发布时间:2019-07-28 12:48:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

BIRKENSTOCK,鞋床的发明者,创始于1774年。BIRKENSTOCK始终致力于打造精美舒适的鞋履,满足客户任何场合所需,让他们的生活更加美好丰富。BIRKENSTOCK的优质鞋履为看重功能性、耐磨性和耐穿性的客户提供了绝佳选择。BIRKENSTOCK 1774展示间以创始年份命名,位于巴黎圣奥诺雷街。旨在展示品牌的特别系列和即将推出的1774系列。 展示间共170平方米,是一间典型的奥斯曼风格的巴黎公寓,设有镶板墙、互通房间、石质壁炉和镶木地板。BIRKENSTOCK 1774展示间的全新内饰由Vinson&Co公司的创始人Nick Vinson操刀,从欧洲各地搜罗暖调木质、做旧皮质,或全新或中古的家具、室内陈设和装饰品。

Since 1774, BIRKENSTOCK has been conceiving ways that we – the inventor of the footbed – can make the lives of our customers better and richer. With a shoe to fit all conceivable situations in life. BIRKENSTOCK, with its premium-quality products, offers an exceptional alternative for those who place value in functionality, durability and sustainability. Birkenstock 1774, named after the founding year, is conceived as a showcase for the brands special projects and upcoming 1774 collection, appropriately situated in the Rue Saint-Honoré. The 170 square metre showroom is located in a typical Haussmann style Paris apartment with paneled walls, intercommunicating rooms, stone fireplaces and parquet floors. Birkenstock 1774’s new interior concept was conceived by Nick Vinson of Vinson& Co, who has sourced new and vintage furniture, furnishings and decor in a palette of warm wood and aged, lived in leather from across Europe.

▼Birkenstock 1774展示间170平方米,是一间典型的奥斯曼风格的巴黎公寓,设有镶板墙、互通房间、石质壁炉和镶木地板,the 170 square metre showroom is located in a typical Haussmann style Paris apartment with paneled walls, intercommunicating rooms, stone fireplaces and parquet floors  ©DEPASQUALE+MAFFINI

空间多处使用Philipp Mainzer的功能性和灵活性兼备的橡木桌子,与Mario Bellini于1978年设计的马鞍椅和Vittorio Nobili于1950年代设计的胶合板材质Medea椅完美搭配。马鞍椅采用棕褐色马鞍皮制成,泛着时光带来的纹理感和光泽感。负责人办公室里的椅子是专门采购、个性中古、衬有软垫的Charles and Ray Eames设计的椅子。

Functional and flexible oak tables by Philipp Mainzer throughout the space are paired up with Cab chairs designed by Mario Bellini in 1978 complete with the patina of life visible in the tan bridal leather, 1950’s plywood Medea chairs by Vittorio Nobili and in the executive offices specially sourced, used, soft-pad chairs by Charles and Ray Eames.

▼空间多处使用Philipp Mainzer的功能性和灵活性兼备的橡木桌子,与Mario Bellini于1978年设计的马鞍椅和Vittorio Nobili于1950年代设计的胶合板材质Medea椅完美搭配,functional and flexible oak tables by Philipp Mainzer throughout the space are paired up with Cab chairs designed by Mario Bellini in 1978 complete with the 1950’s plywood Medea chairs by Vittorio Nobili  ©DEPASQUALE+MAFFINI

鞋履陈列台包括Achille Castiglioni的Lungangolo书架、1940年代玻璃和橡木材质的折叠推车、Aldo Bakker的三角凳、Simon Hasan的裂缝橡木长凳。其他椅类装饰还有Toogood的原色玻璃纤维Roly-Poly椅子,以及Pierre Jeanneret于1954年在印度昌迪加尔纯手工打造的沙发椅。地毯采用蔺草纤维,在英国种植并编织而成。陶瓷装饰是瑞士陶瓷艺术家Margit Linck于1940和1950年代设计的作品,与Simon Hasan的定型皮革花瓶相映成趣。灯艺设计是Carl Auböck和J.T Kalmar1950年代的作品。

Footwear is displayed on Achille Castiglioni’s Lungangolo book shelf, a 1940’s folding glass and oak trolley, Aldo Bakker’s Tri-Angle stools or Simon Hasan’s Cleft Oak benches. Other seating of note include Toogood’s Roly-Poly chairs in raw colored fibre glass which sit alongside Pierre Jeanneret’s 1954 arm chairs, handmade in Chandigarh, India. Carpeting is in rush fibre, cultivated and woven in the UK, ceramics designed in the 1940’s and 50’s by Swiss ceramist Margit Linck sit side by side Simon Hasan’s boiled leather vases and lighting comes from Carl Auböck or J.T Kalmar both from the 1950’s.

▼地毯采用蔺草纤维,陶瓷装饰是瑞士陶瓷艺术家Margit Linck于1940和1950年代设计的作品,与Simon Hasan的定型皮革花瓶相映成趣,carpeting is in rush fibre, ceramics designed in the 1940’s and 50’s by Swiss ceramist Margit Linck sit side by side Simon Hasan’s boiled leather vases  ©DEPASQUALE+MAFFINI

▼鞋履陈列台包括Achille Castiglioni的Lungangolo书架、1940年代玻璃和橡木材质的折叠推车、Aldo Bakker的三角凳、Simon Hasan的裂缝橡木长凳,footwear is displayed on Achille Castiglioni’s Lungangolo book shelf, a 1940’s folding glass and oak trolley, Aldo Bakker’s Tri-Angle stools or Simon Hasan’s Cleft Oak benches  ©DEPASQUALE+MAFFINI

▼其他椅类装饰,other designed chairs  ©DEPASQUALE+MAFFINI

特别定制的艺术装饰板,由伦敦刺绣师Geraldine Larkin采用黄麻和毛毡制成,呼应BIRKENSTOCK鞋底和鞋面的设计。其他艺术作品包括Hans Hartung和Edoardo Chillida的重要版画、Anaphi的陶瓷、Michaël Verheyden的托盘、John Pawson的餐具、Simon Hasan的包裹花瓶、David Mellor的Pride系列刀叉餐具,完整了展示间精心选配的配饰。每件精选内饰都产自欧洲,采用上乘材质,打造永恒美感。与BIRKENSTOCK品牌精神不谋而合。

Specially commissioned art panels by London-based embroiderer Geraldine Larkin, in jute and felt, reference the foot sole and uppers of Birkenstock’s footwear. Other artworks include important Lithographs by Hans Hartung and Edoardo Chillida. Ceramics from Anaphi, trays by Michaël Verheyden and tableware from John Pawson, Wrap vases by Simon Hasan and Pride cutlery by David Mellor complete the curated selection of accessories. Everything selected is crafted in Europe, of quality materials with a focus on timeless design, consistent with the Birkenstock brand ethos.

▼特别定制的艺术装饰板,由伦敦刺绣师Geraldine Larkin采用黄麻和毛毡制成,呼应BIRKENSTOCK鞋底和鞋面的设计,specially commissioned art panels by London-based embroiderer Geraldine Larkin, in jute and felt, reference the foot sole and uppers of Birkenstock’s footwear  ©DEPASQUALE+MAFFINI



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