发布时间:2019-11-13 07:10:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

坐落于英虞湾(Ago Bay)沿岸的温泉度假村Amanemu于2016年开始运营。度假村的四周是伊势志摩国立公园田园诗般美轮美奂的风景。Amanemu延续了安缦在日本的旅程,汲取了传统日本式旅店的典型日本美学。24间套房和4栋双卧室别墅都拥有独立温泉,充满乡村风情,与东京安缦遥相呼应又迥异其趣。

Amanemu is a hot spring resort located in the idyllic setting of Ise Shima National Park on the shores of Ago Bay. Providing the perfect rural complement to Aman Tokyo, and continuing Aman’s journey within Japan, Amanemu adopts a classic Japanese aesthetic in the ryokan tradition with each of the 24 suites and four two-bedroom villas featuring their own onsen.

▼项目概览,project overview


A relaxed, peaceful and contemplative destination, Amanemu embraces ‘omotenashi’, the Japanese welcoming spirit blending with warmth and respect. Further illustrating Aman’s ethos of adopting the customs and heritage of the location in which it operates, Amanemu has also embraced one of the most important Japanese traditions relating to ryokan hospitality – which is that it is run by an ‘okami’, a female manager, whose role is central to the carefully honed art of Japanese hospitality which pays close attention to detail and is committed to anticipating the needs of the guest.

▼从度假村望向英虞湾,Blossom season. View towards Ago Bay

▼建筑外观,Exterior view

▼主接待区,Main Reception

度假村由东京安缦的设计团队Kerry Hill Architects精心打造,以现代的方式演绎了日本民家建筑,包括传统的低矮瓦屋面和染成深色的日式杉木外墙,参考了当地温泉旅店朴素而深受自然影响的设计,宛若日本传统的温泉度假地。


Designed by the same team behind Aman Tokyo, Kerry Hill Architects, the architecture of the resort is based on a contemporary interpretation of Japanese Minka buildings, which incorporate traditional low-slung tiled roofs and dark-stained Japanese cedar exterior walls, reflective of the simple nature-influenced design of ryokans, Japan’s traditional bathing retreats.

The resort’s winding driveway, leading to the welcome pavilion, curves up a small hill lined with maple and cherry trees, setting the scene for the rest of the property, rich in greenery and Japanese foliage.

▼秋天的温泉,Thermal spring autumn



The warm interior spaces offer elegant simplicity and have been carefully crafted in light shades of Japanese timber. Each stand-alone suite encompasses floor to ceiling windows with woven textile and timber sliding shutters, stretching from one end of the suite to the other, allowing for unobstructed views of the national park surrounding the resort.

Custom-made furniture ensures a harmony between architecture and design, and incorporates white oak coffee tables, sofas and armchairs with neutral fabric tones.

▼别墅客厅,Sora Villa Living Area

▼从客房望向英虞湾,Partial view towards Ago Bay

▼从浴室望向英虞湾,Partial sea views toward Ago Bay

▼客房露台,Nagi Suite Terrace



Bathrooms follow the design of traditional Japanese baths, with charcoal-coloured basalt stone tiles which draw the eye across the room to the private onsen with floor-to-ceiling windows and the vista out onto the private gardens. Again, in keeping with Japanese interior design, accessories are kept to a minimum so as not to distract from the view and the experience of taking a traditional Japanese bath, a unique cultural ritual.

▼每座别墅都拥有私人温泉浴室, All Villas feature private onsen bathing areas

▼温泉浴室视野,Onsen bath detail with full views over Ago Bay

餐厅和酒吧之间有着玄武岩建造的下沉式露台,是享用餐前酒的理想地点。玻璃壁炉既现代又传统,附近的33米淡水无边泳池提供了英虞湾(Ago Bay)的全景景观。客人们可以远眺宁静的海面上星星点点的采珠船。

Sunken terraces constructed with basalt stone, located between the restaurant and bar, are the ideal spot for an aperitif and feature glass covered fireplaces, whilst a 33 metre freshwater infinity pool close by provides panoramic views over Ago Bay, dotted with pearl rafts floating on the calm sea.

▼从下沉露台望向休闲吧, View from fireside lounge towards the Bar Lounge

▼无边泳池,infinity pool

▼从餐厅入口望向休闲吧 View towards the Bar Lounge from the Restaurant entrance

▼从泳池区域望向连接休闲吧和图书室的走廊, Walkway connecting the Bar Lounge to the Library shot from the pool

度假村里随处可见日本传统艺术作品,比如起源于日本飞鸟时代(Asuka Era,公元600-700)的精致Kumiko艺术品,这种工艺由匠人们代代相传,逐渐臻于完美。


值得一提的是,水疗中心和双卧室别墅还装饰着日本和服和腰带匠人 Genbei Yamaguchi独一无二的作品,他所在的家族在京都日本和服用腰带制作行业中作为掌舵者已达270年。


The resort is accented with traditional Japanese art, namely intricate Kumiko artwork developed in Japan in the Asuka Era (600-700 AD) and passed down through generations of craftsmen. It is created using a delicate technique of assembling small wooden segments together using a chisel to form a larger piece without the use of nails or glue.

In addition, the spa and two-bedroom villas feature unique pieces of artwork by Japanese Kimono and Obi artisan, Genbei Yamaguchi, who hails from a family at the helm of obi making for over 270 years in Kyoto. Genbei’s intricately designed obi, the broad sash worn around the waist of a kimono, decorate the walls as an ode to an age-old Japanese tradition of displaying treasured family heirlooms.

▼图书室,The Library

▼阅读空间,reading area




水疗中心的休息区和篝火,The Aman Spa features a relaxation area and fireside lounge.

At Amanemu, the holistic approach of the Aman Spa aims to promote wellbeing through the integration of treatments, relaxation, movement and nutrition. Heavily influenced by the abundance of natural hot springs and therapeutic powers of water, the 2000 square metre spa encompasses a large central onsen for communal bathing, plus two private spa pavilions each with their own indoor and outdoor onsen, perfect for easing muscles after a day of trekking the historic pilgrimage routes that the region is renowned for.

There is also a state-of-the art fitness centre, Watsu suites and an expansive glass-walled yoga studio with an outdoor deck overlooking a peaceful garden with a Tabunoki tree at its centre.

▼温泉和花园,Thermal spring

▼私人温泉,Private onsen

▼温泉休息区,Thermal Spring and relaxation area

▼秋季温泉细部,Thermal spring autumn


Four additional treatment suites allow those who want to come away with a deeper sense of renewal and relaxation to experience therapies which combine mineral-rich onsen water, recognised for its healing properties, with the traditional herb-based practice of kampo, established on the principal that the body and mind are inseparable.

▼理疗室,One of four treatment rooms

▼健身房提供高水平的训练课程,The gym and fitness centre include state-of-the-art cardiovascular and strength-training


Amanemu的食材来自具有多样微气候的三重县(Mie Prefecture),该地区曾经被誉为皇室粮仓,新鲜的当地物产包括甘美的水果,各种蔬菜,以及来自附近水域的大螯虾和鲍鱼也是不可多得的美味。




The restaurant, with its vaulted and coffered ceiling, gives a sense of space and draws on the authentic Japanese ‘izakaya’ style of informal sharing.

The varied micro climate of Mie Prefecture, once hailed as the breadbasket of the ancient Imperial Court, provides Amanemu with an abundance of fresh local produce including delicate fruits, an array of vegetables, and spiny lobster and abalone from nearby waters.

Matsusaka, one of the most acclaimed variety of Wagyu beef in Japan originates from the region and is renowned for its high fat-to-meat ratio with characteristic marbling pattern, is also served.

Based on the Japanese concept of ‘omakase’ where the chef selects dishes for his guests, a team of 12 chefs are responsible for creating the menu which changes daily based on the fresh produce available.

In addition to the international wine list, a selection of sake, shochu and the finest vintage Japanese whiskey play an important role in complementing Amanemu’s culinary experience.

▼餐厅的拱形方格天花板汲取了居酒屋的设计元素。Seats 50 for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a coffered roof and inspired by traditional Japanese izakaya dining houses.

▼从餐厅望向海湾,View from Restaurant across Ago Bay

▼用餐空间,Dining Area

▼食物,Japanese food

日本最神圣的神道教神社伊势神宫距Amanemu仅一小时路程。神宫占地5,500公顷,集合了125座宫社,包括两座正宫,分别是绿荫环绕的外宫以及围绕着日本柏树的内宫,内宫与宇治桥毗邻,这座桥横跨五十铃川。 Amanemu可以为客人安排前往这些神社的私人定制游览项目,让客人们有机会体验日本传统祈福舞蹈御神乐(Okagura)。

Japan’s most sacred Shinto Shrine, Ise Grand Shrine, also known simply as Jingū, is located just one hour from Amanemu. Covering approximately 5,500 hectares, Jingū is a collection of 125 Shinto shrines which include the two main shrines of Geku, an outdoor sanctuary shrouded in greenery, and Naiku, an inner shrine surrounded by Japanese cypress trees and located adjacent to the Uji Bridge which stretches across the Isuzu River.

Amanemu can arrange private guided tours of these shrines, providing guests the opportunity to experience Okagura, a traditional Japanese dance offering prayers to deities.

▼位于度假村附近的伊势神宫,Ise Shrine near the resort

由七条古代朝圣之路组成的熊野古道(Kumano Kodo)在遥远的纪伊山脉腹地交汇,这座山脉位于本州的最南端,最近被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产路线。


The Kumano Kodo, a series of five ancient pilgrimage routes which converge at the heart of the remote Kii Mountains in the southernmost region of Honshu, were recently named UNESCO World Heritage routes. They were hiked by Kyoto’s ancient emperors who travelled the same paths to purify themselves and pray to deities known as kami, said to be dwelling in the rocks and trees.

▼熊野古道,Kumano Kodo

Amanemu开发了数条徒步路线,带领客人们穿过熊野古道溪流、河流和瀑布网布的山脉,经由雪松和柏树林,领略沿途风光,并游览熊野三山(Kumano Sanzan)、吉野山(Yohshino)大峰山(Omine)、高野山(Koyasan)等神社寺庙。这些景点之间相连的朝圣之路,加上环抱的森林一起构成了一道文化风景,反映出日本神道教和自然崇拜的古老传统的融合。

客人们将有权限进入获得Nemu高尔夫俱乐部。Nemu高尔夫俱乐部是一个十八洞冠军高尔夫球场,可俯瞰英虞湾(Ago Bay),距离Amanemu仅几分钟路程,近日这座球场进行了重新设计,氛围宁静,拥有一系列富有挑战性且可观赏海湾景致的球洞。

Amanemu has developed hiking routes which will lead guests through parts of the Kumano Kodo with an abundance of streams, rivers and waterfall-laced mountains, past cedar and cypress forests to sacred shrines such as Kumano Sanzan, Yohshino and Omine and Koyasan. Together these sites, the connecting pilgrimage routes, and surrounding forests form a cultural landscape that reflect the fusion of Shintoism with the ancient tradition of nature worship in Japan.

Guests will have access to Nemu Golf Club, an 18-hole championship golf course overlooking Ago Bay. Located just a few minutes away from Amanemu and having recently been redesigned, the course represents a series of challenging holes with views of the bay in a serene setting.

▼瀑布网布的山脉,waterfall-laced mountains

选择继续和安缦一起游历日本的客人和即将前往东京安缦的客人,都将获赠由Amanemu行政总厨创作的便当。客人们还将有机会获得更为个性化的便当,可以从一系列传统日本小食中进行选择,包括米饭、鱼或肉,再搭配腌制蔬菜,这种美食传统可以追溯至煮制米饭刚刚出现的镰仓时代(Kamakura period)后期。

Those who choose to continue their journey through Japan with Aman and travelling to Aman Tokyo will be presented with a Bento box for their journey, created by the Executive Chef of Amanemu.

A culinary tradition which can be traced back to the late Kamakura period when cooked rice was first developed, guests will have the opportunity to personalise their Bento box and can choose from a range of miniature traditional Japanese bites including rice, fish or meat with pickled vegetables.

▼定制便当,Bento box


Amanemu lies approximately 300km southwest of Tokyo and is easily accessed via Japan’s high speed rail network. Nagoya is a scenic two-hour train journey or 25-minute helicopter ride from the resort.

▼下沉露台夜景,Sunken Terrace by night

▼英虞湾远眺,View Towards Ago Bay


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