Thailand Siam park KHAO MO device
设计方:Sanitas Studio
在2014年1月份,KHAO MO景观被成功移入Siam公园,这座市民公园位于泰国曼谷市中心,介于Chulalongkorn大学和Siam广场之间。该艺术作品设计新颖,它能够根据周围建筑及景观的不同而适时变换颜色及造型。该景观周围被一片树木包围,优越的场地位置和良好的互动设计带给这里的人们独特的享受和体验。有时,它随着参观者的移动和注视方向,突然消失又突然出现,吸引了大批人们来此参观。现在由于生活压力大,不少的都市人们都希望能够放上几天假,暂时从忙碌的工作中抽出身来,找一个地方好好放松一下,那么选择该公园不失为一个好地方。这里不同于以往的公园,它将一些自然景观原方不动地“迁移”过来,使人们能够近距离的接触大自然,心情得以放松。在中国,园林景观的设计理念一般都是将大自然的美景“复制”到一所公园内,使来公园散心的人们充分享受到这些自然景观所带来的快乐。
In January 2014, KHAO MO (Mythical Escapism) has been relocated at Park Siam, the public park situates between Chulalongkorn University and Siam square in city center of Bangkok, Thailand. The artwork acts differently in different context and surrounding. The green surrounding and the interaction of people provoke the new experiences and appearance. Some times, it looks disappear and reappear again depending on the movement and gaze of the viewer.City dwellers desire to have time off for rest and relaxation, a moment of escape from everyday life. This is different to the past. Nature has been replicated so that it can be closer to humans. The concept of Chinese gardens is to replicate the universe in the form of a garden in order to create joy and pleasantness.
泰国Siam公园KHAO MO装置外部实景图
泰国Siam公园KHAO MO装置外部局部实景图
泰国Siam公园KHAO MO装置外部细节实景图
泰国Siam公园KHAO MO装置外部夜景实景图