发布时间:2020-01-15 04:16:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


A new exciting venue has opened its doors in Amsterdam West: Karavaan. This place can be anything you want it to be – all day hangout, bar, your morning coffee place, the spot for Friday night drinks, a neighbourhood cafe for locals, city oasis, cocktail bar, breakfast club, but also your favourite venue for a good meal. Karavaan is all these things in one. Kwakersplein – the square where the venue is located – has been transformed throughout history. Initially a polder area outside Amsterdam’s old city limits, it became a part of the Bellamy neighbourhood after being dammed in the 19th century. Ever since, people have been migrating towards this spot, just like a Karavaan (Dutch for caravan), but this time to settle for good.

▼坐落在广场上的餐厅外观,exterior view of the restaurant that is located on the square ©Maarten Willemstein

建筑事务所Studio Modijefsky从旅行团的概念出发,在Kwakersplein广场最明亮的一角打造出这个酒吧兼餐厅空间。餐厅的内部被巧妙地划分为了不同的景观区域,如:草地、沼泽、森林、山脉和沙漠等,每个区域都有着自己的色彩设计、材料选择和设计细节,并通过一条贯穿了整个空间的小路统一起来。


▼坐落在建筑一角的餐厅次入口,the second entrance that is located at the corner of the building ©Maarten Willemstein

Studio Modijefsky has translated the journey of a caravan into a bar and restaurant concept in the brightest corner of Kwakersplein. The interior is subtly divided into different landscapes: meadow, swamp, forest, mountain and desert, with each zone characterised by its own colour scheme, materials and design specifics, all unified by a trail that crosses the entire space.

As you enter through the main vestibule, a circular ceiling light defines the lounge area underneath. From here the space unfolds into different directions indicated by changes in colours, interior finishes and light objects. Looking to the right a small bar with a toned-down fresh pastel palette is connected to a second entrance, located at the corner of the building. Walking across the herringbone wooden floor, towards the natural oak bar, the white ceramics, staggered yellow tiles and the light wool carpet ceiling, feels like being in the high grass of a meadow. This bar changes its function through the day, from a morning coffee spot to a window seat for an evening drink. This transition is suggested by a structure of mirrored light panels hanging above the bar, which can be flipped, changing from ‘Karavaan Caffeine’ to ‘Cocktail Karavaan’.

▼色调柔和的彩色小酒吧区,铺设着人字形的木地板和羊毛毯天花板,the small bar with a toned-down fresh pastel palette, the herringbone wooden floor and the light wool carpet ceiling ©Maarten Willemstein

▼由天然橡木、白色陶瓷和黄色瓷砖打造而成的吧台,the bar made of natural oak, white ceramics and staggered yellow tiles ©Maarten Willemstein

▼小酒吧空间细节,details of the small bar ©Maarten Willemstein

中央吧台沿着餐厅空间的后墙面布置,横穿过各个不同的景观用餐区。光线、黄麻织物和粗糙的石膏线条交织在一起。吧台台面采用具有反射性的锌制台面。 玻璃架后方墙面采用镜面贴面,反射着室内的环境。吧台前侧空间的天花板也采用镜面材料,配合着蘑菇状的顶灯,限定出整个餐厅空间的中心。

Traversing the different landscapes, the central bar runs along the back of the space with lines of light, jute fabric and rough plaster intertwined as roots leading towards it. Dark cork panels join the wooden slats; the reflective zinc top runs through the front bar invading the dense wood. The verticality of the glass rack is reflected on the mirror tiles of the back bar, which are crossed by a wavy line of light, while the adjacent portion of ceiling, delineated by four beams, defines the centre of the space through a multitude of mushroom lights springing up from a mirror.

▼配有圆形顶灯的休息区,the circular ceiling light defines the lounge area underneath ©Maarten Willemstein

▼中央吧台区,吧台前侧空间的天花板采用镜面材料,配合着蘑菇状的顶灯,限定出整个餐厅空间的中心,the central bar, the adjacent portion of ceiling defines the centre of the space through a multitude of mushroom lights springing up from a mirror ©Maarten Willemstein

▼中央吧台细节,details of the central bar ©Maarten Willemstein

▼中央吧台区域的吧台和地面细节,bar and floor details of the central bar area ©Maarten Willemstein


▼环绕着空间拐角布置的草地景观用餐区,the meadow bar that wraps around the corner ©Maarten Willemstein

▼草地景观用餐区,光滑的天花板、深蓝色的柱子和灰泥墙面让人不禁联想起水面的反射和沼泽地粗糙的表面,the meadow bar area, the glossy ceiling, the deep blue column and stucco walls recall the reflections of the water and roughness of the deltas of a swamp ©Maarten Willemstein

As the meadow bar wraps around the corner, it changes levels, where a playful bespoke seating leads customers to one of the dining areas. Here the colours are more dramatic, conveying a mysterious atmosphere: the glossy ceiling, the deep blue column and stucco walls recall the reflections of the water and roughness of the deltas of a swamp. A similar vibe reappears on the opposite side of the venue, overlooking the square, where a dark purple ceiling and a tailor- made curved bench create a cosy corner with the adjacent column, separating the bar from the dining area.

▼室内用餐空间,设有深紫色的天花板和定制的弧形坐凳,the dark purple ceiling and a tailor- made curved bench create a cosy corner ©Maarten Willemstein



▼从深紫色天花板的用餐区看向森林用餐区,viewing the forest dining area from the space with a dark purple ceiling ©Maarten Willemstein

▼拥有两种景观氛围的私人用餐区,the private area of an enclosed room that holds two different vibes and landscapes ©Maarten Willemstein

Stepping down from the bar, the floor changes its pattern from herringbone to diagonal. Far from the natural light, the use of dark colours and rigid lines make this zone feel like a dim forest. A high bench with a green cylindrical backrest, detailed with leather accents, overlooks the space. Beams of light come through the walls, resembling the rays of sun peeking through dense tree trunks resulting in enchanted atmosphere.

The feeling of the forest spreads towards the adjacent room and meets a desert, creating an eccentric mix of bright colours, brown wood veneer and green tiles. During the day this lounge space is easily accessible through the dining area at the entrance; at night folding doors allow the space to be used as a private area, creating an enclosed room that holds two different vibes and landscapes. Beams of light on one side and an arc of lights on the other, embrace a small wooden bar and playful high seating, creating an intimate corner. Just a couple of steps from the small bar, warm colours and softer lines rule: the tiled floor is covered by a soft rug, and the wooden slats of the wall are sweetened by a velvet golden-okra curtain, which makes this area a perfect spot for relaxing on the red velvet lounge chairs.

▼私人用餐区局部,设有柔软的地毯、金色的天鹅绒窗帘和红色的天鹅绒躺椅,partial view of the private area, with the soft rug flooring, velvet golden-okra curtain and red velvet lounge chairs ©Maarten Willemstein

▼私人用餐区局部,partial view of the private area ©Maarten Willemstein

▼森林用餐区中带有绿色圆柱状靠背的皮质座椅,the high bench with a green cylindrical backrest, detailed with leather accents in the forest dining area ©Maarten Willemstein

在整个用餐空间中,一条深色的水平线条沿着不同的高度将墙体分割成了上下两部分,并在视觉效果上将各个用餐区域联系了起来。每根柱子的周围都设置着家具或者具有地方特色的元素。变换的灯光和墙上的标记成为了空间的指示牌,暗示着不同的用餐环境。由建筑事务所Studio Modijefsky所设计的Karavaan餐厅就像是一条景观步道,让人们在不知不觉中就遍览了阿姆斯特丹的景色。

▼一条深色的水平线条沿着不同的高度将墙体分割成了上下两部分,a dark horizontal line breaks the walls in half, following the different heights ©Maarten Willemstein

Throughout the entire interior, following the different heights, a dark horizontal line breaks the walls in half, visually connecting every zone. The columns that unfold in the space are always complimented with a light accent or a furniture element. Sometimes a flipped light or a mark on the wall becomes a navigation tool to move through the different landscapes, just like in the old days, when stones were stacked, and rocks were marked to show the way. Like a Karavaan, the trail designed by Studio Modijefsky makes you discover landscapes that nobody knew belonged to Amsterdam.

▼餐厅空间细节,space details ©Maarten Willemstein

▼墙面细节,wall details ©Maarten Willemstein

▼天花板细节,ceiling details ©Maarten Willemstein

▼平面布置图,layout plan ©Studio Modijefsky

Project: Karavaan Location: Kwakersplein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Program: Coffee bar, café, restaurant Assignment: Interior and brand identity design Status: Realised January 2019 Size: 357m2 interior / 250m2 terrace Client: Daan Bonsen, Arne de Wit, 3WO Design: Studio Modijefsky; Esther Stam, Moene van Werven, Agnese Pellino, Nancy Katri, Natalia Nikolopoulou, Zahra Rajaei, Martyna Nicolson, Christel Willers, Maite Margalho, Francesca Motta Photography: Maarten Willemstein


Karavaan餐厅,阿姆斯特丹 / Studio Modijefsky
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