发布时间:2019-03-29 14:03:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
Inbo 建筑事务所巧妙地将建筑融入周围景观,创造了一个既能纪念历史又能教育的空间。


Camp Amersfoort National Monument is a monument and museum in Leusden, one of the largest concentration camps in the German-occupied Netherlands during the Second World War. Thirty-seven thousand people were interned there and hundreds were found dead or executed. Russian prisoners of the war were also imprisoned here, which gives the camp a special international dimension. It is a lasting reminder of the horrors that took place in the Netherlands during the Second World War and a testimony to the many crimes against humanity committed at that time.

▼建筑概览,project overview

在 2003 年,Inbo 被聘请设计阿默斯福特集中营的游客中心兼纪念馆。设计起点是保护历史的真实性,这也是保持对历史教训的警觉。Inbo 有意识地选择了设计一个可以融入周围景观的空间,而不是通过嵌入一个陌生的体块来扰乱景观。对于 Inbo 来说,保持设计与周围的绿色森林完全和谐是非常重要的。 游客中心建成后取得了巨大成功,并于 2005 年获得了阿默斯福特的建筑奖。

Inbo was asked to design the Visitor Center for Camp Amersfoort in 2003. Keeping the authenticity intact in order to maintain an awareness of the space’s history became the starting point of Inbo’s design. Instead of creating a building in the location, Inbo opted to develop a space that merges into the existing landscape rather than disturbing it. It was very important for Inbo to keep the design in total harmony with the surrounding green forest. This project was a great success and was awarded the architecture prize of Amersfoort in 2005.

▼集中营俯视图,Camp aerial view


▼历史照片,historic photos

However, as time has passed, the memorial has begun to evolve and take on new spatial and social functions. On the one hand, there is a need to upgrade the museum spaces: the number of visitors is growing, but the exhibited information is very difficult to read, especially without a personal explanation. On the other hand, due to the fact that history keeps repeating itself everywhere in the world, the need for the exhibition to remain relevant is more important and more urgent than ever. Thinking of the many crimes against humanity that continue to be committed during our time—the war crimes, the refugee crisis, the rise of racism and xenophobia—and looking towards a future in which the camp residents will no longer be able to tell their story first hand, Camp Amersfoort must be a vivid presentation in which the history of the place is highlighted in a penetrating way.

▼一个融入周围景观的空间,a space that merges into the existing landscape

▼阿默斯福特集中营作为目击者,将把历史深刻地记录下来,Camp Amersfoort must be a vivid presentation in which the history of the place is highlighted in a penetrating way


▼入口区域效果图,entrance (rendering)

The existing Visitor Center and its harmony with the surrounding natural environment are retained in the new concept. You immediately experience empathy for the natural world when you approach the entrance and realize that the triangular, lush green “hill” is the overgrown roof of the building. From here, a special journey begins.

▼入口实景图,view to the entrance


In the previous design, the watchtower was put back in its original place, while the back walls were designed on the lines where the fences had once been. A new gate in the back wall is now where the gate was. Once you are in the interior of the Visitor Center, the triangular shape of the inner space presents a gentle echo from the past: a space that once led to death.

三角形状的空间暗示着黑暗的过去,the triangular shape of the inner space presents a gentle echo from the past


All of the originally designed atmosphere remains in the extension concept, but part of the space has been upgraded and made suitable for a reception, temporary exhibitions, and a small restaurant. A big glass wall in the restaurant allows visitors to observe the watchtower, symbolizing the absolute control of vision when the camp was in operation.

▼餐厅的大玻璃墙象征着集中营运营时的绝对性观察控制,thebig glass wall in the restaurant symbolizesthe absolute control of vision when the camp was in operation


The narrow but high windows in the back walls give a limited view of the outside world that flashes as you pass by. The materials employed are bare and honest: concrete, glass, and rusted steel sheets.

▼后墙视角,back wall

狭窄但高长的窗户,the narrow but high window


The minimalistic approach has been adapted further in the extension: a big courtyard next to the Visitor Center, a pavilion, and a series of exhibition and multi-functional rooms underground.

亭楼外观,pavilion exterior view


地下展览空间,exhibition room underground


整体空间示意图,spatial diagram

As visitors pass through the original gate, which, as one of the few remnants of the original camp has been put back into use, they enter a desolate, open courtyard, which is enclosed by high walls. According to the architect, “When you walk into this place, you get both a very spatial and an oppressive feeling, as the prisoners felt totally abandoned and detached.” This open space is the roof of the new underground museum, which is three times as large as the current exhibition space.

▼被高墙包围的开放式庭院庭院,an open courtyard enclosed by high walls



Strolling around the courtyard, the public can explore the authentic traces of and abstract references to the historic camp. The audio guide assists visitors in discovering the stories behind everything they’re seeing. The glass footsteps that invite the public to step on them and put themselves in the place of the camp’s earlier inhabitants are the highlight of the courtyard. At the same time, the footsteps bring a beautiful diffuse lighting into the underground space’s multi-functional room. The prisoners are no longer here, but this figurative artwork will continue to remember them.

玻璃制作的的脚印是庭院艺术品的亮点,the glass footsteps in the place of the camp’s earlier inhabitants are the highlight of the courtyard.



By walking through a small pavilion, visitors will reach the underground exhibition space that will also be used as an informative educational place. Here, the biographies of the people who were part of the camp are presented vividly. Through moving images, text, and objects the stories are presented in a sober and concentrated manner. Through this presentation, the public gets a realistic picture of the personal stories of the people imprisoned here and how Camp Amersfoort once functioned. Furthermore, special attention is given to the educational part of the exhibition. Children in the school-going age are confronted with the dilemmas regarding oppression and injustice and stimulated to discuss these amongst one another.

地下空间,underground floor interior view

在离开地下展览空间走上地面后,参观者的视线将被直接牵引到曾经是死刑执行地上的石头人像雕塑。 为博物馆是’mémoir et miroir’(法语:回忆和镜影的地方),集中营指挥官曾经风光的办公房屋将添加上一层镜子外墙。 面的意义是鼓励参观者反思并记住这里发生的事情,但最重要的是,展望未来。并且思考,我们可以从中学到什么。

▼剖面透视图,sectional perspective

Upon exiting the underground exhibition space, visitors will be confronted with a direct line of sight to the ‘Stone Man’, a sculpture on the execution site inside the forest. Because the museum is a place of ‘mémoir et miroir’, the once enchanting office of the camp commander will be preserved behind a mirror façade. The fundamental goal of the design is to encourage visitors to reflect and remember, but above all, to look forward: to consider what happened here in order to understand what we can learn from it.

上地面后,参观者的视线将被直接牵引到曾经是死刑执行地上的石头人像雕塑,upon exiting the underground exhibition space, visitors will be confronted with a direct line of sight to the‘Stone Man’, a sculpture on the execution site inside the forest


The new concept successfully achieves the twofold intention: to develop a coherent landscape and architectural design while creating space for new functions such as a memorial and educational space possible. By replacing the current small-scale and cozy atmosphere with a more raw and oppressive atmosphere, the historical atmosphere will be evoked again. When generations pass away and the memorialized event is no longer part of people’s immediate memory, we can still experience and remember what happened here.

▼屋顶与景观融为一体,the roof is integrated into the landscape.


▼场地平面图,site plan


▼路径示意图,route diagram

团队: 筑设计:Inbo 建筑事务所,荷兰阿姆斯特丹 景观设计:Juurlink [+] Geluk,荷兰鹿特丹 博物馆体验设计:Tinker Imagineers,荷兰乌得勒支

Team: Architectural design: Inbo architects, Amsterdam

Landscape: Juurlink [+] Geluk, Rotterdam

Museology: Tinker Imagineers, Utrecht


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