手机已经成为今天人们工作、购物、娱乐和生活中重要的一部分。低头族也成为了今天的普遍现象。同时也产生了花样繁多的衍生产品。penda受邀为“爪蛙”品 牌设计一家针对新兴的手机游戏和衍生品的临时商店。
因为店铺的售卖产品琳琅满目,对于展位的布置与摆放要求也各有不同。所以 penda采用灵活性和可变性的设计的原则来应对这一个微观的数码世界。我们今天的世界都是通过像素化呈现在画面上的。penda通过一个标准的木盒像素单元的多功能组合与复制,创造出一个灵活的展示和售卖的景观装置——“像素景观”。 像素木盒中除了展示手机和衍生的数码产品外,还融入了丰富的绿植景观,既可以缓解信号的辐射同时也创造了一处虚拟和现实融为一体的空间。场所中的手游互动区也更增加了二者的粘性。
Penda was asked by Wakaka, a Chinese mobile app developer, to design a physical, temporary store to display their tech gadgets and to advertise their apps for phone and pads. This connection of the virtual world and reality was a key aspect in designing the store. The physical shop should connect visitors to their online store. An image of the real world is presented on a screen in a pixelated way. Those pixels are brought to life and manifested in more than 2000 modular, wooden boxes, which can be easily couple with their neighbouring box to form one continues selling-landscape. Each wooden box is providing a frame to the displayed products. The “pixels” can connect with each other in varying formations and forms, following the needs and the demands of the store.
总计2000个木盒通过简易的方式灵活组装拼接,这样可以满足不同的店铺尺寸和功能的需要。因为第一家店铺落户于天津大悦城内,将仅仅作为六个月的临时展 示存在,稍后爪蛙店会在北京及全国开更多家连锁,所以全部的像素木盒都可以拆 卸、搬运并重新搭建使用。实现一种经济、生态、节约的绿色设计理念。
All 2000 boxes were prefabricated and delivered to site, where they were assembled in less than 10 hours.
The current configuration is a temporary pop-up store in a shopping mall in Tianjin / China. After 7 months the App Store gets dissembled and all its parts spread out to 6 smaller stores in Tianjin and Beijing. As the shop move, all its “pixels” move with it and get reassembled in a different configuration depending on each stores characteristics and functions.
Penda’s design for the pixelated selling landscape is fully modular, prefabricated and offers a great amount of flexibility and diversity for the clients varying needs and demands.
PROJECTNAME 项目名称 :Pixelscape / Wakaka App Store 一个灵活的售卖︎观
PROJECTTYPE 项目类型 :Interior Design 公共装置、景观设计
PROJECTLOCATION 项目位置 :Beijing / China 中国北京
PROJECTYEAR 设计时间 :2015 / 2016
PROJECTSIZE 项目规模 :200 m2
PROJECTTEAM 设计团队 :Chris Precht, Sun Dayong, Li Pengchong, Jessica Luo Chris Precht,孙大勇,李朋 冲,罗铭瑜