发布时间:2022-07-27 06:22:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Seyoyans hotel is situated amid the middle and low mountainous areas of the transition zones between the basin and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in Xuyong County, Sichuan Province. The location is crowned as a famous tourist city in China since it is blessed with a superior environment, picturesque scenery as well as abundant scenic spots and entertainment projects. Nestled at the 1,902-meter altitude, the hotel allows dwellers to have a panoramic view of the sea of clouds during the day and look up at the sky spangled with stars at night, immersing themselves in the spectacles of the mountains and forests or feasting their eyes on the snow field of the resort.


Designer imbued with elements of mountains, rocks, the Luohan Forest and the Heavenly Springs as the backdrop for this spatial art description, express the spiritual attachment between architecture and nature. To start with, configurations resembling mountains and rivers are incorporated into the dynamic line of the Seyoyans hotel, yielding a soaring and steep look when it reveals its sharp side while appearing graceful and dainty as it brings its softness to the surface. Next, with gravel as the base and bluestones as the framework to manifest the interwovenness between mountains and stones, these hard furnishings, characterized by their sturdy shape and vigorous style, are akin to signposts to bring a sense of calmness to people, and amongst the steps and gaps of the integrated “mountain rocks”, the simple, tranquil atmosphere of the Luohan Forest and the Heavenly Springs serve as the optimal transition. Last but not least, in the temporary residence at the end of the dynamic line, the designer has created a low-key, luxurious, contemporary space brimming with oriental charm for guests, endowing the patch stretching nearly 2000m with a room to fall into a peaceful slumber.


In contrast to the ubiquitous luxury hotels in this day and age, the Seyoyans hotel also highlights unique craftsmanship in its selection of materials and colors. Made of natural gravel, sand and stones, the building strives to maximize the maintenance of unadorned, elegant colors while fusing the texture and tone of the whole work into the surrounding environment. It may be said that the landscape is created at the top of the clouds to give prominence to natural wonders, lending a touch of glitz and glamor that arises from the peace of mind, not a piece of land.

2008年畢業于樂山師範學院美術系.(速寫及素描作品曾發表於當代藝術)同年至上海進修及工作 2012進入金杯集團旗下公司金杯裝飾 ,負責室內設計部分,參與樂山區及峨眉七里坪項目. 2013年參與樂山盤龍開元名都五星酒店項目( 甲方標段工程師) 2015年創立 清墨觀舍設計事務所(STUDIO.POVA) 2016年佛山清墨觀舍分公司成立 加入MD设计中心 任职设计董事 同年成立GMDA设计联盟 2019年创立赛肯建筑设计研究室 (SKDA.A.LAB) 曾获奖项 2021 GPDP法国双面神展览展示空间设计银奖 2021 IAI全球设计奖(室内奖)— IAI酒店空间铜奖 2021 国际空间设计⼤奖 — Idea-Tops艾特奖 商业空间 2021G AWARDS 乐山内江自贡区 TOP10 第十一届中国国际空间设计大赛酒店空间工程类-银奖 2021成渝双城设计大展银杏金鸟奖 2021 40UNDER40中国(四川)杰出⻘年设计师 2021 GRP中意国际设计金指奖 优胜奖 2020M 成都优秀⻘年设计师 2020⾦住奖 中国(乐⼭)⼗⼤空间设计师 2020 40UNDER40中国(四川)杰出⻘年设计师 ⾦住奖-2019中国(城市)⼗⼤空间设计师 第⼗五届“华⿍奖”设计全国作品⼤赛银奖 第七届中国CBDA设计奖 装饰⾏业资深设计师 2017年度“艾舍奖”设计峰会 酒店空间设计优秀作品奖 2017年度“艾舍奖”设计峰会 公共建筑设计作品⾦奖

Michael C.Mitchell


Michael C. Mitchell is an American planner, designer, lecturer and environmentalist. His work focuses primarily on the planning and design of destinations, attractions, leisure and rural development. Mitchell has contributed to more than 2,000 projects in 59 countries over this thirty-five year career.

2022年6月1日至12日,第五届美国AIIDA AWARD国际创新设计大奖最终评审工作已圆满结束,经过10位国际设计评审委员会评审对每套入围设计作品进行评分并举办评审研讨会,最终评出各类国际设计奖项。本届美国AIIDA AWARD国际创新设计大奖共收到来自欧美和亚太地区等几十个国家地区的设计师和设计机构,近千套设计作品报名参评,最终共计149套入围设计作品斩获建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计等29大类国际专业设计大奖,评出金奖17个、银奖30个、国际创新设计奖72个;人物奖项荣获年度美国AIIDA AWARD TOP10国际影响力设计师大奖5名设计师,荣获年度美国AIIDA AWARD TOP50国际创新设计师大奖20名设计师;机构奖项荣获年度美国AIIDA AWARD TOP50国际影响力设计机构大奖5家设计机构。


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