发布时间:2021-12-05 12:00:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

劳里·欧林(Laurie D.Olin)在景观设计中强调了“移动”与“调整”,而不是“堆砌”或“焕新”。删繁就简,让自然做工,空间或许可以生长成更迷人的模样。




Design is not just stacking something on the ground constantly, instead it’s building a better environment and space by debugging all kinds of elements such as paths, terrain, trees and water. Based on this consensus, the design team made full use of the advantages of working on site, followed the trend of the site crowd activities, observed and thought about the design closely, to predict where to put something interesting, where to add a sense of rhythm, and where to hide some surprises. In other words, in the design process, the designer is not thinking about whether the lines on the plan are beautiful or which space can put certain elements, but to put themselves in the imagination of the user to make the atmosphere of the space become more comfortable.

▼项目视频,the video© 奥雅设计


项目位于郑州惠济区,天河路与开元路交汇处,惠济区委、区政府办公新址所在地,整个设计范围包括惠济区政府办公楼周边近 600 亩的公园绿地。


The project is located in Huiji District, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the intersection of Tianhe Road and Kaiyuan Road, where the new office site of Huiji District Party Committee and District Government is located. The whole design scope includes nearly 600 mu of park green space around the government office building of Huiji District. The scope of the first phase is mainly concentrated on the south side of the government building and divided into east and west parks by the original north-south river square, with a clear space context and the potential to redevelop into a modern park. Mr. Li Baozhang, chief designer of L&A Design, suggested the team adjusting transformation according to the original clear spatial axis to continue the memory of the place.


overall view of the park


值得纪念的是,古树苑项目是奥雅郑州公司成立后第一个城市中心公园项目,也是身为河南洛阳人的李宝章先生带领的奥雅设计团队的又一次“回家设计”——自 2017 年开始,奥雅设计鼓励优秀设计师骨干回到二线城市、“回家”成立团队与经营公司,郑州公司的成立和持续运营也在其中。轻巧而精准的调整让再次开园后的古树苑备受欢迎,“弄类可不赖!感觉哪儿都不一样,又觉着跟以前一个样”。再次开园后,早起来古树苑锻炼的李大爷笑着同我们说道。

Since 2017, L&A Design has been encouraging excellent designers to return to second-tier cities to set up a team and business company, and the establishment and continuous operation of Zhengzhou Company are also among them. The Gushuyuan project is the first city central park project after the establishment of L&A Design Zhengzhou Company. The Gushuyuan is more popular after opening again. Uncle Li, who got up early for morning exercise, said with us with a smile, ” It is not bad! I see difference everywhere, but I feel the same as before.”

▼焕然一新的古树苑城市中心公园,the park after renovation©奥雅设计



古树苑公园作为郑州北区市民的休闲场所,往来客的自由之地,早已成为城市生活不可或缺的一部分。公园内现有 30 余个品种的 3700 多棵树木,数百颗古树,扎根于此,见证了这个城市在时代的洪流下经历的变革和成长。如同郑州万年之古的气质一般,静待峥嵘,厚重而坚韧。


As a leisure place for citizens in the north district of Zhengzhou, the free place of Gushuyuan Park has long become an indispensable part of urban life. The park has more than 3,700 trees of more than 30 varieties, and hundreds of ancient trees rooted here, which has witnessed the change and growth of the city during the past times. They are just like Zhengzhou’s ancient temperament, extraordinary, thick and tough. However, due to the long age, many problems have accumulated in the park: plants are too dense growth, too many residual branches and rotten wood, which result in low accessibility and strong depression and hinder the flow of people. Besides, the road network is complex, old infrastructure is prone to cause safety risks, in need of repair.

▼场地原貌,before renovation©奥雅设计


The core and difficulty of the design lies in how to break the original complex ancient tree spacelayout andsort out the more open and transparent venuestomake the site clear, simple and rich, and in the meanwhileto maintainthe original space characteristics in the update to meet the needs of different ages.

▼空间轴线梳理,Spatial axis sorting ©奥雅设计


树苑原有近 900 棵百年古树,数十棵 500 年以上古树,以及 3 棵千年古树,包括雪松、杨树、栾树、国槐等。毫无疑问,它们值得保留。不仅是为了延续场地历史与人文记忆,同时也是向城市居民展现自然厚重而慷慨的一面。自然既不善良,也不邪恶,自然就是自然。它能哺育、滋养,但也能刺激、倾覆,甚至摧毁,设计的关键在于如何把握人为可干预的度,使其在城市中,达到与人最为和谐的状态。

The key to design is how to grasp the degree of human intervention, so that it can achieve the most harmonious state with residents in the city. The Gushuyuan originally included nearly 900 century-old ancient trees, dozens of more than 500-years-old ancient trees, and three thousand-year-old ancient trees, including cedar tree, poplar tree, koelreuteriapaniculata, Chinese scholartree and so on. They are undoubtedly worth retaining. It is not only to continue the history and cultural memory of the site, but also to show the thick and generous side of nature to the urban residents.

▼树苑原有近 900 棵百年古树,The Gushuyuanoriginally includednearly 900 century-old ancient treeso©奥雅设计


The vegetation redesign of the Gushuyuan is very important. The design team carried out careful seedling combing in the early stage to make every tree in full form be displayed, so that every space can be participatory.

For the hollow willows that are easy to lodge and under safety risk, the design is targeted to remove them.

The problem of insufficient openness is solved by clearing the shrub vegetation in the middle and the lower layer, retaining only the healthy and strong upper trees.

Organizing out the planting space on the north and south sides of the pine forest, sparing the open lawn, removing hollow trees and dead trees, and replanting the ginkgo forest to form a graceful frame effect under the leisure corridor pavilion.

▼疏密有致的林地策略,reasonable layout of woodland strategy©奥雅设计




The spare lawn space has greatly broadened the people’s vision of the rest pavilion, and the children are also here to enjoy the joy, run, chase, happily rush toward the adults.

The design follows the principle of ecological low maintenance, combines the vegetation memory retained by the site, and integrates new species and communities to create a new experience.

On the basis of the original tree species, according to the site space needs, replanted the strong ornamental tree species such as ginkgo, beech, midget crabapple, acer palmatum, P.lannesiana Alborosea, Prunus x yedoensis, etc.

▼留白出的草坪空间为公园增添了新的生机,the generous lawn space adds new vitality to the park©奥雅设计



The original understory vegetation is mainly Ophiopogon japonicus and grass, and the species is relatively single, and a variety of local well-adapted species are added to enrich the diversity.

In the West Garden, there are a large area of low-maintenance, ecological interesting ornamental grass and flowering herbs, such as maiden grass, Gold leaf carex, Esparto carpet, Woodland sage, Monarda didyma, Iris tectorum Maxim, Tulbaghia violacea and so on.

▼下层植被层添加了具有生态趣味的观赏草类及开花草本,Ecologically interesting ornamental grasses and flowering herbs are added to the lower vegetation layer©奥雅设计

▼树池为人们提供了休憩的场所,The tree pool provides a place for people to rest ©奥雅设计


The East Garden adds many types of ground cover according to the difference of zoning and the degree of upper wood shading. For example, Chinese rose, rhododendron and other wood are added to the major activity space, and in the forest walking area, a variety of low-maintenance shade-tolerant ground covers, such as wintercreeper, lycoris, flowering vine, scallion orchid, Iris tectorum Maxim, jade hairpin, early blooming viola and nandina are added, which greatly enrich the different seasonal viewing experience.

▼东园增加了多种类型的地被,The East Gardenadds many types of ground cover©奥雅设计


高大的古树浸润着暖阳,与东园质雅的廊架相得益彰,浮光跃金,树影斑驳,让人很难忆起从前这里的模样。改造前,300 米的休闲廊架两侧被壮硕的紫藤攀爬杂生,遮蔽了日光,久经风霜后已逐渐腐烂岌岌可危。

There was originally a 300-meter leisure corridor in The East Garden with strong wisteria on both sides that brings shade in summer, but also covers the winter sun. It has gradually decayed suffering wind and frost.

▼东园质雅的廊架,the 300-meter leisure corridor in The East Garden ©奥雅设计

▼钢混结构廊架既美观又耐用,The steel–concrete structure gallery is both beautiful and durable ©奥雅设计


This is not only an activity space, but also carries the stories and memories of countless citizens. As the core activity point of the East Garden, its design retains the original space position and broadens the spacing of the columns, which not only increases the space under the corridor, but also makes the vision more transparent. The material has also been upgraded to steel and concrete to be durable so that it can accompany people through long years.

▼廊架内部丰富的光影效果,Rich light and shadow effect inside gallery corridor©奥雅设计

▼纵深的廊架空间极具舞台感,The sun sprinkled in,bringing the space a sense of stage©奥雅设计


When the weather is good, people can walk the dog or take a rest here, and see the light and shadow flow as time goes by. The sun sprinkled in, bringing the space a sense of stage. The corridor continues the traditional classical elements such as leakage and windows. After removing and arranging the closed middle-level plants on both sides of the corridor, the open square, the large lawn on the south and the dense Goldenrain tree forest on the north are all easily viewed, which attract lots of residents walking, running and exercising here. When the sun set down, the lights flickering, ancient trees waving, leaves flying, all contribute to quiet and beautiful atmosphere.

▼从廊架内看南侧开阔的广场、大草坪和北侧茂密的栾树林,viewing the open square, the large lawnon thesouth and the dense Goldenrain tree forest from the corridor©奥雅设计

留住乡野 留住野构树



The complicated combing process also made the designers encounter some small surprises. A paper mulberry in the plants on the scene caught their eyes. In just a few months at the construction site, new landing seeds are constantly sprout paper mulberry buds.

▼林下广场为老人健身和儿童活动提供了安全平整的场地,safe and smooth place for the elderly fitness and children’s activities ©奥雅设计


Designers insist on retaining this rare sense of countryside. Let it breathe with this thick land. Although the tree is not precious, the form is stretch and proud. You can feel the vast temperament from its tenacious vitality when you look far away. Wild paper mulberry eventually became an important visual center on the north side of the pine forest. The tall trees were very popular, the trunks with low branches satisfied the fun of children climbing, and the open space also became an excellent point for people to take photos at picnics.

▼难得的乡野感,the rare sense of countryside ©奥雅设计



▼简洁的铺装形成园路,保留松树的同时,设置可遮风挡雨的小型廊架,The simple pavement forms the garden road, while retaining pine trees, setting up small shelters©奥雅设计


This garden path through the forest is no more than a road at any time. Because trees grow, change color, drop leaves, and tree shadows change when light changes. People always feel endless fun, which is our experience of landscape, seemingly simple things can bring more tension than complex design. There are different sizes of the underforest square on both the north and south sides of the pine forest, providing a safe and smooth place for the elderly fitness and children’s activities.

▼合适的树间距成了吊床的绝佳搭配,The appropriatespacing of trees makes a perfect match for a hammock ©奥雅设计

▼穿林而过的园路,the garden path through the forest ©奥雅设计



“景观除了带来视觉上的美好及生态改善,其社会意义更在于每个人都能平等的进入使用。开放的边界处理,旨在鼓励促进社会公正。” 随着古树苑开放程度的变迁和“拆墙透绿”的推广应用,公园的边界由原本的铁艺围墙,转变为去除铁艺、保留墙基的矮墙。设计力求边界感弱化,不仅将围墙转变为绿墙,且通过精简中层植物,将公园视线完全打开,最终达到“拆墙透园”的通透与开放。

“In addition to bringing visual beauty and ecological improvement, the social significance of landscape lies in that everyone can equally access and use it. Open border treatment is designed to encourage the promotion of social justice.” With the change of the opening degree of the Gushuyuan and the promotion and application of “dismantling the wall to show upthe greens”, the boundary of the park has been changed from the original iron art wall to a short wall that removes the iron art and retains the wall base. The design strives to weaken the sense of boundary, not only to transform the wall into a green wall, but also to fully open the sight of the park by streamlining the middle-level plants, and finally to achieve the transparency and opening of “dismantling the wall to show upthe garden”.

▼围墙转变为绿墙,精简中层植物将公园视线完全打开,The wall is transformed into a green wall, and the mid-level plants are reduced to completely open the park ©奥雅设计

▼公园与周边道路之间的柔性边界,A flexible boundary between the park and the surrounding roads ©奥雅设计



“At dusk after the opening of the park, Isee all kinds of people in the venue interaction, resting, running…… I harvest the most happy moment.This joy is simple, is a meaningful release after the event, more real than direct praise and award.After all, for most people, the landscape is a short projection of nature in our eyesin a busy urban life.At some moments, the interaction of urban people and the landscape may be more important than everything else.”——Designer of the first phase of the Gushuyuanproject


In the era of rapid information iteration and “web celebrity” design, the simple design of the Gushuyuan is moving and thought-provoking. Perhaps this kind of “micro intervention” design does not give a person simple and straightforward visual impact, even contrary to the current popular web celebrity design, but we believe that the landscape is to return to the starting point of “service for the crowd”, this is just a matter of time, only need to let it grow freely, wait for decades later, look back at its style together.

▼夜景,night views©奥雅设计


项目地点:河南省 郑州市 惠济区



景观设计:奥雅设计 郑州公司 项目一组、施工图组、植物组



设计时间:2018 年 7 月

竣工时间:2021 年 3 月

采写:奥雅设计 郑州公司 项目一组

编辑:Jennie via





郑州古树苑公园一期景观提升,河南 / 奥雅设计
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