▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Yohei Sasakura
Kakkyoyama common center is one of the common centers for the Gion Festival. The site had been in an inconvenient state for about 100 years because a part of the site was cut off due to the widening of Shijo Street in the Meiji Era. It did not have enough space for festival decorations. But it was difficult to extend an existing nonconforming building from Building Standards Act, so it considered rebuilding for convenience. While many others have already been rebuilt, it is one of the few remains that have unique architectural features. That was the reason for which designated as a preserved building (including the extension part that is not yet there) to pass on to future generations.
▼层次丰富的外观,Multi-layered appearance ©Yohei Sasakura
▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Yohei Sasakura
▼入口,Entrance ©Yohei Sasakura
▼室内概览,Overview of the interior ©Yohei Sasakura
▼后门空间,Spaces of the secondary door ©Yohei Sasakura
The extension and reconstruction of this building were exempted from the Building Standard Act. We planned to ensure that the building would be as earthquake-resistant and fire safe as or better than the provisions of the Act, and it was actualized with the approval of the Architectural Board of Appeals.
▼由室内望向街道,Viewing the street from interior ©Yohei Sasakura
▼氛围独特的室内空间,Unique interior spaces ©Yohei Sasakura
▼空间内伴随多种遗迹元素,Preserved various old elements ©Yohei Sasakura
▼细部,Details ©Yohei Sasakura
A new large roof was fitted between the roof of the main building and the storehouse. The main building, the storehouse, and the extension part have respective forms, at the same time, they are considered as a whole. Formerly, surrounded by high buildings, it was in a highly precarious position. I hope that the extension contributes to remaining the building beyond time.
▼夜景,Night view ©Yohei Sasakura
▼场地平面,Site plan ©Shigenori Uoya Architects and Associates
▼首层平面,Ground floor plan ©Shigenori Uoya Architects and Associates
▼一层平面,First floor plan ©Shigenori Uoya Architects and Associates
▼二层平面,Second floor plan ©Shigenori Uoya Architects and Associates
▼剖面,Section ©Shigenori Uoya Architects and Associates