The brief was to design a family house on a north facing triangular promontory, overgrown with pine and blueberry bushes, covered with large boulders. The first sketches were made in 2010 and were put on hold until 2013. The project was completed in 2015.
▽ 松林与蓝莓树丛的环绕之中的居所,family house overgrown with pine and blueberry bushes
▽ 建筑外观,external view
Connected with the water front in all directions; except on one side, due to the risk of flooding.
▽ 建筑面朝着湖水,building facing the lake
▽ 草图,sketches
The spine like upper floor forms an axis through the house. The entrance to the south welcomes the visitor as the building’s wings stretch out.
▽ 建筑入口,entrance
To reduce the scale and to allow clear definition of the functions of the building, the wings end with patio spaces that allow you to take advantage of the light and views in different directions. Wherever you are in the house, you have access to framed views.
▽ 内部空间,interior space
Just inside the sheltered entrance, the kitchen is to the left, which flows on to a patio that provides sunlight in the morning, mid-day and evening. A dining room is orthogonal to the main axis of the building. The living room with a fireplace faces the evening sun and a framed patio offers protection from the evening light. The media rooms window captures the beautiful terrain.
▽ 建筑西侧立面,west side of the building
An existing log cabin has been remodeled to function as a garage and a storage yard. The wood facade and ‘faltak’ roof is treated with iron sulphate that corresponds with the materiality of the pine trees and boulders. The footbridge in the north extends until it connects to the lake.
▽ 建筑黯淡的灰色,与环绕的松林和岩石相映成趣,the color of the building corresponds with the materiality of the pine trees and boulders
▽ 长长的步行木桥沿着轴线继续向北延伸,the footbridge in the north connects to the lake
▽ 总平面图,site plan
▽ 一层平面,first floor
▽ 二层与地下层平面,second floor and basement
▽ 立面,elevation
▽ 剖面,section
Architect in charge Hans Murman, Architect SAR /MSA Project 2010-2015 Location, Sunnanö, Sweden