发布时间:2024-01-15 15:04:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼视频,video ©王正


Campsites, as a simple starting point for the origin of architecture, serving for people’s exploration of unknown natural territories, acting as the basic unit of civilization returning to the wilderness. In natural landscapes such as grasslands, lakes, forests, and mountains, a temporary tent is built to provide shelter from wind and rain. Larger campsites may root on a water source, featuring a small wooden house for accommodation and a tented area as a semi-outdoor space for daytime activities such as living rooms and dining areas. Pioneers venture deep into the natural wilderness during the day for exploration, returning to such a habitat with a campfire for rest at night.

▼群山之中的营地,The camp among the mountains ©王正


The recent authority’s promoting of outdoor activities and the improvement of related infrastructure has led to a greater public awareness of the benefits of camping and its commercial potential in China. Planning, designing, and running of camping sites, wildlife retreats and tent hotels are the current trending topics.

▼山野营地,The camp in the forest ©王正


The project is going to combine the essence of the Moganshan and the value of outstanding camping projects such as NORDISK to present a range of camp accommodations in a picturesque setting, with modern rustic lounges and spring pools. The complete MOGANSHAN x NORDISK REFUGE will be an important part of the local tour routes and establish the benchmark of tent hotel in the region of east south China.

▼守望者小屋,The Watch ©王正

▼傍晚的前厅,The lobby in the sunset ©王正

初见 The first view


When we first arrived at the site, there were following scenes: a tea grower’s small cottage surrounded by mountains, within bamboo forests and tea fields. Nearby, there was a small pool and a few small plants. Located on the northern slope of the mountain top, this place offered excellent views of the Moganshan mountain. In the lower ground, two rows of tall fir trees stood like guardians of this abandoned village, for many years

▼场地分析,Site analysis © 咫间


Here there remains a ruin of stone wall, the only existence of the village’s memory in this place. According to the village chief’s words, this was the final settlement for their ancestors who migrated all the way from Anhui Province to escape floods. They chose this place because it was high and resourced with good view, free from the fear of water disasters. The village chief himself was born here, then followed the family leaving the mountain in the 1990s, leading to the gradual abandonment of the village. Over the course of several decades, here only a fragment of the walls remains.

▼场地环境,site scene © 咫间


The site features several terraced tea fields, stone slope protections made from local materials, streams emerge and hide underground, grasslands, bamboo forests, all of which contribute to a picturesque of wild beauty. Over a century, people and life have come and gone in the Moganshan area. In recent years, with the popularity of cultural and tourism activities, there has been a continuous influx of tourists. However, this corner of Moganshan feels like the most forgotten and secluded place, rarely visited by people.

▼场地环境,site scene © 咫间

设计构思 Design concept

我们要做的,就是感知这块土地自然吐露出来的气息,然后加以雕琢整理。 设计就以几个自然而然的议题展开。山上采茶小屋的探索者营地再塑造;山下残墙废宅的记忆重生;水杉林的保留再利用;场地内大环境梳理,包括竹林、草坡、茶田的新增和修补;各个帐篷区域的场景感和舒适度设计。

Our task is to perceive the natural essence emanating from this land and then refine and shape it. The design process unfolds around several themes. We will renovate the tea grower’s cottage on the mountain into an explorer’s ‘sentry post’; The memories of the stone walls in the low ground will be revived by the design of the entrance building; The preservation and repurposing of the fir trees; The overall environment and the circulation of the site will be carefully organized, including the biological repairing of the bamboo forest, grass slopes, and tea fields. The design will also focus on creating a sense of scenery and comfort in each tent area.

▼总平面图,Master Plan © 咫间

▼功能布局图,Functions © 咫间

作为项目内的永久构筑物,“前厅”(the lobby)与“守望”(the watch)被运营定位为酒店基础功能支持的角色。前者在入口处负责接待与餐饮功能。后者在高处服务泳池与观景,包含了淋浴更衣及休憩空间。

We had conducted research on two reference cases: one is similar type of tent hotels, and the other is local tourism projects in a hill/forest environment. The operational team in the organization phase helped us to make briefs for the two main buildings: “the watch” and “the lobby”, the former is a hub with scenic windows on the high ground, with shower and changing rooms for the spring pool; the latter is on the low ground, with receptions on the 1st floor and dining hall on the 2nd floor. Both buildings are located on the original ruins.

▼构思草图,Sketches © 咫间


To create the atmosphere of the wildlife and camping, the architectural style incorporates the concept of primitive huts which reflects the philosophy of returning to nature. The combination of basic steel structure and wooden finishes exhibits a modern yet fundamental form.

▼效果示意 ,The rendering of the lobby and the watch © 咫间

‘’前厅”|The Lobby


The functional focus here is the lobby and restaurant area. After driving the winding mountain road, visitors are guided by the newly reconstructed old stone walls to either enter the building through interior pathway or walking exterior along the parallel rows of trees into the core area of the area. Inside the pathways, the combination of stone walls, wooden panels, and openings extends into the lobby room, while the play of light and shadow continually reshapes the exterior stone facade. Both ways of entering begin with linear spaces and end in the scenery composition of the fir trees, mountains, and camping area, evoking a sense of initial encounter, exploration, glimpses, and expansiveness. The second-floor restaurant is surrounded by treetops that exhibit the colors of the four seasons. Through architectural elements such as windows, eaves, and roof slopes, light and greenery are invited into the interior, creating a rich and immersive atmosphere.

▼沿着山路初见“前厅”,The initial view of the lobby ©王正

▼隐逸的前厅入口 ,The hidden entrance ©王正

▼限定光线和外景的过厅,Framed scenes with light and shadow in the interior pathway ©王正

▼过厅,The interior pathway ©王正

▼大堂看向营地,The camp scene viewed from the lobby ©王正

▼大堂内景,The interior of the lobby ©王正

▼大堂和窗外的树林,The lobby and the trees outside the windows ©王正

▼吧台区域,Bar area ©王正

▼山下仰望 ,Look up to the watch ©王正

▼前厅东南角全貌,Southeast view of the lobby building ©王正

▼入夜后的前厅,Night view of the lobby building ©王正

▼半室外楼梯间,Staircase ©王正

▼竹影天窗,Light and shadow of the staircase ©王正

▼与光线和绿色共舞的餐厅室内,Greening and light in the restaurant ©王正

▼树梢环绕的餐厅,View of the treetop and camp area in the restaurant ©王正

▼餐厅外小景,View from a corner of the restaurant © 杨威


It is not only a welcoming place but also a portal for spatial transition. We repurposed and reassembled the original stone walls of the site, incorporating them into the main walls of the new building. These old stone walls once guarded the ancestors of this land, and now they gently enter a new entity to greeting those who arrive on this land. This creates a sense of continuity in both space and time, where the past and present intertwine.

▼沿着树林和老石墙步入营地, Walking to the camp area along the stone wall and trees © 杨威

▼石墙和场地的融合, Visual composition of the stone wall and the environment © 杨威

▼树影斑驳下的石墙,Shadow filtered by trees on the stone wall ©王正

“守望”|The Watch


Like a guardian overseeing the entire camping area, stands the explorer’s ‘sentry post’— ‘the watch’. For the considerations of planning and operation, we have renovatd the existing pond and added a tentipi tent aside, turning this compo into a mountaintop club with a hot spring. The ground floor of the ‘the watch’ provides bathing and restroom facilities that complement the hot spring experience, while the second floor serves as a gathering space with exceptional views. During the day, it functions as a mountaintop bookstore where guests can enjoy coffee, and at night, it transforms into a mountaintop lounge to enjoy a drink.

▼守望者小屋与草坡,The watch and grassy slope ©王正

▼守望者小屋与大帐,The watch and the tentipi tent ©王正

▼守望者小屋正面,Façade of the watch ©王正


The design responds to the camping theme while considering visual demands from different angles. When viewed from below, the composition is formed by the roof shape at the second-floor height and the flowing water channels of the steps. As one ascends, the facade of the first floor gradually becomes clear. From the side, the image is created by the interaction between the hot spring pool and the tentipi tent. The entrance and second-floor panoramic windows indicate the flow of exploration and observation. The architecture not only provides functionality and atomsphere but also serves as a window to the landscape, actively interacting with various activities and the mountain climate. Narrow windows face the mountains, and skylights are open to the starry sky.

▼守望者小屋夜景,Night view of the watch ©王正

▼小屋近景,The close view of the watch ©王正

▼一层观景休息区,1st floor interiotr ©王正

▼二层观景窗,2nd floor’s view of the secne ©王正

“山野花园”|The Wild Garden


The master plan fully respects and understands the original topography and vegetation of the land, dividing it into three main camping areas: “Terraced Fields,” “Grassland,” and “High Mountains.” During the early stages, operations, architects, and construction team collaborated and involved numerous site survey: journeys up and down the slopes during hot and cold weathers for better control the quality of the final delivery. The aim was to ensure that each camping site has a unique perspective to appreciate the mountain scenery while maintaining privacy and avoiding disturbance to existing trees. Each camping area seamlessly integrates into the surrounding forest, becoming a new scenic feature itself while providing decent views for visitors.

▼远景鸟瞰,Bird view of the greater area of the site ©王正

▼隐藏在山林中的营地,camping area hiding in the woods ©王正

▼营地总览,aerial view of the camping area ©王正

▼营地近景航拍,Aerial view of the tent area ©王正

▼每一个营位都有独特的观景视角,each tent with its unique view ©王正

▼日出下的高山营位,Sunrise scene of the camping area ©王正

▼草地营位,Lawn area tents ©王正

▼高山营位远观晨雾和群山, Mountain area tents facing the scene ©王正

▼帐篷内景,Interior of the tents © 咫间


The landscape design approach focuses on reorganising and reshaping, presenting the natural elements such as water, rocks, trees, and greenery in a purer and more engaging way. The wide grassland is cleared to create space for large tents and lawns. Gentle slopes are transformed into grassy slopes, while steeper slopes are terraced and supported by stone retaining walls to create tea plant fields. Water channels are widened and filled with pebbles to form a lively stream, providing a place for water play in the summer and a greening dry stream during the dry season. Steps are constructed using railway sleepers and stone blocks. Boundaries are defined by bamboo fences made from locally sourced materials by villagers in the area. The understory of the water fir forest is cleared to create open spaces and incorporate outdoor facilities such as hammocks and climbing structures. With a focus on preserving the natural environment, a variety of outdoor activities are accommodated within the site.

▼清晨的山野花园,The wild garden before the sunrise ©王正

▼舒缓的草坪与挺拔的水杉林,The quiet lawn area and elegant fir tress ©王正

▼汇水渠和草坡台阶,The streams and the steps of the grass slope ©王正

▼立体的山林,Lively composition of the tents and vegetations © 咫间

▼草地、林地、坡地、守望者小屋, Lawn, fir trees, streams, steps and the watch © 咫间

▼山间小路,The path © 杨威

▼山坡下的天幕和山坡上的营位,Marquee under and the tent above © 杨威

结语 Conclusion


the purpose of design is to enable people to better integrate with nature. The gracefulness of the mountains and forests, the mottled patterns of the trees, the scent of the air, the sound of flowing water, the pervasive light, and the timeless mountains and ever-changing clouds – these are the ‘protagonists’ of the site. The walls, eaves, windows, and other elements architects incorporate into the design are intended to enhance participants’ perception and understanding of these natural elements. Architecture should be a quiet presence, a gentle and restrained form of self-expression, allowing participants to better connect with nature, with others, and with their own inner selves.

▼场地模型照片,The model of site © 咫间

▼“前厅”模型照片,The model of the lobby © 咫间

▼“守望”模型照片,The model of the watch © 咫间

▼前厅平面图,Plan of the lobby © 咫间

▼前厅立面,The elevation of the lobby © 咫间

▼守望者小屋平面图,The plan of the watch © 咫间

▼守望者小屋立面,The elevation of the watch © 咫间

▼剖面,The sections © 咫间


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