NAU Architecture
这个对具有历史性的户外泳场综合体“Les Bains de Géronde”进行更新的项目的设计,是对湖岸自然面貌的重塑,它重新创造出一种与湖面的切实的接触。新的泳池可以被构想成是略微高于Géronde湖面之上的两个水体表面,其附带的楼梯和浮桥能够让使用者直接接触湖水。景观设计遵循有机的形式,岸边使用了当地植被,如睡莲,芦苇等本土物种来实现重新自然化。美化更新过的自然景观包围着泳池区域,创造出一种田园风光般的沐浴体验。
form the architect : The renovation of the historical outdoor poolcomplex “Les Bains de Géronde” is designed as a renaturalization of the shore, recreating a sensible connection to the lake.The new pools are conceived as two water surfaceshovering slightly overthe lake of Gérondewith stairs and boardwalks providing swimmers direct access to the lake. The design of landscape follows organic forms. The shores are re-naturalized using local vegetation such as water lilies, reeds and other indigenous species. The renewed natural landscaping encompasses the swimming area, creating an idyllic setting for the bathing experience.
The original semicircular changing-roombuilding by Hans Bieri, embedded in the landscape,serves as a second source of inspiration. Two new arms housing the entrance, the service areas and the sanitary spaces extend Bieri’s original horseshoe geometry as a welcoming sign on the west and as a meandrous ramp along the hillside on the east.The resulting terraceallowsfor both the harmonious integration of the newprogram, and the creation ofa roof promenade for strolls around the lake in the off-season, when the baths are closed. The careful restoration of this modernist facility enhances its impact. The material palette, limited to concrete, aluminum and wood, serves as acontemporary counterpart to the historical features.The pioneering spirit of modernist sport architecture informs this sustainable expansion and brings in return the picturesque location of Géronde to the foreground.
地点:瑞士Lac de Géronde, Sierre, Valais
团队:NAU Architecture + Drexler GuinandJauslinArchitekten(NAU + DGJ cooperative)
Client:City of Sierre, Switzerland
Location:Lac de Géronde, Sierre, Valais, Switzerland
Duration:Planning 2010-2013, Construction 2012-2014
Project Team:NAU Architecture + Drexler GuinandJauslinArchitekten(NAU + DGJ cooperative)
NAU Architecture