发布时间:2022-07-11 08:58:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Art is from life but beyond it. 藝術源於生活,卻又高於生活.

广州羊城,素有“千年商都”的美誉 是国务院颁布的全国第一批历史文化名城之一 是岭南文化中心地、近现代革命策源地 和改革开放前沿地 有着深厚的历史文化沉淀和鲜明的文化个性

Guangzhou, also called Yangcheng (the City of Goats), is renowned as a “millennium commercial city”. As one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities in China issued by the State Council, it is the center of Lingnan culture, the place where modern revolution began and the forefront of reform and opening up. It has a long history with profound culture heritages and has a notable cultural personality.

于广州黄金中心,于珠江新城 于万科中心大楼之上 有这样一个粤式“乌托邦” 隐于市、静于心、雅于境,远离喧嚣,悠然自得 构筑隐于繁华都市里的“粤文化·私享家”

Above Guangzhou Vanke Centre in Zhujiang New City of Guangzhou’s gold section there is such a Cantonese “Utopia”. It is hidden in the noisy city with a quiet and elegant environment, and people can get away from the noise and feel carefree and content. A “private home with Cantonese cultures” hidden in the prosperous city is built.

项目毗邻珠江 享一城繁华配套,览一脉城市风光 在这得天独厚的生活临界点 我们取粤派美学,融粤式文化 打造了一个静谧悠然的城市之心

Adjacent to the Pearl River, the project is located in the bustling area, on which people can enjoy the scenery of this city. In such a unique area where people can change their lives from busy work, we can adopt and merge Cantonese aesthetics and cultures to create a quiet and carefree place in the center of this city.

质朴的材料,化繁为简的线条 将空间与文化艺术共存共融 体现阳光、健康、开放、透明的价值观 开展一场现代艺术与广府文化之间的对话

Through simple materials and succinct lines, we combine the space, culture and art together to reflect the values of optimism, fitness, openness and transparency, so as to start the conversation between modern art and Cantonese cultures.

明净的落地窗外是波光粼粼的江景 日夜交替成一幅至美景观图 在这里,将生活的繁忙阻隔于外 尽享阳光的沐浴,细品传统粤菜文化 体验“食在广州”的惬意时光

Outside the bright and clean window is a sparkling river view. From dawn to dust, it becomes a stunning landscape. Here, you can live away from the busy life, enjoy the sunshine and the traditional Cantonese cuisine culture, having an easy and comfort time of “eating in Guangzhou”.

Design - Proofing

一根一木,一雕一琢 用木匠工艺渲染“慢”生活 将皮划艇的企业运动文化以艺术品的形式呈现 细腻、专注,且一丝不苟

Carving one wood and polishing it at a time, this is the “slow” life that carpenters live. Presenting the sports culture of kayaking in the form of artworks, the enterprise is just like the carpenters, attentive, dedicated and meticulous.

阳光健身房、空中台球、艺术单车 将阳光健康、开放透明的理念落到实处 在大自然中酣畅淋漓,摈弃杂念 舒心且不失浪漫……

With gym exposed to sunshine, billiards in the air and art bikes, the concept of optimism, fitness, openness and transparency is implemented. You can immerse yourself in nature fully and delightfully and eliminate all distracting thoughts feeling comfortable and romantic…


生活不在别处,在这一亩三分地的茶香里 这是岭南特有的茶文化 借一杯茶,传达粤式生活理念 品一口茶,情谊都在茶里,不可言喻

Life is not elsewhere but in the fragrance of tea in this small teacup. This is the unique tea culture of Lingnan. The concept of Cantonese life is conveyed with this cup of tea. Take a sip of tea and it goes without saying that our friendship is just like the tea.

日暮向晚,身心在此归于平静 夕阳纯粹而平和,感受片刻的“慢生活” 置身窗边,纵览一城 远离纷扰,豁然开朗

The sun sets and the sky is dark. Our body and mind are calm. Pure and peaceful as the sun is, you can live a “slow life” for a moment. Standing by the window and having a view of the city, you will feel that you are getting away from the turmoil and suddenly being enlightened.

艺术软装与光影效果的配合 空间大气而不张扬,品质细腻而不奢华 将剧场式的诗意定格于此 静享生活慢步调

The combination between artistic soft clothing and light and shadow effect, the grand and implicit space, and the exquisite and unadorned quality freeze the theatrical poetry here so that people can enjoy a slow life.

露台上,光影作画,清风为诗 轻盈无压的气息,张牙舞爪的城景 在含蓄与克制间 视可一窥“隐于市”的文人雅趣

Paint with light and shadow, and write with the breeze on the terrace. It is relaxing to breath and you can appreciate the variegated scene of this city. Between being implicit and restrained you can see the elegant taste of the project that is “hidden in the city”.

寻一份宁静,享一份清幽 我们在这里探寻文脉 倾注粤文化,点缀私享家,赋予仪式感

In order to find a quiet place and enjoy this quiet feeling, we are here to explore the cultural context. We give the project a sense of ceremony by devoting Cantonese cultures into it and decorating the private homes.

广东醒狮,属中国狮舞中的南狮 融舞蹈、音乐、武术、技巧等为一体 是民间艺术,是民俗传统 是国家级首批非物质文化遗产之一

Guangdong Xingshi (a lion dance) is a southern type in Chinese lion dance. It integrates dance, music, martial arts, skills and so on. As a folk art and folk tradition, it is one of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages.


广彩,以“绚彩华丽,金碧辉煌”闻名 是清代的釉上彩绘瓷器品种 有着三百多年的历史 是国家级非遗项目

Guangcai (Guangzhou Zhijin colored porcelain), known for its “gorgeous colors and resplendence”, is a type of overglaze painted porcelain in the Qing Dynasty. It has a history of more than 300 years and is a national intangible cultural heritage project.

珐琅,被誉为“世界上极为奢侈的艺术品” 绚丽夺目,流光溢彩 是广东省级非遗项目

Enamel is known as “the most luxurious art in the world”. It is gorgeous and colorful, and a provincial intangible cultural heritage project in Guangdong Province.

更难能可贵的是 著名书法家为此执笔题字 愿朝作夕盼,望万家灯火 意为一座拥有文化承轴的城市,让人驻足可盼

More valuably, the famous calligrapher wrote the inscription, hope to see the lights of thousands of homes from the morning to the evening. It means that a city with cultural bearing makes people want to stay and look forward to living there.

珊瑚为底,永生苔藓为点缀 龙爪柳自然舒展,翩若游龙 色泽天然,亲近生态

With coral as the base and eternal moss as the ornament, the willow of dragon claw stretches its leaves naturally and dances like a swimming dragon. Its color is natural and close to the nature.

乍见质朴,实则品味 不同维度的东方美学空间张力 将诗意落到闹市中心 一处可观可赏的素雅之堂 悄无声息地绽放……

At first glance, it seems simple, but in fact it reflects the good taste. The spatial tension of oriental aesthetics in different dimensions brings poetry to the downtown center. A hall of simplicity and elegance for viewing and admiring is quietly emerged.

项目客户丨广州万科 Client丨Vanke 设计团队丨MAG studio Design Team丨MAG studio 主案设计丨K.I Li Main Designer丨K.I Li 设计内容丨硬装 软装 灯光 机电 标识 Design Contents丨Interior, FF-E, Lighting, MEP, Signage 项目地点丨广州,中国 Project Location丨Guangzhou, China 项目类型丨接待中心 Project Type丨Executive Lounge 项目面积丨1,500sqm Project Area丨1,500sqm 竣工时间丨2021.11 Design Date丨Nov 2021 摄影团队丨夏侯全生 Photographer丨Andyvision


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