发布时间:2021-01-08 00:53:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于布达佩斯,SA43公寓的落成彰显出在多元的场地上创建统一的建筑风格的可能性。本项目由来自Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi事务所的青年建筑师们设计完成,完美迎合了业主复杂的功能需求,为匈牙利当地住宅市场注入了新的活力。SA43公寓项目旨在为匈牙利中型住宅市场树立一个高品质的建筑范本。为了实现这一目标,在概念设计的早期阶段,建筑设计师、施工团队以及业主之间就已形成紧密且持续的合作关系。

SA43 Apartments Project in Budapest represents how to create unity on a plot of land in Budapest with vastly diverse features. It was driven by a complex client demand and executed by young architects with a vision on the primarily sales driven Hungarian market of contemporary residential buildings. SA43 Apartments Project aimed to bring higher architectural quality to the medium-sized housing market in Hungary. To achieve this, early on in the conceptual phase a close and continuous collaboration started out involving the architectural designers, the construction team and client themself as well.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © Balázs Danyi

▼项目俯瞰,top view of the project © Balázs Danyi


SA43 was shaped by the definite development plans and the characteristic features of the site. The triangle-shaped site is located in between two main roads of the 12th district of Budapest. Its north corner faces towards a busy junction, on the east and west side of the plot tall protected greeneries provide some cover from the traffic, while towards the sunlit south side there are quiet gardens and a pleasant panorama with the Buda Castle in sight.

▼由西侧道路看建筑,viewing the project from the west street © Balázs Danyi


Protection from the noise, focus on the view and the triangle shape of the site was the main focus when coming up with the amorphous pentagon layout of SA43, which narrows to the north and broadens up towards south. The functions and facade also follow this structure. The main living areas with huge openings were placed on the sunny south side, bedrooms with medium size windows towards east and west while service areas as well as the main entrance on the north.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Balázs Danyi

▼公寓南侧是宽阔的花园,large garden on the south side of the project © Balázs Danyi

▼北侧主入口立面,main entrance facade of the project © Balázs Danyi


The building mass was pushed up to the north corner as much as possible, in order to create a spacious intimate garden facing the main living areas. To leave only a minimal ‘scar’ on the green surface the garage entrance was positioned as close to the road as possible. The compact mass also helps to place more of the activity area on the penthouse level, as it was an explicit requirement from the client.

▼车库入口的位置尽可能靠近道路, the garage entrance was positioned as close to the road as possible © Balázs Danyi

▼形式丰富的室外露台空间为人们提供了理想的休闲场地,rich outdoor terrace space provides an ideal place for people to relax  © Balázs Danyi


The fine-grained, light-reflecting ceramic cladding, together with the façade elements of the same color, gently cover the solid building mass. The homogeneous façade and the robust geometry blends together with the greenery of the garden, thus continuing the tradition of Buda architecture – where nature and architecture play an equal and inseparable role to create a loveable residence.

▼立面细部,details of the facade © Balázs Danyi


Because of the diversity of shape and huge randomized openings on the facade the building was made of in-situ reinforced concrete structure, mimicking a solid concrete ‘box’. The staircase block was placed in the center of the building where daylight is limited, and can only be transported through skylight. This central arrangement gives the optimal entry points for all the flats, where the public and private functions can be reached separately. The apartments were designed to have the possibility to be connected, turning the 5 flats into 3 condos.

▼中央楼梯间细部,details of the staircase in the centre © Balázs Danyi

▼夜景,night view of the project © Balázs Danyi

▼总平面图,master plan © Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

▼三层平面图,third floor plan © Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

▼立面图,elevations © Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

▼剖面图,section © Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

Project Name: SA43 Apartments Project

Architecture Firm: Numbernow studio and Balázs Szelecsényi

Firm Location: Budapest

Completion Year: 2017

Gross Built Area: 992 m2

Project location: Budapest 1024, Stromfeld Aurél út 43.
Lead Architects: Balázs Szelecsényi, Noémi Varga

Photo credits: Balázs Danyi

Architectural design: Balázs Szelecsényi, Noémi Varga

Architect in charge: Áron Veres

Architectural engineering: Csaba Tibor Csajbók

Client: SA43 Ingatlanfejlesztő Zrt.

Structural engineering: Zoltán László

Electrical engineering: Gábor Kánai

Mechanical engineering: Attila Deák

Landscape architecture: Krisztina Megyesi, Krisztina Müller

Fire safety engineer: Péter Bot

Traffic engineer: Ittzés Miklós; Nagy Oszvald

Builder: Bálint Ágnes és Társa Kft.


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