尼尔*波茨曼说过“媒介及隐喻”。主题色调从中抽取了红、绿、黄三色,还原香港复古的市井色调。红黄绿色调的融合,马赛克,回收旧木板,皮革和金属等材料的组织是表达香港的独特氛围,呈现结构上是怀旧和当下交织的方式,希望不再是直白的表达怀旧和当下。座位使用4种模数,搭配不同使用场景下需求。实现52个座位的使用。 Neil Postman once mentioned the idea that ‘The medium is the metaphor’. We chose red, green and yellow as the theme colours to restore the sense of urbanity of Hong Kong. The combination of the three tones, mosaics, recycled boards, leather and metal materials is intended to express Hong Kong’s unique atmosphere, bringing together the past and the present, rather than blatant nostalgia. The seats come in 4 a table to allow for different scenarios, totaling 52. ▼红黄绿还原香港复古的市井色调,red, green and yellow restore the sense of Hong Kong urbanity
糖水是通过味觉蓓蕾的方式唤起人们记忆,而空间通过组织明与暗,粗糙与细腻,明艳与低饱和,清晰和朦胧共同对比塑造着空间的氛围。将人们内心的那丝丝共性记忆剥离出来,通过重新的组织,重现回忆里的片刻悸动。 While desserts evoke people’s memory through taste buds, space creates a special atmosphere through the organization of light and dark, roughness and delicacy, brightness and low saturated hues, clarity and haziness, extracting the common memory from people’s heart and reproducing the fluttering moments with reorganization. ▼细部,details
人群穿梭与五光十色如电影中被定格的画面,空间的模糊朦胧感,点点细节都能勾起你的片刻回忆,这就是属于这个年代记忆的共鸣。 ▼体块分析图,volume analysis