发布时间:2022-03-08 21:00:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

为了设计这座周末住宅,项目团队对当地自然环境中的建筑问题进行了深入研究,并在LEED v4可持续住房的标准下实施开发。疫情带来的变化开启了远程工作的新局面,同时也增加了人们对具有高景观价值和自然价值的住房的需要。

This weekend house is the result of an in-depth study on the current construction problems in our natural territory, and developed under the logic of LEED v4 sustainable housing certification.The changes generated during the pandemic promoted remote work and opened a new scenario, favoring the advance of migrations and a growth in the demand for housing in environments of high landscape and natural value.

▼项目概览,Overall view©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte


Therefore, the process proposes to delve into design, constructive, sustainable and bioclimatic logics that incorporate new country-city relationships, reversing the historical processes of production of materials, from the extractive in situ to the low-impact dry-assembled, since The impact of our activity on the current environmental deterioration is key, construction works represent around 70% of global carbon emissions and more than 60% of the use of resources.

▼场地轴测,Site – axon©Pablo Senmartin Architects


The house is located in the mountainous area of ​​Cordoba, on the banks of Lake San Roque, in a context characterized by extreme environmental fragility, with periods of long drought, large-scale fires, loss of native forest, lack of infrastructure and Territorial anthropic footprints that have damaged the natural landscape. The lot chosen near a protected natural area, consists of a surface of 1610.69m2 and slopes of up to 8 meters, towards the coast.

住宅与周边环境,Context©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

基座 – 洞穴

Plinth-the cave


▼建筑分为基座与“盒子”两个部分,The building consists of a concrete plinth and a box on top©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼建筑的混凝土基座部分与场地的岩石构造形成对话,The tectonics of the concrete dialogues with that of the rocky mantle©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼冥想空间,Meditation space©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

进入路径 – 木质连桥

Access plan – the dock


The pier allows the experience of entering into the landscape to be part of it, the wooden pier allows us to access the house at street level, and crossing the house, towards the lake, it is transformed into a terrace and solarium, ending in the pool with an infinity edge that plays in continuity with the mirror of the lake.

入口立面,Entrance facade©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼连桥提供了从街道层进入住宅的路径,The wooden pier allows us to access the house at street level©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼泳池平台,Pool terrace©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte


Raised area – the box


The plinth allows the house to be raised, crossed by the pier, “the box” is light and ethereal with its structure of steel profiles and interior wooden surrounds. The house has two levels. The first is linked in a linear and flexible way with the outside, the spaces for social use (kitchen, dining room, living room, terrace, solarium and pool). On the upper floor there is the main bathroom, bedroom, storage room, massage room and sauna-microcinema, in addition to a home office space that overlooks the double height of the social space.

View to the outdoor terrace from the living area©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼首层空间与外部相连,The first level is linked with the outside©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼客厅,Living room©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼从客厅望向餐厨区 View to the dining area and kitchen©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼从餐厅望向客厅,View from the dining area©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼二层视角,View from the upper level©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼二层卧室,Bedroom on the upper floor©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte


The sober and minimal image towards the street and the south-west façade, contrasts with the opening of the north-east façade, the entrance is narrow, and then passes into a double-height luminous space that works with the games of reflections, and changing perceptions, accompanied by of a vertical wooden filter that reduces the direct solar impact, the incidence of wind and rain on the glazed surfaces.

▼建筑立面细节,Facade detailed view©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte


The incorporation of time in the architectural space, through a succession of vertical elements that accelerate the view towards the landscape, this relationship changes during the course of hours and days. The harmony of the color of the material that represents an abstraction of the color of the surrounding nature.

▼室内细节,Interior detailed view©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼垂直屏墙元素,The vertical wooden filter©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte





▼轴测分解图,Axon – exploded©Pablo Senmartin Architects

An envelope is attached to the exposed steel structure in a dry way, it was carried out by means of an on-site reinforced Wood framing system, with cladding in SIDING exterior fiber cement plates, painted and sealed with water-based products stiffened with OSB plates, waterproof and thermal insulation, completing the interior 3” pine tongue and groove maintained with LINO oil.

The roof is a single roof of ventilated sheet metal, with a ceiling with double waterproof insulation and water lines that allow evaporation to be evacuated, it does not have any type of occupation or perforation, which allows zero maintenance and an easy accumulation of rainwater that accumulates in the technical room of the plinth. The thermal insulation used in this case was washed sheep’s wool.

▼俯瞰泳池平台,Aerial view to the pool terrace©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte


The floors are made of pine wood planted for construction, simplicity was winning the technical decisions looking for a unique and sober image that begins to blend with the perimeter forest. Low maintenance with local recycled materials. Somehow go against some values of our time, take certain traditions, resign in exterior expression but win in interior quality, that in the end that environmental quality is what matters when it comes to living.

住宅夜景,Night view©Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

▼场地平面图,Site plan©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼底层平面图,Ground floor plan©Pablo Senmartin Architects

一层平面图,First floor plan©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼二层平面图,Second floor plan©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼北立面图,North elevation©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼东立面图,East elevation©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼剖面图AA,Section AA©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼剖面图BB,Section BB©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼日照和通风分析,Analysis diagram©Pablo Senmartin Architects

▼节点图,Detail©Pablo Senmartin Architects

General information

Project Name: Siquiman Lodge

Architecture Office: Pablo Senmartin Architects

Country of the Office: Argentina

Construction completion year: 2021

Constructed area: 180 m2

Location: Siquiman, Cordoba

Media provider

Photography Credits: Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

Video Credits: Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte

Video Link: https://youtu.be/Binr6Y48Rzs

Extra credits

Architects in Charge:Design Team: Camila Nieto, Fiama Ríos, Picco Gina, Cami Ripoll, Aldana Maechtri?, Milagros Siviachi, Valentin Valegnio, Laura Garcia, Micaela Gonzalez

Structural Consulting Engineering: Ing. Andrés Mole


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