江南郡示范区位于历史悠久的颖上城人文胜地之中。拾阶步入前庭,耳际萦绕涓涓流水,树木舒展着浓密的枝干呵护着来往的人们,仿佛置身于大自然中。水上木质平台在周边的树木环绕里是停留憩息的最佳选择。阳光来访静谧的庭院不经意间的树影婆娑如诗如画,江南郡是人们身心舒适与自然共处的一片绿洲。—— 该示范区将在大区建成后作为会所永久保留。
Jiangnan County demonstration area is located in yingshangcheng cultural resort with a long history. Step into the vestibule, ears lingering trickle water, trees stretch thick branches to protect the people, as if in the nature. The water wooden platform is the best choice for staying and resting in the surrounding trees. When the sun comes to visit the quiet courtyard, the shadow of trees is dancing like a poem or a picture. Jiangnan county is an oasis for people to live in comfort and nature. ——-The demonstration area will be permanently retained as a club after the completion of the large area.