America PRESCOTT house
景观设计:colwellshelor,DOUGLAS ARCHITECTURE
This residence is situated in the middle of the Pinyon Juniper Woodlands plant community of Yavapai County. Massive granite boulders anchor the building to the site on the east side, creating a dramatic backdrop for the spa and the colored concrete finger walls that spill out from the granite base. A slender pedestrian bridge spans over the boulder-laden wash, arriving at a seating area and firepit from which to view the stars. The steep south bank was planted with deep rooted shrubs and wildflower ground cover that will secure and retain the soil. Protected by the jutting roof at the southwest corner of the house lies the Agave Garden Gallery, bursting with climate-appropriate specimen cacti, confined within battered concrete retaining walls. Surrounding the house on all other sides and aligning the drive, great care was undertaken to repair and restore the landscape back to its native appearance.