Surrey Hills TPC Residence Informing the design was the requirement to successfully balance the heritage character of the home against the introduction of new elements to create a completely unique aesthetic. The design of the TPC residence directly responds to the client’s brief for a new dialogue between an old Victorian property, based in Melbourne’s Surrey Hills coupled with the increasing demands of catering for a young family of five. Collaboration Building Design: Herbert - Howes Landscape: Ben Scott Garden Design Photography: Sharyn Cairns Close SurreyHillsTPC住宅通知设计是为了成功地平衡住宅的传统特征而不引入新的元素来创造一个完全独特的美学。TPC住宅的设计直接响应于客户对一个古老的维多利亚物业之间的新对话的简报,该对话的基础是墨尔本的SurreyHills,这与对一家5岁的年轻家庭的饮食需求日益增加的需求相联系。协作建筑设计:赫伯特