瑞典Sundling-Kickén设计师。他们的饰品选择和色调的色调组合是如此的美丽,当然在他们自己的家里也没有什么不同。这所房子属于Elin Kickén,它被漆成灰色和米色的混合物,营造出一种忧郁和诱人的外观。
Swedish Sundling-Kickén designers . Their spot on accessory selection and tone on tone color combinations are so beautiful and this is of course no different in their own home. This home belongs to Elin Kickén and is painted in a mixture of greys and beiges for a moody and inviting look.
The look is carefully layered and consists of multiple, soft, earthy shades of whites and beiges; a pared-down monochromatic, tone-on-tone design scheme that is both moody and tranquil.Numerous black accents bring contrast and depth.Furniture and lighting fixtures with sculptural shapes add to the graphic appeal.
这个宁静,有机,最小的室内设计由Sundling Kickén设计,墙上精心挑选的艺术品和整个公寓的雕塑让这个地方看起来很有个性,许多纺织品有一种柔软和诱人的效果。
this serene, organic, and minimal interior design by Sundling Kickén.The carefully selected artwork on the wall and the sculptures throughout the apartment make this place look very characterful and the many textiles have a soft and inviting effect.