Norwegian scenic routes // Northern Norway
The 18 Norwegian scenic routes are roads specially chosen because of their beauty. Along these roads you can experience extraordinary architecture, landscaping and art, built into their surroundings like no other.
During this project I visited the six scenic routes of Northern Norway, the next more beautiful than the other. The scenic routes featured are: Helgelandskysten, Lofoten, Senja, Andøya, Havøysund and Varanger.
Project leaders:
Statens Vegvesen
Architects featured: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter AS, Code arkitektur, Nordplan AS - Arild Waage, Landskapsfabrikken AS - Inge Dahlman, PUSHAK arkitekter, 70°N arkitektur - Gisle Løkken, Margrete B. Friis, Zumthar & Partner