发布时间:2023-12-05 03:23:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

如果我们的语言是威士忌,就无需那么麻烦。只要我默默递出酒杯,您接过去安静地送入喉咙即可,非常简单,非常亲密,非常准确。 ——村上春树 If our language were whisky, there would be no trouble in communication. Take and drink the wine I present, and you will understand what I mean easily, intimately and accurately. ——Haruki Murakami

了却繁琐,消弭距离,没有局限,浆果设计为The X Macallan Bar塑造的场景,完美地还原了想象中的饮酒情境,导演了一曲绝对沉浸的复古旋律,创造一个都市节奏之外的空间。“在The X Macallan Bar一案,我们坚持商业逻辑先行的理念,不止为空间赋予美,更为空间解决实际问题,赋予空间盈利能力,创造多重价值。”设计师如是道。

Without trivialities, distance and limitation, the design for the XMacallan Bar by Jingle Design perfectly interprets a scene of drinking whisky with friends, composes a melody of classic style, and creates an immersive space beyond the hustle and bustle of city life. “In the design fo The X Macallan Bar, we continued our commercial-logic-based philosophy, not only endowing the space with beauty but also providing practical solutions to maximize its profitability and values,” said the designer.

▼室内空间概览,Overall view ©️ 图派视觉

在回报逻辑与市场趋势之内,在创意公式与美学定律之外,设计应点破固有印象、重塑场景互动、驶向商业目标。大面积墙地一体化的色彩控制是该场所的文化指向性策略之一。抛却了多余的装饰,庞大的空间骨骼,橡木桶的叠加构筑,矩阵式的排布形成了空间的独特感受 —— 时光流淌,意境折叠。

▼空间爆炸图,space explosion diagram ©️ 浆果设计研究所

Design should break down stereotypes, reshape scene interactions, and drive towards business goals within the logic of returns and market trends and beyond creative formulas and aesthetic laws. Color control of wall and ground integration with large area is one of the cultural orientation strategies of the site. Discarding the redundant decoration, the huge space, the stacked construction of oak barrels, and the matrix arrangement forms the unique feeling of space — time is flowing with folding artistic conception.

▼入口处,Entrance ©️ 图派视觉

▼俯瞰概貌,Overlooking ©️ 图派视觉

▼吧台,The bar area ©️ 图派视觉

▼吧台细节,Details of the bar ©️ 图派视觉

数以百计的橡木桶沉静无声,仿佛巨幅艺术装置 ,在纵横有序的排列中,透出有着岁月痕迹的光影,成为当代艺术的折叠隐喻,构建跨越时空的体验。

The hundreds of silent oak barrels, just like a huge art installation in the orderly arrangement, reflect the light and shadow with the traces of time, which becomes the folding metaphor of contemporary art and constructs the experience across time and space.

▼巨幅艺术装置,Giant art installation ©️ 图派视觉

▼中轴对称布局,Axisymmetric layout ©️ 图派视觉


Upon entering the space, people feel as if they were sitting in an Irish pub, enjoying an atmospheric film by Wong Kar-wai or immersed in the romantic blues. A variety of retro styles will cater to different guests, allowing them to enjoy themselves in respect, intimacy and great comfort.

▼客座区,Guest seating area ©️ 图派视觉

▼环绕形的皮质沙发,The wraparound leather sofa ©️ 图派视觉

▼座椅细部,Details of the seats ©️ 图派视觉


▼木桶装置爆炸图,exploded picture of wooden barrel device ©️ 浆果设计研究所

The design of elevating hollow effectively activates the commercial area on the second floor, as well as the air, color and smell, extending the artistic conception from the known to the unknown. Looking down from the space platform on the second floor, the whole space is in the form of axisymmetric layout. With the change of moving lines, the visual focus of people is distracting from the barrels on both sides to the bar in the center, with flowing emotional perception reaching the crowd gathering place at the end of the central axis.

▼橡木桶与卡座,Oak barrel and guest seat ©️ 图派视觉

▼橡木桶与卡座细部,Details of oak barrel and guest seat ©️ 图派视觉

▼橡木桶阵列,Oak barrel array ©️ 图派视觉

当视线游走至散发着氤氲光线的吧台,木的古旧与金属的质感,让形形色色的人们,领略到酒吧自成一统的古典风韵,而在金属栅栏的映衬下,这种风韵又让置身历史中的时空感变得真实起来,甚是奇妙。 With its wood and metal texture, the bar counter gleams in the light, allowing people to experience the classical atmosphere of the bar, while its metal background will bring people back to reality. It is really a wonderful experience.

“如果能够把材料本身或用到极致,就没有必要添加纹样来修饰。装饰美是一种附加美,而材质美是本源的美感。” “There is no need to add some patterns to the material if it can be used fully and skillfully, since decorative beauty is additional and artificial, while the beauty of materials is natural and original.”

▼VIP室,VIP room ©️ 图派视觉

▼层次感的木格肌理,Layered wood texture ©️ 图派视觉


Under the appropriately dim light, the space presents the original sculptural beauty . Its details, whether it is the rough texture of the ceiling or the solid wood of the beam, will touch people’s heart with the pureness of materials. The wall structure built under the rocks enjoys a rough and strong texture, injecting an original and natural delight in the wild into the space and also realizing a sense of eternity that stands the test of time . This strikes a balance between art, design and commerce.

▼氤氲的光线,Dense light ©️ 图派视觉

▼墙体的粗糙肌理,Rough texture of wall ©️ 图派视觉


The surrounding glass wine cabinets look like delicate show windows in a unified sequence, inside each of which there is a bottle of wine from a different year. This unique display not only looks interesting but also shows the taste and charm of the space.

▼橱窗与玻璃酒柜,Showcase windows and glass wine cabinets ©️ 图派视觉


Aimed to provide an immersive experience, the designers employ leather sofa and wooden grating as well as a touch of brilliant orange, creating a space that embraces people’s emotions and thoughts and shelters them from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

▼沉浸的氛围感,Immersive atmosphere ©️ 图派视觉

美好的场景跨越时限,创造全新的体验与可能性。浆果设计笔下的The X Macallan Bar,初衷正是将市场需求、运营功能与空间美学高度融合,构建一种古典式的沉浸意境,赋予空间创造价值的能力,从而令人在难忘的回望中,流连于老电影的鲜活叙事 —— 种种塑造,皆成为商业与生活的有趣剪影。

Beautiful scenes will exist beyond time and space, creating new experience and possibility. Jingle’s design for The X Macallan Bar has perfectly combined the market demand and functions with aesthetics of space, creating a classic-style atmosphere and endowing the space with the ability to create values. Looking back into history or lingering in the vivid narratives of classic movies, you will have a glimpse of the interesting silhouette of business and life.

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©️ 浆果设计研究所

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©️ 浆果设计研究所

▼立面图,elevation ©️ 浆果设计研究所

▼立面图,elevation ©️ 浆果设计研究所


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