发布时间:2022-06-01 06:39:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

出品人:向玲 / Producer: Xiang Ling 编辑:武晨曦,盖世昕,陈诺嘉,石安,杨子遥 / Editor: Wu Chenxi, Gai Shixin, Chen Nuojia, Shi An, Yang Ziyao




*本文所有照片由刘悦来和四叶草堂团队提供 All photos courtesy of Liu Yuelai and Clover Nature School


此前上海的防疫问题较为严峻,刘老师的生活状态如何?在目前的环境背景下,您认为本次对于“四叶草堂”的探讨产生了哪些新的意义? As we know that Shanghai had faced a stressful situation of epidemic prevention, what do you think is the new meaning of today’s discussion on the Clover Nature School?


During the coronavirus epidemic, many people have started to grow edible plants at home, both hydroponically and in the soil, and we find that the usual consumers are now becoming “producers”.

We are often challenged by people who say, “What is special about the gardens you built? You grow some vegetables in it and then you call it edible landscaping? What is the point of that?”

In fact, our community gardens have authentically helped a number of people. Many people used to think that growing vegetables is an old-fashioned thing, but when their life goes to the point where the only need is to maintain basic subsistence, they will find that the act of “farming” becomes a very “exquisite” ability.

▼上海疫情管控期间,刘悦来在自己所住小区维护的社区花园——苔藓花园,成为居民们日常核酸检测路上的特别风景。 The moss garden maintained by Liu Yuelai in his community during the lockdown in Shanghai, which has become a special sight for residents on their way to daily nucleic acid testing.

▼位于浦东东明路街道三林苑的“星星的诗”社区花园和“蜗牛花园”(拍摄时间:4月7号),均是由居民自发建造的社区花园。The gardens named “Poem of the Stars” and “Snail ” in a community of Shanghai are voluntarily maintained by the residents (shot on April 7th).

不是说我们要倡导大家回归到原始的生存状态,而是我们不应该放弃去学习这种最基本的生存能力,尤其是对于今天的年轻人而言。 不仅仅是疫情,未来我们还会面临各种各样的灾难,今天是病毒,明天可能是洪水和地震。 这些问题,这种不确定性恰恰是我们所要特别去关注和探讨的。 社区花园也是一样,它通过鼓励人的主体性去增强我们应对这种不确定性的能力。

We are not urging people to return to the primitive state of existence, but to avoid giving up these practical skills of living. All kinds of unpredictable disasters could happen in the future, this time is a virus, next time it may be a flood or an earthquake. These issues, this uncertainty is precisely what we have to pay attention to and discuss on, and the community gardens are essentially the same thing: it enhances our ability to cope with such uncertainty by encouraging human subjectivity.


Liu Yuelai and his neighbours working in the moss garden on June 1st after Shanghai’s lockdown.

以上为上海疫情最严重时期进行的采访。在上海解封的第一天(6月1日),刘悦来去了创智农园,这是上海第一个位于开放街区中的社区花园。去的时候,小蓝屋的门是开着的,邻居史叔叔已经在整理鱼缸,鱼儿们也都在,这期间有慈济的志愿者们帮忙换水。疫情期间创智农园种子接力站因为有电有水,可以遮风挡雨,成为了快递小哥的临时居所;植物长得更加旺盛,这是自然的自发的力量。孩子们陆续来了,继续着他们当时参与建造的热情,进行了新的营造。当天晚上,他给社区的孩子们上了一课《共建美丽家园,我们可以做点什么?》,苔藓花园儿童组成立,孩子们在做新的方案。端午假期,邻居团长发起的公益绣球募捐成团后,将更加优化苔藓花园。疫情期间形成的守护林绿家园志愿小组的工作在延展,从社区花园到社区营造,就是这么自然。On the first day after Shanghai’s lockdown in June, Liu Yuelai visited the Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden, where he hold a workshop for the children in the community to discuss on “What can we do to build a beautiful home together? ”. The volunteer group formed during the epidemic will continue to work on community gardens and community creation, still in a very natural way.

2. “四叶草堂”是一个什么样的组织?请介绍一下它的创办契机和发展过程。团队目前有多少位成员?您个人在团队中扮演什么样的角色? What kind of organisation is Clover Nature School? Please share us the story of its founding and development. How do you work as one of the three founding partners?



Clover Nature School, the abbreviation of Shanghai Clover Nature School Teenager Nature Experience Service Center, is registered by the Civil Affairs Department as an official private non-enterprise unit, which is a social organisation in China, the international equivalent of an NGO or NPO, as it is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation.

Clover Nature School was officially established since 2014 when Professor Min Wei became the third partner. She and Haoyang Fan are both first class registered architects, and I focus on landscape, sometimes involving in urban planning.

At that time, we had already completed a number of small and micro-scaled spatial projects, and we felt it was time to realize more cases that could serve as “practice models” to prove that community projects with broad public participation could play a huge role in the development of city.

▼四叶草堂关注可以让普通的大众直接参与的空间生产——前排左一为团队联合创始人魏闽博士带队进行的社区环境教育和现场参与式设计。 Clover Nature School focuses on the production of spaces that allow the general public to participate directly.


The vision of Clover Nature School is to “build and share an urban paradise on the doorstep of everyone”, with the goal of creating more and more “Nature by your side, and pastoral in urban scenes”.



In October of 2014, we launched the “Field Classroom” programme on the Expo axis in Shanghai, which led to the completion of “Train Garden”, the first Shanghai community garden in the formal sense.

In parallel with the Train Garden, we established the “Urban Garden”’ in Century Park, our first ‘edible landscape garden’ in one of Shanghai’s major public parks.

"火车菜园"是四叶草堂建立的第一个正式意义上的上海社区花园,"Train Garden" is the first Shanghai community garden completed by Clover Nature School.


The planters and edible vegetation in the Train Garden. The garden is grown strictly without the use of any pesticides or fertilisers.


The Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden we built in 2015, supported by the great support of Shui On Group, is a milestone of our practice. It is a 24-hour accessible garden converted from a landfill and is the first hub garden located in an open neighbourhood in Shanghai.

If the Train Garden is a 1.0 version of community garden, then the Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden is at a 2.0 stage.

▼创智农园是上海第一个位于开放街区中的枢纽型社区花园。The Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden is the first hub garden located in an open neighbourhood in Shanghai.

▼创智农园更新前后对比, The Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden before and after renovation




In 2016 we fostered 23 community gardens. As the team was only around 20 people at the time, we were limited in the number we could do each year, so from 2017 onwards we focused more on conducting external training.

Since then, the network of gardens has kept growing, adding around 300 gardens in 2018 and over 900 mini community gardens by 2021.

▼上海社区花园地图,Community garden map in Shanghai


Currently, Clover Nature School has helped to create over 200 community gardens in Shanghai, supported over 900 residents’ self-governed mini-community gardens and held over 1300 workshops for community garden construction and community creation.



第三个小组是范老师负责的运维组,主要面向活动组织,也包括对未来的To C产品的研发。

The team of Clover Nature School has now expanded to 50 people, 35 in Shanghai and 15 in Nanning.

The team at the head office in Shanghai is currently divided into three groups, with the design group under the direct supervision of Min Wei; the R&D group, which I am directly responsible for, mainly engaging with experimental initiatives, including academic exploration, in-depth experiments on system mechanisms and synergy of community garden networks; and the operation and maintenance group led by Haoyang FAN, which is mainly oriented towards the organisation of events, as well as the development of future To C products.

▼四叶草堂团队组织结构示意,Schematic representation of the structure of Clover Nature School’s team

3. “四叶草堂”的实践内容涉及哪些方面?为什么以社区花园为切入点,要实现什么样的目标?具体是如何实施和运作的?


作为一个社会组织,我们其实倡导的是一种自律。社区花园这样的公共空间,正是一个24小时x 365天活跃的社会治理的阵地,同时也是公民接受公共教育的场所和企业履行社会责任的载体。我们希望从设计的角度去发现和发挥公共空间在社会公益和公共治理中的价值,同时让这些空间可以呈现出一种多元的、自然和自由的状态,而不是一种被强加和被标榜的状态。

Clover Nature School uses participatory community gardens as the starting point to combine public participation and urban regeneration, with the objective of completing the network of community gardens in Shanghai, and exploring ways to achieve sustainable urban regeneration.

As a social organisation, what we actually advocate is self-discipline. A community garden can precisely function as a 24-hour and all-year active experiment field for social governance, as well as a place for citizens to receive public education and a carrier for enterprises to fulfil their social responsibility.

We hope to discover and utilise the value of public spaces in social good and public governance from a design perspective, while allowing these spaces to present a pluralistic, natural and free state, rather than being imposed and labelled.


An example of hub gardens: Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden

▼创智农园中的雨水收集设施和蚯蚓堆肥塔, Rainwater collecting facilities and worm tower for composting in the Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden





There are different types of community gardens, including the hub gardens, such as the Knowledge & Innovation Community Garden, which has combined functions and is usually organised by enterprises, government or social organisations; and the gardens that are located in residential communities, which are often built and maintained by the neighborhood committee and the residents.

80% of the gardens we build in Shanghai are of this type, and it is a very important part of social governance. For these gardens there is usually a team of community volunteers (usually called a flower club, green team, etc.) who are in charge of the communication with both the community and the design team. When the design process has been done, the volunteers are also involved in the construction phase. Most of the planting work is done directly by the residents themselves.


An example of residential community gardens: Hongxu Biotope Garden

▼虹旭生境花园更新前后对比, The Hongxu Biotope Garden before and after renovation

4. 您曾说要在上海建造2040个社区花园,目前已经完成了多少?每个花园从构思到落地,要经历一个怎样的过程?如何确保每个花园能够顺利延续下去,并解决后续的维护问题?

Your team has set the goal of fostering 2040 community gardens in Shanghai, how many have been completed so far? What process does each garden go through from conception to implementation? How to ensure that each garden will continue to grow and that maintenance issues will be addressed?




It is our target to have 2040 community gardens by 2040. To be honest, the maximum number of gardens that our team can complete through a year is about 30. However, relying on the power of residents’ participation, we are able to finish far more than 30 gardens a year.

We are striving to complete all these gardens under the concept of Urban Permaculture with a “naturally ordered” method of design, which is also one of the major objectives of Clover Nature School. After the phase of planting, we try to let the plants grow in a completely free manner, apart from the control of a few invasive species.

I think it is important to have the ability to appreciate something that grows naturally from a piece of land. It is exactly what makes it so attractive, although it can be immature and messy in the beginning.

▼花园的种植和维护,Planting and maintaining

5. 四叶草堂践行“朴门永续”的发展理念,在追求建造效率的行业现状下,这样的永续理念在实践过程中会遇到哪些挑战和阻力?您的团队是如何克服的?

Clover Nature School’s community gardens have been carried out as examples of urban permaculture. In the era when efficiency is put as a top priority in the industry, did you face any challenge in the process of practice? How did your team overcome them?



The difficulties we encountered were endless, early on it was that people thought it was pointless and an old fashioned way of doing things. The actual process of building it would be opposed and questioned by many people who thought you were destroying the existing standards and rules of the community, so the biggest challenge was at the level of perceptions and values.

There can be some people who just demand to maximise their own interests, and when they are not satisfied with public services, they choose to complain and squeeze the resources of others. It never occurs to these people that they can actually serve themselves.

In addition to the public services provided by the market and the government, pioneering experiments should be allowed and encouraged, and then there will be more opportunities to achieve self-empowerment and the following self-production and self-sufficiency. This process of self-service will not only enhance one’s abilities, but also the quality of the public space.

▼社区花园遵循像朴门永续花园这样“自然有序”的设计理念,The community gardens are designed under the concept of Urban Permaculture with a “naturally ordered” method of design.


The community gardens provide habitat for small animals in the city.

“Permaculture”( “朴门永续设计” ) = permanent(永恒) + agriculture(农业) + culture(文化)

· 是一套设计系统,从自然界中找寻各种可仿效的生态关系。用符合自然生态原理,与生态整合的方法,设计人类赖以生存的空间以及生活。巧妙整合土壤、植物、动物、昆虫、微气候、能源、水、交通、经济等,将每一个元素完美结合。

· 是一种生活方式,朴门永续设计不仅是漂亮的花园和农场,也是改变着我们对待环境、资源和生命的态度。

6. 社区花园鼓励居民自己建设和维护花园,构建“共治的景观”。这种居民自主建造的花园和以传统方式规划的景观花园相比有哪些优势和特点?

Clover Nature School’s community gardens encourage residents to build and maintain their own gardens, which means to create a “cooperative landscape’. What makes the community gardens unique from the traditionally planned and landscaped gardens?


Shanghai has a population of 25 million and there are all kinds of public spaces in the city, but which ones really have a relationship with you? Which places are really shaped by your hands? It can be easier to understand the significance of such relationship if you have read the story of The Little Prince: there are millions of roses in the world, but only one has a connection with you.

When everyone is involved in the maintenance of a garden, then the garden and its maintainers will establish a relationship just like that between the rose and her little prince. In such a “cyber” era we living in today, it is precious if we can still regain an understanding of the value of a physical space.

▼由居民亲自设计、绘图和建造的社区花园, A community garden designed, drawn and built by the residents themselves




I have been frequently asked what makes a good landscape space. I have a subjective criterion for myself, that is, it is the space where you can feel your energy and feelings increasing, which means your “subjectivity” is getting stronger.

A good landscape space makes you feel respected, and provide you with a moment to be the master of a free world of your own. It will lead to a huge sense of happiness when you recover your existence and honour by finding subjectivity in the city you live in.

Sometimes we need to go through “physical pains” first to let the “fragrant” energy coming out of the body— which I think is what happiness or the sense of really feels like.

▼小志愿者们参与花园建设, The young volunteers participated in the construction of the community garden.

▼蔬菜瓜果大丰收, A harvest of vegetables and fruit

7. 专业与非专业人员在社区花园营造这件事上分别发挥了怎样的作用?在树立公民参与意识和培训相关知识方面,您的团队做出了哪些努力?让居民充分地参与进来,是否只需要靠大家的自觉就可以?

What is the role of professionals and non-professionals in the creation of community gardens? What efforts have your team made to build awareness and training in public participation? Is it only necessary to rely on everyone’s self-consciousness to make them fully participate in the initiative?



The operation and maintenance group led by Haoyang FAN is currently running a series of training courses, which operates as usual even during the epidemic. For example, the ‘Young Community Planners’ course for primary and junior high school students is designed to encourage the children and teenagers to have a deeper understanding of their own communities, with the goal to propose solutions for all those problems they find during the investigation. This process also allows them to pay attention to the residents who need help, such as the seniors living alone, and thus to think about how to create better living conditions for these groups.

In terms of garden construction, our team members will teach residents basic gardening methods, such as how to recognize different species, how to put fertilizer in the garden and how to re-design the wastes.

First of all, we need to cultivate a group of “leaders”who are willing and able to participate in the planning and building of the community, and then to help more residents to get to grips with the specific tasks. We also organize community building activities and invite professionals to conduct relevant workshops and research projects.

▼左:东明路街道凌八居民区种植课程; 右:刘悦来在(第一季)社区规划师培育工作坊宣讲

Left: Community garden planting course; Right: Liu Yuelai delivering a presentation at the (first) Community Planner Workshop

理论上来讲,我们本来就是一个民间组织,居民都是基于兴趣参与进来的。 就拿上海这次疫情来说,很多人的能动性都被调动出来了,以前不当回事的一根葱现在也会在家里面小心地呵护。 社区花园也是同样的,你要去硬推、去不停地宣传其实意义并不是很大,这件事是一定要让大家在自己内心真正需要的时候再去做。 别人能不能认可这件事,我们是管不了的。但我们还是得继续去做,因为总归要先有一些人去做其他人觉得没有意义的事情,才有机会让更多人发现这件事情的作用和价值,这是一个社会发展的很重要的逻辑。

Basically we are a non-governmental organisation and the participants are all involved based on interest. We can’t force people to acknowledge our initiatives, but we still have to keep moving on because there always needs to be someone to do what others think is meaningless, only then will more and more people discover the effect and value of it.


A Community Garden in Shanghai involves children as a bond between parent-child families and the participation of community affairs

▼插秧活动,Rice planting event

8. 与政府的合作是社区花园建造中重要的一环,请介绍一下你们的工作与政策之间有哪些相互影响和促进?除了政府部门,与其他组织的合作为四叶草堂带来了怎样的影响或者新的想法?




In the early days we cooperated most with enterprises, but at the current stage we are working more with the government, because community gardens are essentially a way of self-empowerment through the public participation to improve community ownership.

In addition to specific garden projects, we also hope to further facilitate the policy-making through our practice. An example is that in 2021 we supported the Shanghai CPPCC member’s proposal for building a civic garden, which provided a blueprint on how to generate a sound system of community planning and community gardening in the future.

The organic integration of spatial regeneration and social governance is a key premise of our cooperation with the government, and community gardens are one of the ideal entry points for urban regeneration. We have now gained the trust of some government departments in Nanning and Shanghai, which has given us the opportunity to help more communities with the planner training and experimental planning programs.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for all parties, from the official team, to the neighbourhood committee and residents, to participate in the relevant courses and on this basis to establish a mechanism whereby each community has its customized manual for planning and building, and each individual will become part of the production of their own community gardens.


Permaculture studio held in Train Garden

9. 由四叶草堂发起的“SEEDING计划”是一个什么样的计划?目前的发展如何?请介绍一下它的意义和作用。




These “seed incubators” put in the hallways and balconies can be regarded as a series of disaggregated community gardens, diffused like particles in space, and as these tiny nodes continue to connect with each other, a resilient, spatially-derived social network will eventually be formed.

▼Seeding计划的参与者将自己培育的植物被放在楼道与邻居共享, Plants raised by the participants of the Seeding Campaign are placed in the hallway to share with neighbours.





The SEEDING Campaign has now developed to a country-scale network called the National Seeding Alliance, accompany with the holding of National Community Garden Forum every two years.

The SEEDING Campaign has given us a clearer understanding of the way in which community gardens evolve from a large-scale open space into a human-scale presence, or, into the most basic unit of “people”. In fact, all forms of social governance, planning, landscape and architectural design are engaging with the relationship among people, as well as that between people and nature.

Similarly, the philosophy of “the family, the state and then the world” in traditional Chinese culture also reflects how we treat scale and space. A resilient social network requires everyone to take action and get involved in a tangible way.

▼种子接力站,Seeding Stations

10. 在同济的教学工作中,您是否也将“共治的景观”(Cooperative Landscape)纳为教学内容的一部分?从老师的角度,您认为当下景观教学中有哪些需要关注或改善的问题?有哪些您个人正在研究和希望推广的议题?

As a professor at Tongji University, do you also include Cooperative Landscape as part of your teaching content? From the teacher’s point of view, what do you think are the issues that need attention and improvement in the current teaching of landscape? Are there any inspiring subjects and topics that you are personally working on?

我在同济有一门课程叫景观管理(Landscape Governance),也是上海课程思政建设的示范课程。大家可能觉得思想政治和景观专业课没什么关系,但其实无论是景观还是建筑、规划,都是为国家大的形势发展服务的,说实在它是一个服务行业,所以你必须要知道这些空间的生产是在什么背景下生产的,它的发展的趋势到底是什么?

为什么要做共治的景观?为什么要做社区花园?经济学中有一个很重要的概念叫“公地悲剧”(Tragedy of the commons),每个人都有权利和利益诉求,但如果所有人都只从私利的角度出发,结果一定是资源被浪费或者耗尽。那么如何才能实现有效的公共资源治理?唯有达成共识,唯有大家不再为私利发起血淋淋的争斗。就像这次疫情,我们必须建立共同体,并且守住最弱势群体的底线,才能让我们所在的这条船不下沉,继续往前走。不要觉得你在船头就会没事,船尾漏水了你也一样不能幸免于难。

I’m now teaching a course at Tongji University called Landscape Governance, which is also a model course for the “Course Ideology and Politics Construction” project being implemented in Shanghai. Whether it is landscape, architecture or planning, they are all at the service of the macroscopic development of the country. Landscape teaching is basically part of the service industry, so it is necessary to know in what context these related spaces are produced and what the trend of its development really is.

Why do we need cooperative landscape? Why do we foster community gardens? It’s necessary to mention here an important concept in economic science called “Tragedy of the commons”. In this situation, all individuals have access and rights to the shared resource, but in the meantime they act independently according to their own self-interest, which consequently causes depletion of the resource. So how can effective governance of the commons be achieved? The only way is to reach a consensus, where the individual users no longer fight for self-interest. We must build a cohesive community and hold the bottom line for the vulnerable groups if we are to keep moving forward as an entirety.

Liu Yuelai with his students

我在景观管理课程的第一节课上就跟大家讲,要实现人民当家作主,最终是要让更多的人愿意站出来,愿意为自己的家园建设贡献自己的力量,而不是只是等着政府或者开发商来帮你做。 我在课上给学生出的一道题目就是,如何在没有公共财政投入的前提下实现一个公共空间的可持续运维?不管你是去找企业资助还是发起众筹或者公益行动,总之你要去讨论和尝试。 这种工作方法我们就叫它“共治的景观”。


“Cooperative Landscape” Workshop

Collective consciousness is a prerequisite for “cooperation”, otherwise it is only a unilateral governance, or a centralization of power that controls the productive spaces, forcing the public to use the resource passively.

Cooperative landscape allows everyone of the community to discuss and to build together. When you create a landscaped with your own hands, you will draw the energy directly from your hands to your state of mind. The growth of the landscape is also the growth of each one involved.

Liu Yuelai with the community residents

11. 请您描述您在致力于建设社区花园的这几年中最难忘的一件事。未来,四叶草堂团队以及您本人还有哪些计划和愿景?

Please share us one of the most impressive things happened in the years you have been working on the community gardens. What other plans and visions do you and your team have for the future?




At the most “difficult” time in the early days, professor Wei, professor Fan and I had discussed whether we should continue to work on Clover Nature School if it could not live up to our expectations. The answer was yes, because we all believe that we are going to be the last one to give up the practice of Clover Nature School, even if there were only the three of us left in the end.

The disaster has given us a deeper understanding of the importance of neighbourhoods and the value of a healthy community. We believe that a good landscape is one that can endow its users with enhanced self-awareness, a network of resilience that slowly grows and expands. And the highest level of this network is not embodied in an intertwined space or mechanism, but a rational reflection and determined action based on public morality.


In 2019, Yu Hai, Professor of sociology department of Fudan University, is giving a speech about “Shanghai Chronicle” at the community garden workshop.



Speaking of future, we always see education as our first and ultimate goal. The community gardens we create will in turn shape a new us. They are a true home for self-education and self-cultivation. It is my vision to see that everyone’s spirit and soul to be free to roam in it, while the freedom is based on the premise of order, because no one can totally stay aloof in today’s world. Freedom comes at a cost, for which you need to pay and take your share of responsibility.

Some people asked us if we are challenged by any competitors in the practice of community gardens, and I kidded them that honestly, no one ever wants to ever grab this “hot potato”. We look forward to seeing everyone participating in what we are doing, because the ultimate goal of a social organization like us is to “wipe out ourself”. We hope the mission of Clover Nature School can be accomplished as soon as possible. At that time we are no longer required to do that intentionally, but rely on the public to act on their own initiative.

▼刘悦来,Liu Yuelai


信步辑 –人·社区·可持续:四叶草堂联合创始人、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授刘悦来
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