发布时间:2024-04-10 08:43:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Over decades, the once-forested rural slice of land had its center carved out and its length severed by a series of retaining walls straining to hold back the sloping earth.  An aging suburban home sat uncomfortably at the promontory. With an affection for the Key Peninsula developed through 35 years of visits to a small beach cabin nearby, our clients were enthusiastically engaged in the process of creating a home on this slice of land. They envisioned a new home for themselves, a bunch of foster dogs, a few horses, and visiting family and friends.

从乡村公路出发,一条砾石车道经过一个不起眼的新谷仓,蜿蜒通向房子。远处的山坡逐渐降低,只能看到房屋的一角。 接近房屋时,种植的屋顶就像地面的延续。那一小块草地已经成为了青蛙和各种鸟类所喜爱的栖息之地。虽然它就像石头牢牢地固定在河床上一样,房子也确实影响了地形的流动路径,但景观始终是最主要的力量。

Longbranch is a home designed to be overlooked. From the country road, a gravel drive wanders towards the house passing an unassuming new barn.  In the distance, where the slope drops away, only a glimpse of the house can be seen.  Nearing it, the planted roof appears as a continuation of the ground plane.  That small patch of meadow grass has already become the habitat for a colony of frogs and a favored perch for a variety of birds.  While, like stones firmly settled in a streambed, the house does influence the path of the terrain flowing between and through, the landscape is always the primary force.


Towering firs stand as enormous columns at the entry.  Pin piles and grade beams carefully cross above tree roots so that the building and forest can share the same ground.  A bridge extends into the house, spanning an ambiguous area that seems to be both nature and structure.  These points of confluence emphasize the continuous connection between the built and natural environments.


As the front door opens, so does the view through the house, revealing the nature of the structure as well as the promontory and view toward Case Inlet below. Each room offers its own connection to the landscape, sometimes intimate in scale, sometimes expansive. Today, the forest and meadow are reintegrated and together they embrace Longbranch, a family home with the serenity, warmth and timelessness that comes from the layering of authentic materials with attention to craft and detail.

建筑以空地和柱子、体量和空隙模仿景观的形式。主要结构体由松散的混凝土混合物浇筑而成,表现出材料的流动性,与周围粗糙的骨料形成鲜明对比。私人空间由深色杉木覆盖,当地的道格拉斯杉木横梁构成了木结构凉亭,漂浮在这些实体之间。 在生活馆中,精致的玻璃与厚重的框架分开,将空间围合到最小,并表达了装配的性质。森林和草地被重新整合,在大自然中拥抱家园。

The building emulates the form of the landscape with clearings and columns, masses and voids. Primary structural masses are cast with a loose concrete mix that expresses the fluid nature of the material contrasted with the surrounding ragged aggregate.  Private spaces are clad in dark-stained cedar and locally sourced Douglas Fir beams make up the timber frame pavilion floating between those solids.  At the living pavilion, delicate glazing is held apart from the heavy frame, minimally enclosing the space and expressing the nature of the assemblies. The forest and meadow have been reintegrated, embracing the home in nature.




Longbranch 住宅
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