发布时间:2023-01-04 02:49:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本项目由伦敦Stoke Newington的一座维多利亚式住宅改造扩建而成,由原建筑缺乏结构完整性,因此,设计仅保留了建筑裸露的结构。由于平面有着较大的进深,为了将自然光线引入到建筑中部,保留部分住宅后院并将其改造为坐落于功能空间之中的天井庭院的想法应运而生,这种设计不仅能为住宅深入引入足够光线,同时也为住宅的前后部分之间创造出通风廊道与视觉连接。

The entirety of a terraced Victorian property in Stoke Newington was redesigned and extended, keeping only the building’s bare tectonic skeleton, due to the lack of structural integrity. The length of the floorplan meant that there was a need for natural light to reach the middle part of the house, thus the idea was born to retain a part of the rear garden as a courtyard that would sit amongst the functional layout of the space and provide not only light, but also vital cross ventilation and visual connection.

▼改造后的后院立面,overall of the backyard after renovation


▼住宅原状,original state of the house


The rear part of the house is extended to fit a large kitchen and dining area, with generous circulation space and a seating area where the rear garden views can be enjoyed. Oak doors fold to one side and the internal area blends with the outside, inviting the user to experience the space as a continuation of the garden. Part of the rear façade comes out, forming a covered pergola and a concrete seating area is sunken a few steps lower, in order to allow for unobstructed garden views from inside.

▼前门,the front door

▼玄关,entrance area

▼格栅保证了屋内隐私,the grille provides privacy

▼改造后的客厅,living room after renovation

▼一层与客厅相连的书房,study area next to the living room on the ground floor

▼二层书房,study room on the upper floor


A Japanese cloud tree occupies the courtyard, which is framed by a 3.7m long fixed glass, creating a dominant focal point in the space. A large pivot window and a glazed door connect the front of the house to the rear through the courtyard, and on a summer day sounds and smells can travel through the entire house together with the breeze.

▼餐厅与庭院,dining area facing to the courtyards


Japanese cloud tree occupies the courtyard

▼餐厅,dining area

▼餐厅区壁柜细部,details of the cabinets


A large skylight provides wide sky views and allows for abundant amounts of natural light to flood the space. The kitchen is treated as a discreet, unassertive element, with black materiality and minimal flat surfaces acting as a backdrop to the monolithic marble island. Oak storage units give a vertical sequence to the space while in other areas act as visual dividers, concealing the more functional parts of the kitchen.


▼厨房空间沐浴于天窗引入的自然光线之中,the kitchen space is bathed in natural light introduced by skylights

▼餐厅与厨房之间的壁橱,the closet between the dining room and the kitchen

▼由餐厅厨房区看后院,viewing the backyard from interior

▼飘窗座位,bay window seat

▼墙面细部,details of the wall

▼天窗细部,details of the skylight


A bespoke oak staircase leads up the four extra levels of the house and as the building develops upwards, the space becomes more focused on the adults. The atmospheric dressing room on the third level has been intentionally designed with darker tonality, exposing the roof void and cladding it in red pigmented panels to create a dramatic geometric experience of height and using curves and fluted glass to signify a more intimate and feminine space.

▼橡木楼梯,the bespoke oak staircase

▼衣帽间入口,entrance of the dressing room

▼衣帽间,the dressing room


The architecture of the added top floor focused on creating a serene, bright and private space for the master bedroom suite. An almost floor to ceiling fixed window is installed to frame the lush and long view, with only an opening side panel for ventilation. The bathroom suite is deconstructed and consciously placed in key locations of the layout to amplify the experience of each element. A bespoke piece of monolithic marble hides the basins, which are designed to have the beautiful view as their backdrop. A storage unit acts as the focal point and two fluted glass sliding doors are designed to disappear inside the unit, giving a sense of symmetry when closed.

▼主卧室,the master bedroom

▼大型固定落地窗成为远景中郁郁葱葱的花园的景观画框,the almost floor to ceiling fixed window is installed to frame the lush and long view

▼定制的大理石隔断将洗手池隐藏其后,the bespoke piece of monolithic marble hides the basins

▼洗手池,the basins


Behind one of them is the entrance to the room and behind the other is a shower that sits suspended above the staircase. Both sides are treated with the same materiality in order to give the visual impression of belonging to the same continuous space, while a large skylight spans the whole length above. When opened, the doors disappear and ample light floods into the bedroom, again playing with the user’s perception of outside space, accentuated by the added element of a long, linear planter for vegetation under ideal lighting conditions. The WC is discreetly hidden in the wrap around timber panelling and therefore escaping the user’s attention.

▼左侧为淋浴间,右侧为卧室入口,the shower room is on the left and the bedroom entrance is on the right

▼入口绿植,plants in the entrance area

▼淋浴间,the shower room

▼入口区域天窗,the skylight of the entrance area


Materiality is key to visually navigate the space, with softer tactile surfaces meeting harder, more durable elements and vertical lines adding height and elegance to the room. The architecture of this project seeks to provide a unique user experience, with a methodical layout that makes navigating through spaces seamless, sensory and pleasant. Fresh, bright new spaces are created, using natural light as a core element and exterior views as a constant focal point of reference. Materiality has been meticulously chosen in order to elevate the concept and to connect all spaces with subtle references through repeating elements and visual lines.


▼底层改造前后平面图,ground floor plan before and after renovation

▼二层改造前后平面图,first floor plan before and after renovation

▼三层改造前后平面图,second floor plan before and after renovation

▼四层改造前后平面图,third floor plan before and after renovation

▼改造前后立面图,elevation before and after renovation

▼改造前后剖面图,section before and after renovation

Architecture: Yellow Cloud Studio

Interior Design: Yellow Cloud Studio

Project Management: Yellow Cloud Studio

Sourcing: Yellow Cloud Studio

Structural Engineer: Buzhala Associates

Building Control: PWC

Construction: Self–Build with the support of various subcontractors

Windows + Doors: Rimi Renovations

Courtyard Tree: GRDN

Joinery: Yony Design

Terrazzo Flooring: KOTE London

Photography + Text: Yellow Cloud Studio


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