发布时间:2019-09-25 02:20:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
gmp 建筑师事务所以全新开放式设计理念,成功平衡了文物保护与功能创新的要求,打造了一个富有活力的 21 世纪图书馆空间。


德国联邦建筑暨区域规划局受普鲁士文化遗产基金会之托,邀请14家国际知名建筑事务所参加了此次非公开竞赛,意在对位于波茨坦大街的柏林国立图书馆进行改建及符合建筑文物保护原则的基本修复,gmp· 冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所在这次竞赛中脱颖而出,拔得头筹。竞赛评委会认为,gmp的设计胜在对公共空间的扩展——在继承夏隆原作精神的同时,满足了现代开放式图书馆的各种功能要求。

The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have been awarded first prize in the competition for the modernization and restructuring of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin from Hans Scharoun. The jury found that the design for the golden “ship of books” meets the demands of new, open libraries in the 21st century while at the same time preserving and again revealing the outstanding architectural qualities of this important academic library.

On behalf of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning had invited fourteen international architectural firms to a restricted com- petition for the comprehensive and landmark-conform repair and restructuring of the Potsdamer Straße branch of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library), in which the architects von Gerkan, Marg und Partners (gmp) were awarded first prize for their design. The jury saw it as a strength of the design that addi- tional space is gained by expanding the areas that are freely accessible to the public – thereby doing equal justice to Scharoun’s original concept and the demands of a contemporary, open library.

▼面向皮亚诺湖的读者露台,perspective reading terraces with a view of Lake Piano © gmp Architects


The Potsdamer Straße branch of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin is located in Berlin’s Tiergarten district. As part of Berlin’s Kulturforum, the so-called Bücherschiff, or “ship of books,” was built from 1967 to 1978 according to plans by the architect Hans Scharoun, with decisive input from his employee Edgar Wisniewski. With its significant holdings of scholarly and scientific literature and its valuable collections, the research library has national and international significance far beyond Berlin’s borders. The building is protected by landmark status and is considered an icon of postwar modernism. The Berliner Philharmonie is another prominent building by Hans Scharoun in the immediate vicinity, also on the Kulturforum.

▼总平面图,site plan © gmp Architects


Libraries in the 21st century will be more than just book stacks and places for obtaining and imparting knowl- edge. They increasingly serve as public spaces for the urban community and knowledge society, acting as addresses for exchange and socially relevant debate. The special history of the Scharoun building’s development should thereby remain legible – thus preserving its authenticity and identity. In this context, the interests of heritage conservation are of outstanding importance in the design and subsequent restoration.

“我们的目标是,除了进行符合建筑文物保护原则的基本维修外,还将对图书馆的公共区域进行新的思考和探索,使其满足当下要求,为图书馆读者打造高质量的使用及停留空间。” (施特凡·胥茨,gmp合伙人)

“In addition to a carrying out a comprehensive overhaul with historic preservation in mind, our design sets itself the goal of rethinking the public areas of the library and generating contemporary qualities of use and occupancy.” (Stephan Schütz, Partner gmp Architects)

▼东西向剖面图,longitudinal section, east-west © gmp Architects

▼迪特里希·潘霍华大厅剖透视图,perspective cross section of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Hall © gmp Architects


▼门厅流线图,pictogram access to the lobby © gmp Architects

▼露台景观图解,pictogram terraced landscape © gmp Architects

▼首层流线及安检轴测图,isometry access control ground floor © gmp Architects

The redesigned building will be barrier-free. The lobby will be reorganized, and the former open-plan office in the eastern part of the building will be expanded into a publicly accessible area. Next to the new entrance at the northeast corner of the lobby, directly opposite Marlene-Dietrich-Platz, will be a cafeteria with 140 seats; south-facing reading terraces with views of an expanse of water located there establish fluid transitions between inside and outside. This opening out to the city is a response to the present-day urban conditions. The ground floor is also further enlivened by the placement of fixed and movable furniture that revives the building’s original spatial concept. The lobby will be expanded to include an exhibition from the collections. In addition to the conventional reading room and the rooms for group study, new event spaces, workshop areas, and informal work islands offer diversified spatial options.

▼面向展区的主门厅,perspective lobby on the ground floor, view of the exhibition area © gmp Architects


▼上层流线及安检轴测图,isometry access control first floor © gmp Architects

Further substantial expansion of the freely accessible areas is achieved by relocating the access control to the first floor, just in front of the reading room stairs. By doing so, the lobby space there is regained as public space and the southern entrance stair is given new life. Finally, the acoustic conditions are improved by mov- ing noisy activities to separate rooms away from the lobby.

▼位于二层的大堂空间,perspective of the Wandelhalle (lobby) on the first floor © gmp Architects

▼首层门厅平面图,ground floor plan, lobby © gmp Architects

▼二层门厅平面图,first floor plan, Wandelhalle (lobby) © gmp Architects

设计竞赛:2019年一等奖 设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和施特凡·胥茨及克雷斯汀·赫尔蒙特 竞赛阶段项目负责人:Anna von Aulock 竞赛阶段设计团队:包望韬,Stephanie Brendel, Marta Busnelli, Jan Peter Deml, Anna Jordan, Tobias Schmidt, Kristin Schoyerer, Nadja Stachowski, 汤子泓, Thilo Zehme 专业顾问:Larissa Sabottka, 建筑历史学家 / Dr. Klaus Werner, 柏林自由大学语文学图书馆馆长/ Tobias Behrens, ADA Acoustics & Media Consultants GmbH, 声学顾问 业主:德国联邦建筑暨区域规划局(受托于普鲁士文化遗产基金会)

展览信息:位于波茨坦大街的柏林国立图书馆维修改建竞赛作品展将于9月30日开幕。 展览时间:10月1日至10月15日,周一至周五 8:00 – 22:00,10月3日闭馆。 地点:柏林国立图书馆,柏林蒂尔加藤区波茨坦大街33号

Competition 2019, 1st prize Design: Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Christian Hellmund Project leader: competition Anna von Aulock Competition design team: Bao Wangtao, Stephanie Brendel, Marta Busnelli, Jan Peter Deml, Anna Jordan, Tobias Schmidt, Kristin Schoyerer, Nadja Stachowski, Tang Zihong, Thilo Zehme Expert consultants: Larissa Sabottka, Pro Denkmal, Architectural Historian / Dr. Klaus Werner, FU Berlin, Director Philological Library / Tobias Behrens, ADA Acoustics & Media Consultants GmbH, Architectural Acoustician Client: Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) on behalf of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation)

Exhibition of the competition entries: October 1–15, 2019, Monday through Friday 8 am–10 pm (closed October 3) Opening of the exhibition for invited guests: Monday, September 30, 2019, 6 pm Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785


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