几千年来有色光谱里的蓝色成为众多科学家、艺术家智慧的代表莫奈睡莲蓝、梵高星空蓝、蒙德里安几何蓝、克莱因蓝以及毕加索的“蓝色时期”Through the historyfor many scientists and architects, blue has become the representative of intelligence Monet, Van Gogh, MondrianKlein and Picasso all preferred blue in their lives2020年我们为GENUINE BEAUTY · 真美系统带来永恒不朽的经典蓝简单中流露出优雅像是薄暮时的天空,沉睡的海洋In 2020we bring the “classic blue” to GENUINE BEAUTY Simple but elegantlike sky in the dusk or sea in quiet
GENUINE BEAUTY · 真美系统是专注于美丽领域的产品体验与销售的事业平台以“普及品质生活方式”为使命推广东方美学理念设计师意图以柔美的曲线及多元的色块组合定义空间氛围基调蓝+粉的碰撞 似繁花与天空海浪的相遇冷暖交融中流露出平静自信 亦有无穷柔美气质GENUINE BEAUTY , concentrates on establishing business platform of user experience and sales of products related to beauty industryWe promote the concept of oriental aesthetics under the mission that popularizing high-standard lifestylesDesigners intend to define the spatial atmosphere tone with soft curves and multiple color blocksThe combination of blue and pink , just like the combination of blossoms, sea and skythe combination of warmth and coldness make something quietself-confident, and elegant appear
打破传统尺寸的定制长桌造型简练协调吊顶造型运用金属波纹板材质犹如湖面倒影般朦胧感We break the traditional customized long table shape which is concise and coordinatedand use the ceiling shape made by metal corrugated sheet material just like the shadow of the lake which creates dimness
将艺术家梁贺作品“再吹我就生气了”艺术摆件放置其中为原本静谧的空间氛围增添了趣味性Putting artwork “Stop blowing or face anger”(created by artist,Liang He) inside will add interest in the silent atmosphere
休闲区空间设计师设想打破固有家具陈列思维运用简洁造型组合沙发,家具布局多种形态变化减少了家具为休闲空间带来的负担同时给予了空间更多的可能性In comfort zone, designers want to break the old thoughts of furniture displaythey use concise sofa various furniture to reduce the burden of spacebut increase more potentials
不锈钢镜面装饰吊灯填充了空间饱满度的同时不失精致感隐约映射着沙发家具的光影Stainless steel mirror decorative chandelier fills the space with fullness without losing refinementdimly reflecting the light and shadow of furniture
空间中不同维度的内容相依相融激活空间互动感different dimensions in the space activate spatial interaction
每一个空间都有自己想要表达的语言在产品展示区设计师舍弃了多余的材质和造型体现强调了产品展示台的存在感,让人置身其中时着重关注产品本身Each space has its own wordsIn the product display area, designers abandon the superfluous material and modelingto emphasize the presence of the product display stand so that people can focus on the product itself
蓝色没有维度,它超越了维度是艺术家的初心,也是哲思的海设计师以这一抹真诚的具有保护感的色彩为媒介让GENUINE BEAUTY · 真美系统用户在空间中获得平台倡导的品质生活体验东方美学,亦是一种“生活美学”Blue, over dimensionkeeps the primary thoughts of designers and makes up the sea of wisdomDesigners use blue as media to make users of GENUINE BEAUTY get more experience of high qualityOriental aesthetics is also life aesthetics