发布时间:2021-04-11 01:04:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▲点击蓝字“知行 Design”



In the mountainous city of Chongqing, Luyuejiang City project is located in Luhu, where the complexity of the city fades and the residence returns to the most essential state. Under the curtain of clouds and mountains, the window is opened and the forest shadow is flickering, making the mood fully stretch and giving birth to a new definition of life and self.


Nourishing, home is a projection of the inner world.

客厅作为家中的开放区域,柔软的沙发最常成为家人休息闲聊之处。灰白色 L 型沙发占据了主要的位置,与之搭配的圆形茶几与沙发的组合关系,将舒适性和美学融为一体,为整体空间奠定了简约舒适的基调。地毯是客厅的重要视觉元素,寥寥数笔如挥洒的水墨笔触,与空间气质极为协调。

The sitting room serves as the open area in the home, where soft sofa often becomes the place for family to rest and chat. Grey L sofa occupied the main position, and the combination of the circular tea table and sofa with it makes comfort and aesthetics an organic whole, laying a simple and comfortable keynote for the whole space. Carpet is an important visual element of the sitting room, a few brush strokes such as the ink brush, and the space temperament is very coordinated.


One family, three meals, the sense of ritual is particularly precious. The rectangular wooden table is very in harmony with the modern way of dining. Acrylic lighting plays a role in enhancing the delicate atmosphere of dining, and food is more delicious in the background. The simple and modern design combines exquisitely to create a memorable meal memory.


The interior color is mainly dominated by black and white, symbolizing meditation and introversion, which coincides with modern people’s preference for classical aesthetics.


The elements of checker wood decoration in the space are frequently shown in the mirror, extending from the wall to the ceiling. The ground, wall and ceiling form extremely close color correlation, presenting an overall and coordinated composition texture.


Wood quality as its texture as the transmission of natural simple feelings, as if place yourself between the trees, feel the flow of natural breath. Water and stone elements are flexibly used in the space, from the circular water corrugated wall wall hanging and other home decoration components can be traced.


The extended branches and leaves of green plants make the room that seems to be in a state of meditation suddenly active, and only need the supply of sunlight and water, it can extend the vitality for a long time.


The decorative furnishings and collections that come from different regions with unique cultural attributes are neatly and freely placed on display shelves, gradually accumulating the memory and emotion of warm collection.


Meanwhile, of the kitchen much plant cattail swaying with the wind, be permeated with lightsome. Soft decorative feather elements appear in the bedroom, with the pink brown household collocation in the lady’s room.


When we return home, our attitude toward life has nothing to do with the world around us, but with a conversation with ourselves. In comfort around, the home depends on the stay of traditional sense not only, stop, and become the excellent field field of remodeling heart. Under this conception, the designer abstracts and refines the perception of nature, infiltrates in the subtle points of the space, and creates an intimate and comfortable living environment.


The intimate, comfortable and quiet space is a "natural environment" created by the designer for the occupants to nourish the bud of inner energy. The relationship between people also needs to be taken care of, which is a response to the value proposition conveyed by the Luyuejiang City project, which is the construction of well-ordered community relations.

项目名称 |重庆万华麓悦江城 A4 户型样板间

The project name | chongqing wanhua yue jiang A4 foothill door model between example

项目地点| 中国 重庆

Project site | in chongqing, China


Project area | 212 ㎡

项目业主|万华投资集团 / 两江新溪置业

Project owner | wanhua/liangjiang new stream home buyers investment group


Party a design | wanhua group soft outfit decoration center team

软装设计|TCD² Design

Soft outfit Design | TCD squared Design

设计范围| 软装陈设

| soft outfit design scope display

软装团队| 罗琛 廖思

Soft outfit team | Luo Chen Liao Si


Photography team | Boris

TCD² 创始团队

TCD² 空间设计由四位极具创造力的青年设计师联合创立。旗下拥有上海澍田空间设计有限公司及上海平仄室内设计事务所两个享有盛誉的设计品牌。2015 年成立至今,以创作精神打磨设计产品。在建筑设计、室内设计及产品设计领域不断突破创新,以设计原创性为立足之本,用国际视野为一线业主提供设计解决方案。我们擅长深思熟虑的探索;我们崇尚极具理性的奔放。


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