenspace distribution is understood to be a driver of health disparities. However, health disparities research has not focused on greenspace quality: the small scale design elements that landscape architects routinely select. This is particularly important in neighborhoods characterized by widespread property vacancy, which undermines perceptions of safety and care. Neighborhood greenspace quality affects residents’ experiences as they look out the windows of their home, use their yard, or walk down their block. Compared with access to large public greenspaces, these experiences more immediately confront residents with glaring disparities between their neighborhoods and others’. This project built new knowledge to help landscape architects meaningfully contribute to resolving these inequities.

Research Problem

Our research problem was to identify how much small-scale design elements of neighborhood greenspace that presented different maintenance requirements could enhance residents’ well-being. Framing the problem in this way, we could focus on well-being of residents while also tuning results to address maintenance challenges of legacy cities.

We conceived of this problem on two complementary levels, both essential to the rigor of this actionable research:1. Basis in practical understandings and local knowledge: a transdisciplinary action research process that produced immediate change in a disadvantaged neighborhood. This required intensive iterative collaboration among agencies, NGOs, neighborhood residents and an interdisciplinary research team over seven years. It led us to understand that neighborhood greenspaces in legacy cities should be maintained by agency staff rather than relying on volunteers. Accepting the limited revenues of legacy cities, we framed our research questions around design alternatives that offered a range of maintenance efficiencies.

2. Basis in scholarly theory: testing the effects of landscape design elements on residents’ well-being in a replicable way that was informed by thorough review of the scholarly literature about well-being, preferences, and perceptions of neighborhood greenspace. Related to well-being, we identified a need to understand how small scale landscape elements might affect residents’ mental and emotional health, as well as their social and physical behavior that may affect health. Related to perceived care and safety, ample scholarly literature suggests that perceived care and safety of neighborhood greenspace affects well-being of residents of legacy cities, and many studies identify design elements that act as cues to care or safety. However, there is a need to put the pieces together to address inequity in neighborhood greenspaces – experimentally varying design elements to quantify their relationship to preferences, perceptions, and well-being.

Research Questions

Drawing on knowledge at both levels, we identified these design elements for investigation as cues to care or safety that could affect well-being: bollards, low-growing vividly flowering shrubs and herbs, deciduous trees in rows, mown turf.

We operationalized the research problem with these specific questions:• What combinations of these elements do residents most prefer for a nearby vacant lot?

• How does perceived safety, care, and attractiveness affect what residents prefer?

• How do residents expect different alternatives to affect their well-being, including mental or emotional health, interactions with neighbors, and likelihood to walk in their neighborhood?

• Considering the need to minimize maintenance requirements, which elements are essential to enhanced well-being? Which most greatly enhance well-being?


Study area and site selection. In an area that the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) had prioritized for GSI implementation, we selected replicate study areas separated by more than 2,415 m to reduce spillover effects across study areas. Each study area had a mix of occupied homes and vacant properties; overall vacancy was 39%. Each had majority black populations and a majority of households with incomes below $25,000/year (poverty level as per the US Department of Health and Human Services).

Within each study area our team identified potential sites for GSI construction on vacant properties owned by the Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA), and a control vacant lot for “typical” management. As part of site selection, the possibility of constructing GSI on each site was vetted with nearby neighbors. Then, in 2015 our team designed and constructed two different GSI designs on two pilot sites operated by the DWSD in each study area. These pilot sites were the base sites for design alternatives tested in the 2017 census survey that we report upon here.

Development of questionnaire and design alternatives. To answer our research questions, we developed a questionnaire including visualizations


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