发布时间:2018-12-31 16:41:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
通过分析全球 36 个生物多样性热点地区的保护、土地利用和城市发展状况,为景观设计师和规划者提供有力工具,以更好地关注和实践关键问题。


– 2018年评奖委员会

“The research is asking important questions in a new way and pointing out the relationships, the tensions, and the conflicts where we need to pay attention.”

-2018 Awards Jury



Atlas for the End of the World – Atlas for the Beginning of the Anthropocene by

University of Pennsylvania

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4 years in the making, this web-based interactive Atlas surveys the status of, and conflicts between conservation, land-use and urban growth in the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots – regions which by definition harbor the most threatened and irreplaceable biodiversity on earth.

Specifically, the Atlas shows how the hotspots and their 391 constituent ecoregions are performing with regard to meeting 2020 United Nations protected area targets under the legally binding Convention on Biological Diversity. The Atlas also identifies 383 of the 422 major cities in the hotspots which are sprawling, and forecast to continue to sprawl, in direct conflict with remnant habitat and endangered (Red Listed) species.

Through its analysis of both large-scale land-use and peri-urban growth that is in conflict with biodiversity, the Atlas serves as a geopolitical tool for planners and conservationists to focus and prioritize their efforts. Whilst this is valuable and important work in and of itself, the Atlas also prepares the ground for the involvement of landscape architecture in regions where the profession’s skills are most needed.



世界上的第一部地图集名叫《Theatrum Orbis Terrarum》(世界概貌),由安特卫普的地图学家Abraham Ortelius于1570年绘制。它粗略地概括了世界的布局和初始的生态系统,为的是在不久的将来进行殖民。大约450年过后,《世界末日地图集》诞生了。这部地图集所描绘的显然不是真正的世界末日,相反,不如说它是Ortelius所描绘的世界的终结——在这里,生态系统的一切(包括人类)仿佛都可以被无节制、无止境地剥削和开采。






用于识别这些城市的方法是: 从耶鲁大学的Seto Lab调取2030年的城市增长覆盖图,并将其与全球土地利用数据库和IUCN红色名录中的残存植被数据以及3245个哺乳动物物种数据进行叠加和比较。

由于这些“冲突区域地图”的分辨率很低(5km x 5km像素),因此研究团队在项目的第三阶段从热点地区中选择了33个规模最大且发展最快的城市作为样本,以确保分析更加清晰和详细。在这些“热点大城市”(如大西洋沿岸森林地区的圣保罗)中,与濒危物种保护相冲突的城郊地区的分析已经达到了很高的分辨率。第三阶段的工作已于2018年2月在吉隆坡的世界城市论坛上进行展示。研究团队认为,这33个城市应当起到表率性的作用,共同构建一个知识创新和知识共享的联盟。这一想法得到了相关领域的主要非政府组织的广泛认可。




▲Abraham Ortelius的肖像,以及世界上第一部地图集《Theatrum Orbis Terrarum》(1570年)的卷首页。Portrait of Abraham Ortelius and frontispiece from the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the world’s first Atlas (1570)

▲世界上第一部地图集《Theatrum Orbis Terrarum》中描绘的世界。The world according to the 1570 Theatrum Orbis Terrarum – the world’s first Atlas.

▲世界上现有的保护区面积为全球陆地面积的15.4%。The world’s protected areas – currently 15.4 % of global terrestrial area.

▲分布在全球的36个生物多样性热点地区。大西洋沿岸森林地区被突出显示,旨在为每个热点地区提供详细的分析案例。The world’s 36 biological hotspots – with the Atlantic Forest hotspot highlighted so as to key in an example of the detailed analysis conducted for each hotspot.

▲大西洋沿岸森林地区分析图,展示了已经得到保护的土地数量以及达到生物多样性公约规定的17%的目标所需要额外进行保护的土地数量。The Atlantic Forest hotspot showing how much land is protected and how much land needs to be protected in order to meet the United Nations 17% (Convention on Biological Diversity) target.

▲大西洋沿岸森林地区分析图。为达到生物多样性公约规定的17%的目标,每个地区需要增加的保护区域面积有所不同。The eco-regions of the Atlantic Forest hotspot showing the amount of protected area in each and the amount necessary to protect in order to meet the 17% (Convention on Biological Diversity) target.

▲大西洋沿岸森林地区分析图。为达到生物多样性公约规定的17%的目标,每个地区需要增加的保护区域面积有所不同。The eco-regions of the Atlantic Forest hotspot showing the amount of protected area in each and the amount necessary to protect in order to meet the 17% (Convention on Biological Diversity) target.

▲世界地图突出展示位于生物多样性热点地区的城市,这些城市与残余栖息地以及濒危物种之间存在着冲突。World map highlighting cities in the world’s biodiversity hotspots which are sprawling in conflict with remnant habitat and endangered species.

▲大西洋沿岸森林地图展示了生物保护、土地利用以及城市发展之间的矛盾现状。Map of the Atlantic Forest hotspot showing zones of conflict between urbanization, land-use and endangered species.

▲“大西洋沿岸森林”热点地区所包含的城市,黄色部分代表了基于2030年的城市增长而预测出的冲突区域。Example of mapping showing peri-urban zones of conflict (in yellow) between urban growth (forecast to 2030 ) and endangered species in the example of the Atlantic Forest hotspot.

▲“大西洋沿岸森林”热点地区所包含的城市,黄色部分代表了基于2030年的城市增长而预测出的冲突区域。Example of mapping showing peri-urban zones of conflict (in yellow) between urban growth (forecast to 2030 ) and endangered species in the example of the Atlantic Forest hotspot.

▲圣保罗市地图,红色部分以高分辨率呈现了2030年将与濒危物种产生冲突的城郊区域。The city of Sao Paulo – an example of mapping that shows (in red) at high resolution peri-urban areas of conflict between urban growth (projected to 2030) and endangered species.

▲上图展示了热点地区中发展最快的城市,红色部分代表了2030年将与濒危物种产生冲突的区域。The fastest growing cities in the world’s biological hotspots with red areas indicated conflict between 2030 urban growth forecasts and endangered species.

▲上图展示了热点地区中发展最快的城市,红色部分代表了2030年将与濒危物种产生冲突的区域。The fastest growing cities in the world’s biological hotspots with red areas indicated conflict between 2030 urban growth forecasts and endangered species.


The world’s first atlas, the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World) was published in 1570 by Abraham Ortelius of Antwerp. In crude outline, the Theatrum laid out the world and its largely in-tact ecosystems for imminent colonization. Almost 450 years later, this ‘Atlas for the End of the World’ rakes over the remains. Of course, it is not the end of the world at all, rather, it is the end of Ortelius’ world – a world where it was thought ecosystems (and peoples) could be exploited without consequence, ad infinitum.

Specifically, the Atlas surveys the status of, and conflicts between conservation, land-use and urban growth in the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots – regions which by definition harbor the most threatened and unique biodiversity on earth. It does this by comparing the quantity of protected area in the hotspots against the global target of 17% as set by the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and to which 196 nations are signatory.

The world’s current estate of protected areas amounts to 15.4% of global terrestrial area. To reach the 17% target means the world needs to secure an additional 1.6% by 2020. This sounds trivial but in fact it equates to almost 700,000 Central Parks. The overarching question this research asks is where, as a matter of priority, this land should be protected?

The method used to conduct the analytical phase of this research began with a rasterized depiction of global land-cover classification. The raster was converted into a shapefile (vector), and specific layers such as agriculture, barren land, water/ice and urban areas, removed. Importantly, we modified the remnant habitat delineation derived from our GIS analysis by first subtracting any overlapping protected areas.

The research found that 21 of 36 hotspots currently fall well short of reaching the CBD’s 17% protected area target. In a further and finer grained phase of analysis it was determined that 221 of 391 of the ecoregions which constitute the world’s hotspots also fall well short of meeting the 17% target. As shown in the accompanying illustrations, our mapping shows how much additional land needs to be protected if each hotspot was to reach the 17% target. Similarly, at the ecoregional level the quantities of protected area and remnant habitat are re-drawn as squares at the same scale as the original map in order to clearly demonstrate the additional land area within a given ecoregion that must be protected to meet the target (teal-green), and how much viable habitat remains in which to do so (light green).

In an effort to move beyond the orthodoxy of conservation as only the designation of protected areas, and to connect regional land use to the dynamics of urbanization, in a second phase of this research we examined the 422 cities (300,000 people or more) in the 36 hotspots. The purpose of this was to identify which cities are sprawling, and can be expected to continue to sprawl, in direct conflict with remnant habitat and endangered species at their peri-urban edges. We found direct conflict to be the case in 383 out of 422 cities. Moreover, according to desk-top analysis we found that an overwhelming majority of these cities have next to no semblance of planning to address this calamity. By way of example, the cities in one hotspot (the Atlantic Forest) are illustrated. On these small, circular maps of each city the color yellow indicates areas of conflict based on 2030 growth forecasts.

The method used to identify cities that are sprawling in conflict with biodiversity was to overlay 2030 growth projections sourced from the Seto Lab at Yale University with remnant vegetation data from the Global Land Cover Facility and the IUCN Red List of ranges for 3,245 mammal species that are either critically endangered or endangered.

Because the resolution of these ‘conflict maps’ is quite low (5km x 5km pixels), in the third and most recent phase of this research, a sample set of 33 of the largest and fastest growing cities in the hotspots was selected for more detailed analysis. In each of these ‘hotspot capitals’ (such as Sao Paulo in the case of the Atlantic Forest hotspot) the peri-urban land area where urban growth and endangered species are on a direct collision course has been identified at high resolution. This third phase of the research was presented to the World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur in February, 2018. There, we argued that these 33 cities should assume a leadership role and form a global alliance for knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. This idea has been well received by the major NGOs working in this context.

This research has resulted in over 800 new maps and supporting text directly addressing the planning and management of land in the world’s most significant biological regions. Breaking with the academic orthodoxy of producing books for our small community of peers, this research has been broadly disseminated as an interactive website. The research is organized and presented so as to appeal to experts and the general public and includes a series of 40 (original) world maps and related art work. Since its launch on Earth Day (April 22nd) in 2017, the website (at the time of writing) has received over 170,000 unique visitors – an average of well over 500 per day. The research has been further disseminated through over 30 news outlets, most notably National Geographic and Scientific American which together reach more than 25 million people.

The geographic identification of these results (target shortfalls and peri-urban conflict zones) at such a scale is unprecedented. By accurately identifying these ‘crisis landscapes’ both nations and the big environmental NGOs can better coordinate and prioritize their efforts to mitigate further biodiversity loss. To that end a consortium including the authors in association with the Nature Conservancy, ICLEI, the Stockholm Resiliency Center and the Helmholz Center for Environmental Research has now been formed to determine a set of 8 city-based demonstration projects that will aim to show how, through planning, design and local community engagement, urban growth and biodiversity can better co-exist. For landscape architecture to be at the table negotiating such issues, at such scale, with such organizations is a breakthrough.

From the ASLA’s perspective what is also noteworthy is that the the authors of this research have used it to argue for the profession of landscape architecture to be directly involved in these landscapes – landscapes which have hitherto been dominated by the science of conservation on the one hand, and economic development on the other. In this way, this research intentionally positions the profession of landscape architecture as the arbiter between conservation and urban growth in the 21st century on a global scale. As a research project the Atlas was conceived, and now serves to open a pathway for both the profession and the academy of landscape architecture to genuinely expand its purview and make significant steps toward realizing its global mandate of stewardship.


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