发布时间:2021-04-27 14:39:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


K-Studio:This project is located in Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel, in the Nafsika Hotel pool area, with part of it positioned in front of the hotel building, parallel to the pool and looking to the sea, and the other placed perpendicular to it, in an L-shape cornering the pool and closer to the sea. The first structure, closest to the hotel, is the restaurant and bar for which we were asked to provide seating for 180 covers arranged in zones of lounge, low dining and standard dining. Four Seasons’ operators wanted this place to be as much a place of relaxation as it would be a restaurant and bar.

▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

▼设计图纸 Design drawings


We wanted the identity of the spaces to be a continuation of the modernist architecture of the existing hotel building, an emblematic building with a strong orthogonal grid. We used this grid as a guide to zoning the spaces and extended it within our building, placing a pergola on top of it to create free-flowing space below and alongside the pool, and avoiding any competition with the building behind it. The white aluminium pergola respects the grid and integrates with the linear, orthogonal identity of the building. Making the pergola of aluminium allows it to withstand the abrasive seafront environment but also means it is visually a lot lighter than the building, like a sketch over it. This pergola quickly became a sequence of pergolas with varied heights to allow a distinction between each and creating the opportunity to create zones beneath them.

▼白色的结构形态优雅简洁 The white structure is elegant and simple

▼结构细节 Details of the structure

▼完美的延续了建筑的气质 The continuity of architecture

▼让建筑得到向室外的延伸 The building extends to the outside

▼充满野性的植物填满了场地中的各个角落 Wild plants fill every corner of the site

▼高低错落的植物被混栽在一起,肆意的生长着 Plants strewn at random are mixed together, growing indiscriminately

▼场地周围散布的原始粗糙感的红棕色置石,非常的引人注目 The reddish brown stones scattered around the site are very striking

▼置石和植物营造保留了当地的风貌  Stones and plants preserved the local style


We established two cores: a food bar and a drinks bar. These two attraction points have different types of seating either side of them and a free-flowing circulation and visual connection between them, showcasing the artful creation and presentation of food and drink that is a signature of the Four Seasons brand.

▼廊架下的空间充满了光影和律动  The space under the corridor is full of light and shadow

▼凉棚下的中心吧台区 Central bar area under the shed


The floor divides the grid of the pergolas in half, creating smaller areas at varying heights to allow for cosiness within the openness. So whilst the pergola connects space, the floor separates it. A sequence of hanging curtains creates an ephemeral boundary between the zones, adds playful animation to the spaces and a soft sense of privacy. At the cocktail bar and its surrounding lounge area, the floor breaks up and spills out onto the beach in front, creating small areas of laid-back seating with fire pits, for even more casual gatherings. Extra care has been taken to incorporate the existing trees and rock formations thus integrating the building well into the site. The pergola is woven around and between them and allows them to push up through it in ‘stitching moments’.


The overall impression is of an elegant white structure that celebrates the design, character and ethos of the adjacent building, extending its formalistic architecture into a more diagrammatic space, filled with light and movement.

项目名称:海洛斯餐厅 地点:希腊雅典武里亚格米尼,四季皇宫海滨度假胜地 状态:2019建成 面积:酒馆1700平方米,太阳神餐厅710平方米,太阳神酒吧410平方米

Name: Helios Restaurant Location: Astir Palace, Vouliagmeni Athens Status: Completed 2019 Area (m²): 1700m2 Taverna, 710m2 Helios restaurant, 410m2 Helios bar

K-Studio设计团队/K-Studio Design Team: Giorgos Mitrogiorgis, Alexis Chortogiannis,Christos Spetseris, Vassilis Eleftheriadis, Dimitra Pavlakou,Nantia Karampini, Eleni Aroni, Meni Gentimi, Thodoris Kantarelis, Stavros Kotsikas, Lila Simou

效果图/3D Visualisation: K-Studio

测量员/Surveyor: Topoanalysis

规划顾问/Planning Consultant: Periklis Konstantinidis / AETER

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Helliniki Meletitiki

机械工程/Mechanical Engineer: LDK Consultants Nektarios Kampanos, Spyros Kostopoulos, Themistoklis Alexakis

照明设计/Lighting Designer: LDG

声学顾问/Sound Consultant: Timagenis

景观设计/Landscape Architecture: doxiadis+ (Thomas Doxiadis, Aggeliki Mathiudaki)

厨房顾问/Kitchen Consultant: Humble Arnold Associated

供应商 Suppliers 椅凳/Chairs and Stools: Mia Collection 织物/Fibres: Caneplex 厨房/Kitchen: Xenex

摄影师/Photographer: Peter Landers, Yiorgos Kordakis


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