发布时间:2021-02-18 23:29:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在科西嘉岛东北海岸的第二大城市Bastia, Dietmar Feichtinger建筑事务所与当地建筑师Buzzo Spinelli、Insitu景观设计事务所和Sbp的工程师合作,设计了Aldilonda滨海步道。在科西嘉当地俗语中,“Aldilonda”代表“海上”。

In Bastia, Corsica’s second largest city on the north-east coast, Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes achieved the promenade Aldilonda, which means “Above the Sea” in Corsican with local architects Buzzo Spinelli, Insitu landscape and the engineers of Sbp;

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project

▼局部航拍顶视图,Partial aerial top view


Anchored in the rock, Aldilonda follows the cliffy coastline five meters above sea level. The rock forms the massive natural foundation of the mighty enclosing wall of Bastia’s fortress, which gave the city its name. Until now, the coastline under the fortress wall was only partially accessible.

▼Aldilonda步道城堡段,the Bastia’s fortress part of the Aldilonda walkway

▼Aldilonda步道码头段,the old harbour part of the Aldilonda walkway

▼Aldilonda步道中间段,the middle part of the Aldilonda walkway


More than a path, a destination with new perspectives on the open sea, suspended between sea and sky, Aldilonda becomes a spectacular event. The softly curved path contrasts the massive fortress and the rock on which the bastion is founded. The path nestles against the rock, leans against it, and breaks through it. Sensitively, the construction blends into the rock, the rich natural space of the coast is carefully traversed. At the same time, the red band of the railing made of Corten steel offers a high sense of security above the surf. The bars offer maximum transparency, the iron-bearing rock harmonizes with the rusty red of the railing.

▼步道的外侧部分悬于磐石之上,the outer side of the walkway partly overhangs above the rock

▼步道与悬崖景观融为一体,the walkway blends into the cliff landscape

步道变宽的部分为人们提供了休憩的空间;紧贴岩壁的部分采用了不锈钢网格作为地面,透过网格便可以看到下方的大海;混凝土路面部分则悬于岩石之上,暴露在汹涌的海浪之中;当大浪来袭时,海水穿过不锈钢网格,从而减小了巨浪对步道的冲击,保证了结构的稳定。此外,设计团队还在La-Seyne-sur-Mer的盆地模拟出每平方米14吨冲击力的海浪,对步道的建筑结构进行了抗冲击力测试。此外,为了确保材料的耐用性,设计中还采取了特别的保护措施,例如,在步道最暴露于海浪之中的部分进行了加固,使材料密度达到400kg /m3左右。由于步道结构部分悬空,因此施工技术较为复杂,需要将工人们悬吊在城堡的平台上进行施工作业。此外,在施工时还需要设置钻床来固定25米长的拉力杆。

The path widens out and offers places to rest. The sea can be experienced through the area covered with a transparent grid. The balcony is exposed to the rough surf; when the waves are high, the water penetrates the stainless-steel grid on the rock, thus reducing the massive force of the water. Hydraulic tests in a basin in La-Seyne-sur-Mer were necessary to determine the force of the wave impact at 14 tons per square meter. Special care was also taken to ensure the durability of the materials. For example, the reinforcement density in the areas most exposed is around 400 kg/m3. The acrobatic use of workers, suspended from the platform of the fort on the trapeze, made it possible to anchor the construction in the rock. Drilling jigs had to be designed to anchor the 25-metre-long tension bars.

▼步道变宽的部分为人们提供了休憩的空间,The path widens out and offers places to rest

▼路面由内侧的不锈钢网格与外侧混凝土两部分组成,The pavement consists of a stainless steel grid on the inside and concrete on the outside

▼两种路面的应用减小了巨浪对步道的冲击,application of two kinds of pavement reduces the impact of the wave on the path


The southern point of the fortress remains untouched

为了使堡垒围墙的南端,也就是城堡延伸至海里的部分,保持原样;步道南端的小径采取了长廊与隧道的形式。隧道穿过岩体,在出口处形成缓坡,将海上人行道与“ Spacimare”长廊连接起来。垂直采光井为隧道提供了自然光线,与隧道相连的楼梯则通向城堡上部的观景平台。通道侧墙和天花板由清水混凝土制成,灯光嵌在天花板上。混凝土材料表面保留了模板的木质纹理,在光线的照射下形成细腻的光影效果。

To keep the toe of the fortification wall, which stretches furthest into the sea, clear, the path at the south end pierces the rock in the form of a gallery, a tunnel. It connects the walkway above the sea with the “Spacimare” promenade by a gently sloping path at the exit of the tunnel. A vertical light well provides natural light to the passage. A staircase leads up to the elevated plateau of the fortress. The side walls and the ceiling are made of fair-faced concrete. The wood grain of the shuttering is reflected on the surface. The lighting is embedded in the ceiling.

▼步道南端采取了长廊与隧道的形式,the path at the south end pierces the rock in the form of a gallery, a tunnel

▼与隧道相连的楼梯则通向城堡上部的观景平台, staircase leads up to the elevated plateau of the fortress

▼垂直采光井为隧道提供了自然光线, vertical light well provides natural light to the passage

▼混凝土材料表面保留了模板的木质纹理,The wood grain of the shuttering is reflected on the surface


One access for all

步道的北端连接到楼梯,可直接通往旧港口。 同时,缓缓倾斜的坡道位于“Jetéedu Dragon”码头墙的一侧,坡道两侧的围栏封住了原码头楼梯的入口。老年人、坐轮椅的人、推婴儿车的父母、骑自行车或是滑旱冰的人可以由海边步道到达码头。

To the north, the path connects to a staircase that provides direct access to the old harbor. At the same time, a gently sloping ramp accompanies the quay wall “Jetée du Dragon” and closes off the promenade accessible to all, elderly people, people in wheelchairs and parents with children in prams, as well as cyclists and rollerblades.

▼缓缓倾斜的坡道位于“Jetéedu Dragon”码头墙的一侧,a gently sloping ramp accompanies the quay wall “Jetée du Dragon”

▼楼梯可直接通往旧港口,the path connects to a staircase that provides direct access to the old harbor


The red ribbon

步道围栏由间距为110mm的耐候钢细柱构成,坚固耐用。铁锈红色的栏杆与富含铁的岩石相互呼应、色彩协调。混凝土路面的外侧包裹着L形耐候钢材起到保护结构的作用。围栏的立柱直接焊接在L形耐候钢上,立柱的排布遵循了路径的起伏动态。 因此,从正面看,围栏呈现出最高的透明度,而从侧面看,则形成一条连续紧密的飘带,为人们提供了极高的心理安全感。

The safety is formed by narrowing uprights with a spacing of 110mm. These are made of solid Corten steel. The iron-rich rock harmonizes strongly with the rust red of the railing. An L-shaped profile, also made of Corten, closes off the concrete on the outside of the path. The individual uprights are welded to the L-profile and follow the undulation of the path. Frontally they offer maximum transparency. From the side, they form a band that provides a sense of safety.

▼步道围栏由间距为110mm的耐候钢细柱构成,The safety is formed by narrowing uprights with a spacing of 110mm

▼围栏在地面上形成富有韵律的光影,The fence forms rhythmic shadows on the ground


The discreet lighting


At intervals of three meters, LED strips are integrated into the uprights as lighting. They discreetly illuminate the path and the rock in the lower area of the walkway.

▼围栏上每隔三米就设有一组LED照明灯带,At intervals of three meters, LED strips are integrated into the uprights as lighting

▼灯带与栏杆巧妙地融为一体营造出梦幻的光影氛围,Led discreetly illuminate the path and the rock in the lower area of the walkway

▼总平面图,master plan

▼城堡段平面,plan of the Bastia’s fortress part

▼中间段平面,plan of the middle part

▼码头段平面,plan of the old harbour part


▼构造分析图,structure analyse diagram

▼节点详图,detail drawing

Address:Citadelle de Bastia

Client:Mairie de Bastia Avenue Pierre Giudicelli, 20412 Bastia, Corse

Architect mandatory:Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes

Architect Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Feichtinger

80, rue Edouard Vaillant 93100 Montreuil

+33 (0)1 43 71 15 22

Team DFA:Dietmar Feichtinger, Jan Feichtinger, Miguel Piedras Lobo, Arthur Royer

Local partner architect:Buzzo Spinelli Architecture

Immeuble Giovasole, Port de Plaisance

20169 Bonifacio

Landscape planning:IN SITU paysage et urbanisme

8 quai Saint Vincent

69001 Lyon

Engineers:SBP BET structure

3 rue d’Alexandrie

75008 Paris

Roads and Utilities:BETEM PACA, BET pluridisciplinaire VRD, études environnementales et réglementaires (EI, DLE, …)

900 rue André Ampère

13290 Aix-en-Provence

Hydrodynamic studies:GENIE COTIER : OCEANIDE

Port de Brégaillon – BP 63 83502 La Seyne sur Mer

Sous-traitant : Techniques de constructions maritimes, calculs hydrodynamiques, simulations numériques et physiques, dimensionnement des ouvrages du génie côtier

Size and main features

Total length:450 m

Large:3m for the path en concret, variations according to deepness of the rocks

Weight:Eléments préfabriqués en béton, fixés sur les consoles en béton ancrées dans le rocher, et dalles en béton préfabriquées posées sur le rocher

Excavation on site:

Enrochements à déplacer : 800 t

Terrassement en déblais remblais : 500 m³

Deblais de toutes natures à évacuer : 250 m³

Elements of tension:

Ancrages dans le rocher sain, 3m de profondeur

Diamètre de 51 mm

High above sea level:5m

Time Schedule:

Competition:Competition entry 04 | 07 | 2017

Start of planning:10 | 2017

Start of construction:Groundbreaking 02 | 2019

Completion:Inauguration 23 |12 | 2020

Building costs :L’Aldilonda: 9 750 000 €

Travaux complementaires: 309 000,00 €


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