"I go into the woods because I want my live to be meaningful, I want my life to be deep, and to extract all the essence of life." ——瓦尔登湖 Walden Pond
At the moment of the epidemic, traditional travel methods are blocked, but the public’s desire to go to nature has not decreased. Camping in urban forests carrying people’s expectations for distance. It has broken the boundary between the world of reinforced cement and green trees, thus the edge blurred. We combined both cold cement and vivid nature, then comes the exploration for a scenarized commercial space with full interestingness and immersiveness.
Morning LAB 旗舰店位于上海市长宁区武夷路 MIX320,老街区与现代商业的融合,既保留了老建筑的历史感,也天然地带着潮流的属性。项目配置由活动策展和内脏料理结合而成,兼具露营设备的沉浸式体验功能。
Morning lab flagship store is located in Wuyi Road MIX320, Changning District, Shanghai. The integration of the old block and modern commerce not only retains the historical sense of the old building but also naturally carries the trendy attributes. Our project is composed of event curation and offal cooking, and also provides the immersive experience of camping equipment.
01 城市记忆 Urban memories
Let’s start from the urban renewal of buildings, and using Shikumen, the symbol of Shanghai’s modern urban civilization, as a memory’s implantation point.
We use the contrast between new and old, and the encounter of trend and culture, to present an iconic immersive experience space.
02 感官体验 Sensory experience
凡事不可苟且,而于饮食尤甚。——随园食单 Everything should not be treated hastily,especially foods. -The Way of Eating :Yuan Meis Manual of Gastronomy
The overall experience of dieting is closely related to all sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose and tongue. People’s various sensations for diet will produce a comprehensive impression of diet when they gathered, and thus produce the judgment and evaluation for foods, stimulate the appetite, cause association, and produce artistic feeling and aesthetic effect.
Eyes observes the diet environment, seeing the color, light, and composition of space; Touch feels the tactility, temperature and structure of materials; Limbs measures the scale of space and compares the changes in height. Therefore, a "camping in the urban forest" needs to achieve immersiveness from the overall sense.
The sense of immersion in the space is mainly reflected in the creation of the space contour line and scenes.
On the space function line, the customers enter the indoor through the rough and cold urban buildings via the circuitous line, pass through the cave-like boxes, go through a gray-pink curved space and the peripheral product display area and rest area around the wooden staircase, enter the multi-scene dining experience area on the second floor, and then, through a gray-pink hole, enter the multi-functional open camping area of the roof terrace.
From the bustling urban atmosphere to the rough architectural experience, then to the bizarrely warm camping feeling, and finally the scene transformed into an open natural terrace space. The change of space atmosphere brings the fun of motivation, and the detour of the route constitutes the unique experience of exploration.
——Wojciech Zielinski
The Blank space likes air, design needs breathing.
- Wojciech Zielinski
The rough texture of the original building exactly conforms to the characteristics of the "urban forest", so the texture and shape of the original building are largely preserved in the space. The roughness and rusticity of the cement, the coldness and toughness of the steel, and the industrial atmosphere left on the original roof of the building, without decoration, barely show the characteristics of the "urban forest", and meanwhile bring a kind of primitive and simple power.
Pure space is the most impressive, so the spatial character of the camping restaurant is simple and pure. At the same time, based on the "curation" feature of the camping restaurant, we choose a brief design for the form of interior space, and leaves room for scene layout and soft decoration as much as possible, which makes it accessible for more furniture combinations for scene, game, self-media and more diverse functions.
Let’s remove the shell of the bustling city life and feel the tough architectural essence. The Wuzhangliufu Restaurant embodies the abundant and authentic scene activities through its concise and powerful design language. In a corner of the campsite in the bustling city, you can feel the border between nature and human civilization. In the tent under the firmament, a steam lamp is lit, and three or two friends talking lively with wine, we, accompanied by the fog of barbecue, put down the anxiety and pressure of life.
项目名称 | 早安舞帐六釜
设计公司 | 門觉建筑
- 2019 年华鼎奖公共空间金奖
- 2019 年艾鼎奖酒店民宿设计铜奖
- 2019 年艾特奖上海区最佳公共空间银奖
- 2020 年金外滩奖全国最佳公共空间优秀奖
- Archdaily2020 年度建筑大奖入围
- 2020 酷创造营年度先锋设计师
- 40UNDER40 2020-2021 中国(上海)设计杰出青年
- 2021 年获第九届 BEST DESIGN 大奖餐饮空间类
- 2021 年 Dezeen 设计大奖入围
- 2021 获顶思教育最美幼儿园“设计匠心奖”
项目在《幼儿活动空间》、香港《hinge》、瑞士《Braun Publishing》、《id+c》等纸质杂志和新传媒杂发表。