the concept sketch-book
the actual situation
the concept idea
the concept idea
the concept idea
the concept idea
the concept idea - view from the river
the concept idea - view from the river
view from the dyke
bird's eye view
bird's eye view
masterplan - actual situation
masterplan - concept idea
the ramp from the other side of the river
the observation tower to admire the skyline of Kaluga
the land behind the dyke
sustainable buildings on the dyke
sustainable buildings on the dyke
sustainable buildings on the dyke
bird's eye view- going towards the ancient boat-bridge
bird's eye view - the new cycle-pedestrian bridge - to connect again the two sides of the city - great view on the river and the city skyline
the village (retail-leisure-production-offices...) behind the dyke placed on the on stilts, to protect from floods
The thing I love most...
in the way I love most.
...because I'm a romantic dinosaur
Вещи, которые я люблю больше всего ...
как мне нравится больше всего.
... потому что я романтический динозавр
Year 2019
Type Parks, Public Gardens / Feasibility Studies / Office Buildings / Theme Parks, Zoos / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Leisure Centres / River and coastal redevelopment / Bridges and Walkways / Cycle Paths