Mexico Paseo de la Mujer Memorial Park
该项目是对一个纪念公园的设计,被命名为Paseo de la Mujer纪念公园。据悉,该公园的建造是由蒙特雷市政府和一些慈善家,Maria Elena Melo de Sada和玻璃博物馆共同发起的。在墨西哥的发展历史上,女性起到了关键性的作用,但是整个国家却没有一个景观用来纪念那些做出过杰出贡献的女性们,从诗人到那些建设者,从科学家到音乐学家等等,这也是该纪念公园建造的最初意图。
"Paseo de la Mujer" Memorial Park was conceptualized first as an idea by the Government of Monterrey and Philanthropists, Maria Elena Melo de Sada and "El Museo del Vidrio" (The Museum of Glass), as a response to the fact that in whole Mexico, there was no place to remember the women that have been important in Mexico´s History, from poets to rebels, from scientists to musicians.
Since the project would be made to honor the women of the country, only female renowned architects would be taken in consideration for the competition.The project is placed inside Monterrey's most important park and green area called "Parque Fundidora", close to a very important freeway and on a very steep natural slope that also served as a "natural" water drainage for the park.
墨西哥Paseo de la Mujer纪念公园外部实景图