餐厅外立面采用实墙和金属丝网式围护结构相结合的方式,立面上的开口不仅在视觉上突出了室内外建筑环境语言的对比,还将这二者联系了起来,更为重要的是,它们将室内环境暴露在了外部城市环境的目光下,从而打造出一种介于室内外之间的通透性。此外,涂鸦艺术家Theodoro Autops还与Raphael Barcelos合作,将设计与圣保罗城市街道的独特美学之间的对话融入进了本项目。黑色的外立面上安装着全新的BULLGUER®的品牌logo,这种十分风格化的标识纹理与城市街头涂鸦交相辉映、相辅相成,创造出一个别具一格的餐厅立面。值得一提的是,所有的街头涂鸦都由艺术家手绘喷漆完成。
São Paulo’s downtown is characterized by the diversity of surroundings of different natures that we can find. Between boardwalks and viaducts, the sometimes inhospitable or chaotic scenario can offer a momentary welcome in a safe environment. And why not with chips and mayonnaise apart?
Yet the facade mimicked between walls and railings flirt with a contrast of the spontaneous exterior language and its openings that exposes the bowels of this almost unlikely oásis. The collaborative work of the graffiti artists Theodoro Autops and Raphael Barcelos brought this dialogue between design and the unique aesthetics of the streets of São Paulo to the project. The facade art features the new BULLGUER® logo typography in a fully stylized texture filled with urban writings (Tagging and Graffiti) done free handed by artists with spray paint.
▼餐厅外观,外立面采用实墙和金属丝网式围护结构相结合的方式,上层开有大洞口,exterior view of the store, the facade mimics between walls and railings with large openings
The entire store operation, geared toward its improved efficiency in on-demand flow, supply and maintenance, sits on the curb with the curbside attending the growing delivery application orders.
▼餐厅主入口,黑色砖墙外立面上画有白色涂鸦,the main entrance of the store, the black brick facade features for white urban writings
▼主入口内部的自助点餐空间,采用黄色的饰面,the free-form self-service and fulfillment systems at the entrance with yellow finishes
The in-store flow, guided by self-service and fulfillment systems, makes the customer-centric experience free-form. The table, sofa and booth systems derive from modular metal structures that deconstruct through the hall, interconnecting the floors by a triple ceiling with natural light. The structures are also support for suspended deposits interspersed with vegetations in plastic boxes that help in the air renewal in space.
▼用餐空间一层室内,设置红色的金属楼梯,the first floor with the red metallic stairs
▼用餐空间一层室内,采用模块化的金属结构划分和限定空间,first floor of the store, the modular metal structures divide and define the space
▼用餐空间的室内楼梯空间,上方设有天窗以便于自然采光,the interior stairs space with skylights for natural light
▼模块化的金属结构和红色楼梯空间细节,金属结构为植物提供了摆放空间,the modular metal structures and details of the red stairs, the structures offer display space for plants
▼从楼梯向下俯瞰,looking down from the stairs
上层空间位于树冠之下,开放的立面让客人们能够在闹市中静静地欣赏城市街景,更为独特的是,得益于其地理位置,客人们还能通过立面上的洞口,俯瞰建筑大师奥斯卡·尼迈耶(Oscar Niemeyer)设计的Copan大楼具有催眠效果的波浪式外立面。
Upstairs, the opening of the treetop facade favors the view of the avenue, which from an unusual point of view overlooks the hypnotic waves of the brises of Oscar Niemeyer’s Copan Building.
▼上层用餐空间,the upstairs dining space
▼上层的窗边用餐空间,可透过立面上的大开口欣赏街景,the window dining space in the upstairs dining space, customers are provided with a good street view through the large openings of the facade
Completion date: 2019 Building levels: 2 Project team: SuperLimão Studio