Clap Studio:不到一年前,Nacho和他的合伙人联系了Clap Studio为其店铺进行设计。那时他们刚刚在自己的家乡成立了第一家公司,并梦想着在瓦伦西亚经营首家餐厅。他们多年来一直在亚洲、美洲和非洲各地生活和旅行,本着同样的冒险精神,开设了Baovan餐厅。这是一个深受创始人生活方式启发的项目,也是城市海滨文化生活的体现。
设计的挑战是创造一种符合Baovan精神和个性的体验,该品牌有着非常明确的品牌主张 “啤酒、海滩和bao面包”。设计的目标是”将用户带到海滩上,在那里观看日落并享用手工制作的面包”,所以设计师围绕这一目标创造了一套完整的体验。
Our challenge was to create an experience in accordance with the spirit and personality of Baovan, a brand linked to the sea and with a very specific brand claim “Beers, beach and baos”. Our goal was to transport the user to a beach from where to watch the sunset and enjoy some handmade baos, so we created a whole experience around it.
进入餐厅,能明显察觉空间被划分为三个不同的区域。入口处的 “森林”,是一个悬挂着绳索的门廊,绳子从天花板上垂落,象征着茂密的植被。穿过”森林”,便是”海滩”和”落日”就餐区,位于中心的半月形屏幕吸引着用户的目光。该屏幕由Vitamin工作室设计,上面再现了日落时的色彩变化,巧妙的设计使每次色彩渐变周期都持续在享用一次晚餐的时间。
We divide the space into three distinct areas that the user discovers as he or she enters the space. From the outside we discover “the forest”, a porch full of ropes that fall from the ceiling representing a dense vegetation. Once the user crosses the forest he discovers the beach and its sunset. A screen in the shape of a half-moon attracts the user’s eyes. This screen programmed by Vitamin Studio recreates the colors of a sunset and is programmed to match its duration to a dinner service.
▽日落时的色彩变化动图 GIF of the colors of a sunset
The interior shows a constant duality of colors that takes us in and out of the water. On the ceiling we recreate a blanket of clouds that brings a magical atmosphere to the interior reflecting the lights of the sunset that is in constant movement. Baovan hides one more area, a reserved area for 10 people where you can have dinner in the moonlight.
Round and crescent shapes are repeated throughout the space inspired by the shape of the bao bread. From the windows that connect the exterior to the interior, to the lighting installation, to the Baovan chairs designed exclusively for the restaurant that represent the shape of an open bao bread.
“ 设计以精美、丰富、极致的色彩搭配,把海滩度假与观赏日落的体验带入室内,营造了沉浸式的海滨生活场景。”
审稿编辑: Simin