The chapel is built on the campus of ‘CIAAR: Center for Integration and Improvement of Aeronautics, where people from different university backgrounds train to serve as officers, working in their respective professions. The urbanistic plan for the complex, and its 22 buildings, was done by João Diniz Arquitetura, and the chapel is there as one of the places that can be frequented by the neighboring communities.
The building is implanted on the east-west axis with blind facades for these two hot orientations. The transparent glass plans appear on the north façades, where sun light and heat are protected by the slab over the access ramp; and south façade which almost not touched by the sun. Transverse lighting and ventilation openings appear on the uneven floors and ceilings. This will ensure the comfort inside the building, the natural light and the views of the surroundings.
The idea is that the space of the chapel is conformed by two continuous and curved plans in concrete, which define floor, walls and roof. Those surfaces are integrated generating the two sectors of the project: the public sector with its ramp floor where the public stays, and the altar and sacristy on the highest level. This integrated differentiation of spaces, through the meeting of these two infinite like surfaces, suggests the fusion of human and spiritual attributes to the building, as a constructed metaphor for the union of life and eternity.