Steam Rhino is a brewed bar and grill restaurant. The design highlights are base on how to show their key products, meat and beer by three bar counters. The first counter is just next to the entrance as the take away bottle area and welcome desk. The second counter as the grill kitchen displays steaks and how chef prepare steaks. The third one on second floor, 11 meter wide, can contain 200 barrels of beer in a transparent freezer. These three bar counters divide the space into three function program, take away, dining, and brewed bar.
▼入口中岛吧台,counter next to the entrance
▼一层开放厨房,open kitchen on first floor
The design use a popular dark tone for most brewed bar as a base, and concentrates on how to create a warm atmosphere for the clients. We use dark grey wall and walnut veneer in most part of the design for the background, and use cooper and orange leather to highlight counter and part of the booth. These warm color is lighten up by hidden LED lights to emphasize it’s cozy and delicate feelings.
▼二层室内概览,2F interior view
▼长达十一米的二层啤酒吧台,beer counter on second floor, 11 meter wide
▼二层卡座区,seat area on second floor
▼细部,金属铜色镶边、外框及网面,details,brass trim, frame and mesh
▼店内陈列的艺术品,artwork displayed in the bar
Retail space needs to display its brand and characters. For Steam Rhino we embedded its logo into space design. On top of the front desk and stage background, we use different methodologies to reconstruct the logo rhino head to emphasize its brand and merge the logo as part of the retail space.
▼首层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
Client: Steam Rhino
Location: Shangdi, Beijing
Designer: Shall design
Design Team: Maggie Zhang, YANG Nan, Xuxia BAI, Tao YU, ZHANG Songyang
Lighting Design:CJ Lighting Consultant
Building Scale: 600 square meters
Project year: 2018
Photo Credits:ZENG Hao