发布时间:2024-02-02 10:12:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is located in the centre of Lianshi, Nanxun District, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, where our client’s intention was to transform the remains of a 1950s cocoon station into an art hotel with local characteristics. Located on the south bank of the Lianxi River, opposite the old Lianshi Street,the Old Cocoon Station is surrounded by the dense population typical of an old city hinterland. The east and west sides of the site are completely surrounded by residential buildings, while only the north and south ends are connected to the surrounding canal tributary system.

▼层层递进的庭院与客, progressive layers of courtyards and guest rooms ©嵒建筑摄影

茧站:杭嘉湖平原的风土建筑 Cocoon Station: Vernacular Architecture of the Hang-Jia-Hu Plain


As a traditional handicraft industry with a long history in Zhejiang Province, the silk weaving industry has developed various types of buildings based on its complete production chain over thousands of years of development, among which “Cocoon Station” represents a typical production architectural complex of the silk weaving industry in the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou area. Densely distributed in the area and closely connected to the water system, the stations have become a special link between urban and rural life, agriculture and craftsmanship, and have once linked the rich local culture.

▼杭嘉湖片区茧站分布及部分茧站卫星图 ©九樟结合调研资料自绘 Distribution of cocoon stations in Hang-Jia-Hu area and satellite maps for some of them

茧站是收购农家蚕茧,并烘烤打包为标准干茧的场所, 主要由收茧的称重间、烘茧房、储存蚕茧的堆场以及其它附属用房构成。由于杭嘉湖片区水网密集,过去蚕农主要以船作为交通工具,因此茧站常常依河而建,这里曾见证了蚕农们的汗水和无数次的丰收。

A cocoon station is the place where farmed cocoons are purchased and where standard dry cocoons are baked and packaged. It mainly consists of cocoon weighing rooms, a cocoon drying room, cocoon storage yards and other ancillary buildings. As sericulture workers in the past mainly used boats for transport due to the dense network of waterways in the Hang-Jia-Hu area, the cocoon station is often built by the river, which has witnessed the sweat of sericulturists and countless harvests.

各家的蚕茧经由河运运输至茧站,经过称重收购后,进入茧站的核心区域——烘茧房;烘茧房通常中心对称,带有火炉的烘茧室被安排在两侧以尽快排烟,避免烟尘影响蚕丝品质;烘茧时会将整个茧车推入烘茧室,为满足通行和烘茧效率,中间的通道通常会以“两部茧车并排通行”为基本建造尺度 (论文引自《乡土工业建筑活化更新研究——以杭嘉湖地区茧站建筑为例》©贾玉冰);烘干处理后的干茧储存在堆场,再经由河运转运至下一级生产空间——缫丝厂。蚕丝易受潮,不耐光,所有运输外廊皆带有顶棚;蚕茧储存堆放需防盗防鼠害,外窗及防潮气窗都设置有铁质防护栏;由于蚕茧生产的季节性,高峰期时常常需要煤工、茧处理工、烘烤工等多工种人员,在短时间内进行较高强度的工作及配合,直至完成所有鲜茧烘干,因此食堂住宿卫生间等附属用房需要安排在烘房附近。

The silk cocoons from various households were transported to the Cocoon Station by river. After being weighed and purchased, the cocoons enter the heart of the cocoon station – the cocoon drying room. The cocoon drying building is usually symmetrical in the centre and cocoon drying rooms with ovens are arranged on either side to remove the smoke as quickly as possible so that the smoke wouldn’t affect the quality of the silk. During cocoon baking, the entire cocoon car would be pushed into the room. To meet the passing and baking efficiency, the centre of the passage usually takes “two cocoon cars side by side” as its basic construction scale. (Quote from 《Research of activate the update of the rural industrial architecture heritage-take the cocoon mill located in HangZhou-JiaXing-HuZhou area as example》by Jia Yubing). The dried and processed cocoons are stored in yards and then transported by river to the next stage of production, the spinning mills. Being susceptible to moisture and not resistant to light, all transport corridors for silk are covered. cocoon storage and stacking must be burglar and rodent-proof, so the exterior windows and moisture-proof vents are fitted with iron railings. Due to the seasonality of cocoon production, the peak season often requires coal workers, cocoon handlers, bakers, and other types of personnel to work and collaborate intensively in a relatively short period of time until all fresh cocoons are dried. Therefore, the canteen, accommodation, toilet, and other ancillary rooms need to be arranged in the vicinity of the drying room.

▼工作人员收茧称重;工作人员将茧车推入烘茧灶中;煤工正在向烘茧灶中添加煤炭,Staff collecting cocoons and weighing them;Staff pushing the cocoon trolley into the cocoon drying oven;Coal workers are adding coal to the cocoon cooker   © 茧站图片原载于《湖州晚报》项飞摄影报道《守望着湖州桑蚕的老人》贾玉冰

场地基因:巴西利卡与东方园林 Gene of the site: Basilica and Eastern Gardens


The three centrally symmetrical factory buildings in the centre of the site are aligned from north to south: the cloister, long hall and C-shaped courtyard. On the east side of the site are the workers’ living quarters, including dormitories and canteens, while on the south side is the office area for cocoon collection and weight counting.

▼老茧站原貌航拍,荒废多年的厂房建筑之间长满了树木 ©九樟 Aerial photograph of the original appearance of the old cocoon station, with factory buildings deserted for many years, full of trees in between

▼老茧站原始平面复原图 ©九樟 Restoration of the original plan of the Cocoon Station


Upon the initial site inspection, the interwoven relationships of buildings and courtyards in the project area were intriguing. One of the most unique features is the relationship between the three orderly buildings in the centre and the loose and green courtyards to the south-east, which reflect each other to form an organic whole. Passing through the cloisters from north to south, the ceremonial long hall resembles the early Western prototype of the church, the Basilica, while the arrangement of the buildings and verandahs on the south-eastern side of the haunted courtyard is reminiscent of the Oriental experience of the garden. The two are inadvertently collaged together in a masterful, eye-catching and highly intriguing way.

▼(左)原回廊内景;(右)回廊中庭杂木丛生 ©九樟 (left) Interior view of the original cloister; (right) overgrown trees in the cloister atrium

▼(左)原C形堆场的木结构屋架;(右)原收茧计重区外廊 ©九樟 (left) Timber frame of the former C-shaped yard; (right) External corridor of the former cocoon collecting and weighing area

▼长厅:烘茧房(左);旧圣彼得巴西利卡大教堂复原平面与透视图(右),Long Hall: Cocoon Drying Room;Restored plan and perspective view of Old St Peter’s Basilica. ©九樟 /图源网络

▼(左)长厅与C形堆场相接处形成的蟹眼天井 ©九樟;(右)陆巷某宅蟹眼天井 ©心匠《“蟹眼天井”–苏州民居的意与趣》 (Left) Crab’s eye patio formed at the junction of the Long Hall and the C-shaped yard; (Right) Crab-eye patio of a house at Luk Lane


The Long Hall, a large narrow rectangular hut with a roof about 55m long and 21m wide, is formed by cedar trusses arranged at intervals of 3.85m, with the cocoon station’s core baking furnace on one side and the long courtyard enclosed with the dormitory building on the other. The southern end of the long hall is connected to the C-shaped yard to form a unique “crab’s eye patio”, i.e. the gap in the middle formed the upper and lower levels of the Cavalry Passage or the formation of the shadow wall partition, where the two sides of the patio are on either side of the one. Similar forms are often found in traditional courtyards and dwellings in the south of the Yangtze River (e.g. the Garden of Master of Nets Garden in Suzhou and the House of a Thousand Pillars in Zhuji’s Mansion).

▼长厅与两侧庭院的相生关系 ©九樟 The symbiotic relationship between the long hall and the courtyards on either side of it

▼烘茧灶的空间关系示意图 ©九樟结合调研资料自绘 Diagram of the spatial relationship of the cocooning stove

设计概念与品牌定位 Design Concept and Brand Positioning



▼老城“园林”中的精神空间,Spiritual Sanctuary in the Old Town Gardens ©九樟

In terms of urban relations, the project strives for tranquility amidst bustle, adopting the concept of “small town secret realm” to create a place that is entirely different from standardized hotels and embodies the local silk weaving memories-an artistic hotel. In terms of architecture, we hope to continue the combination of “Basilica” and “Oriental Garden”, using “Pavilion and Garden” as the core concept to create a dynamic relationship between motion and stillness, architecture and nature, and ceremonialism and wanderlust in two sets of dyadic clues.

Furthermore, at the beginning of the project, in terms of the design of the brand’s visual system, we worked together with the graphic design team to design a set of Cocoon Hotel’s graphic VI system and its visual applications, using the concepts of “cross-stitch” and “silk thread weaving”.

▼茧酒店vi系统,VI system for Jian Hotel ©童cc、瞿振超、栾嘉辉、陈铮

茧·酒店,新生 Jian Hotel, the Rebirth


The metamorphosis from cocoon factory to art hotel is a test of how to fit brand new functions into a historic shell. The project site does not offer a good view of the outside, and managing the interior of the snail’s shell is the daily practice of the project’s design work.

▼延续空间结构,将全新功能装入历史的躯壳中 ©嵒建筑摄影 Continuing the spatial structure and fitting new functions into a historical shell


The design will be narrated around the following elements: firstly the preserved trees, the most deeply rooted pre-existing objects on the site; secondly, the iconic remnant of the site, the Long Hall; and lastly, the organisation of the hotel’s sinews, the connecting corridors, as well as the courtyards that are formed around the preserved trees with the rows of buildings. These elements reflect each other and together form the overall spatial experience.

▼穿梭于建筑组团之间的连廊,Connecting corridors between architectural complex ©嵒建筑摄影


The functional ratios of the hotel are 52% for the public area, 43% for the guest room area and 5% for the logistics area, of which the ratios for the public area are slightly higher than the norm when compared to a standardized hotel product. The reason for this is mainly due to the limitation of the original space structure of the retention (such as the preservation of the long hall would lead to the difficulty of cutting off and turning part of it into guest rooms, etc.). As a cocoon station space in the “soul”, the long hall will inevitably be retained no matter from the perspective of site memory or brand positioning and so on, which indeed causes some problems with the ratio imbalance of the hotel’s public area. Therefore, an alternative product positioning was proposed to the hotel management company, a hotel-type product with a more diversified income stream, which in essence, would be a ” banquet centre with accommodation”. In this context, all public areas have been strengthened with the possibility of independent operation (separate charges) and the flexibility to organise chargeable events such as banquets and private hire.

▼总平面图,Plan ©九樟

▼酒店一层平面图,Ground Floor Plan ©九樟



We mainly designed four basic types of rooms: two standard rooms with different widths, one type of king-size bedroom, and one type of suite with a large bathing pool, with an area range of 45-55 ㎡, which is a light holiday positioning between economy and luxury, competing with the existing hotels in Lianshi. There is also an executive suite on the southernmost part of the site, with a living room on the ground floor and a three-bedroom guest room on the first floor, which can be sold either as a package or separately on the upper and lower floors. It takes into account the needs of some three-generation family trips, group trips of friends, wedding receptions, and so on. Due to the building’s nearly 70-year service life, the original brick and wood structure was on the verge of collapse, with the wooden components experiencing decay or deformation (the building inspection report classified it as a C-su level dangerous building, indicating that some load-bearing structures could not meet safety requirements, constituting a partial danger). After a comprehensive assessment, the transformation strategy ultimately chosen was “reconstruction while respecting the original appearance.” Specifically, the central three (cloister, long hall, C-shaped yard) were adjusted and restored based on the hotel’s functional needs while preserving the original building volume and appearance. As for the five buildings in the guest room cluster, they were reconstructed with the precondition of preserving existing trees, taking into account building spacing, lighting, and other requirements. The long hall was reconstructed with timber structure, while the remaining buildings adopted a reinforced concrete frame structure, and the corridors used a steel structure.

▼各层平面图、功能配比与客房户型统计 ©九樟 Floor plans, functional proportions and statistics of the types of guest rooms

七十载香樟树:茧·酒店的自然之魂 Seventy Years of Camphor: The Natural Soul of the Jian Hotel


The vitality of Jian Hotel’s space is derived from several 70-year-old camphor trees, which have grown from the cracks to the present stretching posture in the courtyard. The old camphor brings the spatial tension over the years to the courtyard of the guest room group, while the change of seasons together with the memories of life are condensed in this place, forming the unique charm of Jian Hotel, which is different from other hotels.

▼七十载香樟树与客房组团,Seventy years of camphor and guestrooms ©嵒建筑摄影

▼原场地中夹缝生长的香樟树,Camphor trees growing in the cracks of the original site ©九樟©郑国栋


The east and west sides of the site are surrounded by the current buildings and are airtight, with only two rows of houses on the west side of the north end of the long hall, where there is an opportunity to demolish a gap and form the main entrance to the hotel. The exact location is also the closest to the new car park and main road, making it easy for customers to identify and arrive and depart. Access from the centre will also significantly reduce internal traffic within the hotel. Coincidentally, a wild tree with a large crown grew in the area where the public toilets were originally built. Later inquiries revealed that the tree was called the Neem (lian) tree, which is synonymous with the Lianshi (lian), and was cleverly retained in the subsequent design to become the iconic frontage tree at the main entrance of the hotel.

▼西入口的楝树与长厅的大屋顶 Before & After,Neem tree at the west entrance and the big roof of the long hall ©九樟 ©嵒建筑摄影

▼面向练溪的茧·酒店正立面Before & After,新建的回廊以老茧站的体量与屋顶关系为原型进行重新设计,The Before & After of the front elevation of Jian Hotel facing Lianxi, the new corridor is redesigned based on the relationship between the volume and the roof of the old Cocoon Station ©九樟 ©嵒建筑摄影

酒店大堂:从烘茧房到艺术长厅 The Lobby: From Cocoon Room to Art Long Hall


▼长厅剖面,Section of the Long Hall ©九樟

Transformed from a baked cocoon room, the hotel lobby known as the Long Hall of Art is the soul of Jian Hotel. The modified timber frame and giant shuttle-shaped fabric art installation in the centre of the hall reinforce the ceremonial nature while responding to the unique theme of “cocoon” with materials and forms. While retaining the low eaves on either side of the original building, the design enhances the landscape views to the east and west. The long horizontal windows on the east side of the long hall give a sense of the relationship between the front and back of the building and the gradual progression of the courtyard. The outermost climatic boundary, with rectangular steel columns to facilitate the installation of windows and doors, also allows part of the external corridor to be raised above the roof. In terms of functional zoning, the interior of the long hall is divided into three functional areas: from north to south, the hotel reception, the multifunctional lounge area and the public meeting room. The centre of the space is distinguished from the side corridors by the addition of a floor platform, which ensures the rituality of the space while breaking the scale of the interior.

▼长厅,The Long Hall ©九樟©嵒建筑摄影

▼长厅的大屋顶得到了重新演绎,从长厅看出去的景观视野被重新设计,The large roof of the Long Room has been reinterpreted and the view from the Long Room has been redesigned ©嵒建筑摄影

▼侧廊焕然一新,临窗布置了茶位,欣赏窗外庭院,The side porch has been refurbished with a window seat to enjoy the courtyard outside ©嵒建筑摄影

▼长方向看,形成长卷般的户外风景,The long direction of view creates a long scroll-like outdoor landscape ©嵒建筑摄影

▼梭织与木构的结合,The combination of woven and wood construction ©嵒建筑摄影


The double-flue fireplace is the most iconic material remnant of the Cocoon Room. The design reproduces this unique form of chimney, transforming it into a fireplace in the lounge area on the west side of the long hall. The woven metal elements that appear on the windows of the Cocoon Station have been skillfully transformed into a decorative language in the space, appearing in various semi-closed partitions in the interior.

▼取材于老茧站的金属编织网细部,Detail of a woven metal mesh taken from a cocooning station ©嵒建筑摄影

▼老茧站特有的双烟道火炉,被结合进休闲区的火炉,保留了其一直一弯的造型特点,成为长厅历史记忆的象征物,The unique double flue stove of the old cocoon station, integrated into the leisure area’s fireplace, preserves its distinctive curved design, becoming a symbolic element of the long hall’s historical memory ©九樟

连廊:在自然与建筑之间穿梭 The Corridor: Between Nature and Architecture


▼酒店流线:住客流线、垂直交通及后勤流线,Hotel flow: resident flow, vertical traffic and logistic flow ©九樟

From the northern corridor, through each of the guest rooms, up to the roof of the Long Hall, through the gaps in the building, and into the southernmost part of the hotel, the steel-structured corridors weave their way between the guest rooms and the Long Hall, progressively deepening the experience from public to private, in keeping with the original design of the ‘ secret realm of a small town ‘. The corridor weaves its way between nature and architecture, forming the most active symbol in the hotel’s image. In addition to lounging in the courtyard, customers can also climb up to the first floor of the connecting corridor in nice weather, standing at different heights to experience the whole environment of the hotel.

▼茧·酒店鸟瞰:穿梭于建筑组团之间的连廊,Aerial view of the Jian Hotel: The corridor between the building clusters ©嵒建筑摄影

▼连廊,The Corridor ©嵒建筑摄影

▼连廊细部,The Corridor ©嵒建筑摄影


The trend of the corridor focuses on the “sense of breath” between buildings on either side of the near and far. It is partially formed into a “hollowed-out” courtyard where the corridor is not close to the building, creating a dynamic spatial hierarchy. For the technical part, the conventional way of stacking the main beams and composite floor slabs on top and bottom was optimized. The thickness of the floor slabs to the bottom ceiling was controlled at 20cm, while the diameter of the columns was at 15cm. The arrangement of the network of columns does not pursue the limit of the less but pursues the columns to fall in the extension of the network of columns of the adjacent building. The operation of aligning as much as possible minimises the “presence” of the columns on the ground floor, creating a light and dynamic spatial experience. Customers usually enter the hotel from the north end of the Long Hall. After completing the check-in process, they would step outside and walk under the connecting corridors, roaming the courtyards as they make their way into the various guestroom buildings.

▼连廊二层回看长厅,Looking back at the Long Hall ©嵒建筑摄影

▼客房与爬上瓦屋面的连廊,Guestrooms and the connecting corridors that climb up to the tiled roofs ©嵒建筑摄影

▼层层递进的庭院与客房,progressive layers of courtyards and guest rooms ©郑国栋

酒店公区与客房:亭庭相生 Public Areas and Guest Rooms: Harmony of Pavilion and Courtyard


The southeast side of the C-shaped yard and the long hall was created as the hotel’s guestroom area, consisting of six buildings in a relatively centralised arrangement for ease of management. However, it is not easy to guarantee the light, view and privacy of the guest rooms at the same time in such a narrow site; secondly, all guest rooms must be accessible, rainproof and easy for customers to find their way around. There are six camphor trees of more than 70 years old in the guest room area, with a diameter of more than 30cm at breast height, which have witnessed the rise and fall of the old Cocoon Station, and the new building needs to be built around the existing trees to create a comfortable courtyard relationship. The highlight of the design is to maximise the number and type of guest rooms by providing a rich and varied wanderlust experience while meeting the above conditions. The image of the courtyard is extended by meandering gravel paths and clusters of trees and shrubs, reinterpreting the unique “garden” space of the old city of Cocoon Station.

▼茧·酒店鸟瞰,Aerial view of Jian Hotel ©嵒建筑摄影

▼庭院,Courtyard ©嵒建筑摄影


The exterior of the building is formed by the combination of yellow clay-colored art paint and old wooden planks, derived from the original material relationship of the Old Cocoon Station – the combination of wooden structure and yellow sand cement wall. Near the roof, faux wood-grain Great Wall panels are used to form a lattice structure and small blue tiles are chosen for the roof, ultimately allowing the entire hotel to reintegrate into the texture of the old city when viewed from above.

▼建筑外观,The exterior of the building ©嵒建筑摄影

▼客房窗外,Outside the guest room window ©九樟 ©嵒建筑摄影


Different unit types are reflected on the building facade, choosing a unified unit form to create a sense of unity. A set of protruding facade units is divided into left and right parts, which are balconies and window openings, respectively. The interior desk corresponds to the window openings’ inner side, and they intersect and mirror each other, creating a unique rhythmic sense based on the floor. In extremely limited depth conditions, a relief-like technique is used to achieve a layered internal and external effect.

▼回廊中庭,Atrium of the cloister ©嵒建筑摄影


The corridor is designed as a compound hotel support complex and logistical office space. Open functions for customers include hotel restaurants, private rooms, banquet halls, a bar facing the old street, chess and card rooms, a spa, and a gym. These functions consider the possibility of independent operation in the later stage and the need to independently reach without going through the guest room area. The east side of the corridor is the “backstage” of the hotel, with comprehensive linen rooms, management offices, and control rooms arranged in coordination with the logistical flow. The logistics supply in and out is arranged on the northeast side.

▼层层递进的庭院与客房,progressive layers of courtyards and guest rooms ©嵒建筑摄影

结语 Closing Remarks



The transformation and renewal of existing buildings in towns, especially the transformation and renewal of various cultural and industrial relics, are the project types that we have been exposed to more in recent years. When facing such projects, we insist on respecting the memory of the site, responding to and addressing design issues by reorganizing and organizing local elements, rather than creating something out of nothing. In the end, we strive to give the project “recomposition” a differentiated, unique attribute, born from its own new genes. This allows the old cocoon station that has experienced 70 years to continue forward in a renewed state, carrying the traces of history. As the American writer William Faulkner said, people are like sitting on a train that is always moving backward, and the only thing they can see clearly is the past. We hope that in the rolling forward of our era, we would also hold a kind of warmth and respect for the past.

▼从对岸老街看向北入口,Looking across the old street towards the north entrance ©郑国栋

▼酒店西侧主入口,门头建筑一旁得到保留的楝树,Main entrance on the west side of the hotel, with a preserved neem tree next to the front building ©郑国栋

▼酒店南入口鸟瞰,Aerial view of the north entrance of the hotel ©嵒建筑摄影

▼茧酒店户型平面,Floor plan for the Hotel ©九樟

▼K2客房立面,剖面,墙身大样,Elevation, section, and the wall sample drawing of the K2 guest room ©九樟

▼K3客房立面,剖面,墙身大样,Elevation, section, and the wall sample drawing of the K3 guest room ©九樟

▼回廊北立面,剖面,North elevation and section drawing of the cloister ©九樟


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JOI-Design Innenarchitekten
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柏林 about | berlin 酒店 | 温馨与巧思的融合
Hidden Fortress
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拉德芳斯大道上的绿色明珠 | InDeåfense 办公楼与 Hôtel OKKO