发布时间:2021-05-28 00:56:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

我记得那美妙的一瞬间 在我的面前出现了你 有如昙花一现的幻影,有如纯洁之美的精灵 ——《致凯恩》普希金 I remember that wonderful moment There you are in front of me Like a fleeting vision, like a spirit of pure beauty (To Kane) -- Alexander Pushkin “ INTRODUCTION ” Know the Family 本案为法式独栋别墅,共有四层,负一层主要有地下车库,影音室,娱乐室,水吧区等休闲娱乐空间。一层则是客厅、餐厅、厨房等公共空间。二层配有长辈房、女儿房、客房等起居室,三层则为主卧、衣帽间等屋主人私人空间。

“ DESIGN ” Our design concept 一切美好的艺术都不止于表面的美丽,艺术是生活的再现,也是情感的表现,亦是人们对生活保持热情的表达。于是项目以通透的美学强化法式浪漫的空间意向,雕花、线条,制作工艺精细而考究,高端品牌的家具、品味卓然的艺术品、璀璨晶莹的灯饰,充盈空间细节上的独到之处,共同演绎现代美学生活的雅奢氛围。 01 入户 · 繁花似锦 Flowers like brocade · Romantic residence

和缓缱绻的暖阳伴着温热的微风,一切都慢了下来,颇具质感的大理石地面、天花婉转的线条、精致十足的灯饰,浓重的浪漫情怀,细腻的生活情境,这一刻,仿佛切身处于法国普罗旺斯,感受无限时尚,又无限自由的浪漫之境。 The marble ground with texture, the graceful lines of ceiling, the delicate lighting, the romantic feelings, the delicate life situation, the feeling of infinite fashion, and the romantic environment of infinite freedom.

02 客厅 · 浪漫之居 Time tender exquisite elegance

客厅以大面积纯白作为主色调进行铺陈,明亮而纯粹的色彩让空间大气之余又优雅十足,烘托出了一个意蕴生动的艺术空间氛围。定制皮革沙发将舒适度拉满,柔和的弧度搭配金属独有的肌理,既统一了空间的整体调性,将空间的质感拉满,又以细腻入微的美学来营造沉浸式体验的居家环境,如一抹动人的点睛之笔,将静谧与梦幻结合的恰到好处。 The living room is bright and pure, elegant and vivid. Customized leather sofa will be full of comfort, soft radian with unique texture of metal, unified the overall tone of the space, the texture of the space is full.

03 餐厅 · 精致优雅 To steal half a days leisure

餐厅天花板造型似荡漾晕开的水波,增加了顶面的层次感,水晶灯饰典雅十足,装置画风格独树一帜,吸引目光。皮革与金属交织出华美的乐章,空间通过材质肌理间的对比,使各种艺术元素得以被重新诠释,既有岁月打磨后的稳持优雅,又有精致奢华的美学风尚。 Dining room ceiling modelling is like water wave, increase layering sense, crystal lighting is acted the role of elegance, installation painting style is unique. The contrast between leather and metal seals enables various artistic elements to be reinterpreted.

04 主卧 · 如梦如幻 Master bedroom is dreamy

一抹纯净之蓝,温柔且令人沉沦,如梦如幻,舒缓淡然,恍如天空深邃,又如大海绵延,恰似点睛之笔,为主卧空间缀满别样生机。空间气质的高雅内敛,将法式优雅与浪漫情调演绎到极致,元素的融合创造出沉浸式的感官体验,打造出独一无二的私人空间。 Blue, gentle and people sink, such as the sky, and such as the sea, the Lord lies full of vitality. The elegant and introverted space temperament, the French elegance and romantic sentiment interpretation to the extreme, to create a unique private space.

05 女儿房 · 童真浪漫 To steal half a days leisure

女儿房的气氛十分活泼,以粉色作为整体空间的基调,于沉静的空间注入活力。小白兔摆件,造型可爱的台灯,浪漫的花束,各式各样充满童趣的艺术装置等,都最大程度的维护了孩子的童真与浪漫,让空间更加少女心,营造一个独属于孩子的空间。 The atmosphere of daughter room is very lively, serve as the keynote of integral space with pink. Orchases, lamps, bouquets, art installations, etc., maintain the childlike innocence and romance of children, and create a space that belongs to children alone.

06 客卧 · 纯粹细腻 To steal half a days leisure

客卧素白温润,格调优雅,色彩浓淡有致,纯粹而细腻,不仅衬托出空间的舒适氛围,同时也升华了空间的体验深度,营造了出了感性超然的生活样式,自由惬意,令人沉醉。 The guest bedroom is plain white and warm, elegant style, color shades are sent, pure and delicate, which not only sets off the comfortable atmosphere of the space, but also sublimates the experience depth of the space, creating a perceptual and detached life style, free and comfortable, intoxicating.

07 儿童房 · 奇思妙想 To steal half a days leisure

孩童总是对世界充满了无限的好奇与想象,儿童房中可爱的动物玩偶,充满知识的书籍,天真有趣,营造出灵动而明快的空间氛围,又为空间增添了一分清新活泼的气质。 Children are always full of infinite curiosity and imagination about the world. The lovely animal dolls and books full of knowledge in the childrens room are innocent and interesting, creating a lively and lively space atmosphere, and adding a clear new and lively temperament to the space.

08 长辈房 · 内敛淡然 To steal half a days leisure

长辈房气质淡然典雅,刺绣银杏,写意山水,元素的融合让空间气质统一而和谐,别具一格,勾勒出生活高贵韵味的同时也使得空间层次感更加丰富,不失舒适的体验。于含蓄内敛中书写生活的温度。 The temperament of the elder room is indifferent and elegant, with embroidered ginkgo and freehand landscape. The integration of elements makes the space temperament unified and harmonious, unique, and Outlines the noble charm of life while making the sense of spatial hierarchy more rich.

09 影音室 · 半日偷闲 To steal half a days leisure

观影室极具设计感的墙顶恍如星空,泛起层层涟漪,将浪漫与温柔在此刻发挥到了极致,皮质单椅则为观影时带来了十分舒适的体验,增强了空间的质感与宁静感。不仅显示了屋主人独特的品位,也提升了空间的档次,营造出了独特的艺术氛围。 The top of the wall of the viewing room is like a starry sky, romantic and gentle. The single leather chair brings a comfortable experience when watching movies, and enhances the sense of texture and tranquility of the space. Showed the house host unique grade, promoted the grade of the space, build a unique artistic atmosphere.


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