Private House, Riedikon, 2004-2009
This dwelling, which reinterprets the typology of the surrounding gable-roof houses,gains its marked design by adapting form to context parametrically.The stipulations of two geometric operations were used to determine the groundplanshape of the house. One condition was to keep the neighboring house view of the lakefree; the other was to permit access and parking behind the house. Like a tent, anoverhanging pitched roof covers the high rooms in the upper storey. The window strip,which runs along the edge of the roof, emphasises the horizontal structure. 315vertical wooden slats, affixed to the surface of the wall, completely envelope thefacades. By milling the edges, the cross sections of the slats were modulated incorrespondence with the window strip so that requirements of sight and sun protectionwere fulfilled, and various, flowing levels of transparency could be set.
Gramazio & Kohler, Zurich
Client: Private
Collaborators: Raffael Gaus (project lead), Anya Meyer, Cristian Veranasi, Manuel
Bader, Damaris Baumann, Gabriel Cuellar, Peter Heckeroth, Claudia Nasri, Silvan
Selected experts:
ibeg bauengineering GmbH (structural engineer), Thomas Melliger (planning), Raumanzug
(energy consulting), Archobau AG (economy consulting), Ralph B鋜tschi (Programming)
Address: Riedikerstrasse 94 b, 8616 Riedikon
Planning: January 2004 until August 2008
Execution: September 2008 until July 2009
Site area: 655 m2
Built site area: 134 m2
Gross floor area: 295 m2
Gross cubic space: 1001 m3
Gramazio & Kohler