发布时间:2019-10-23 20:32:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

继(Cleveland Clinic)的园区整体规划设计后,建筑公司Foster + Partners又接到诊所和凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)的委托,为他们设计了一个全新的健康中心(暨克利夫兰诊所医学院)。该中心位于园区的整体规划内,靠近诊所大楼。作为一个专业的医学教育中心,萨姆森健康中心(Samson Pavilion)不仅着眼于未来的互动式健康教育,更为两个医学院、一个牙医学院和一个护理学院提供了教学空间。

Following our development of a strategic Masterplan for the Cleveland Clinic’s 168-acre campus, Foster + Partners was commissioned by the Clinic, together with Case Western Reserve University, to design a new health pavilion that looks to the future of integrated and interactive health education. The brief identified an area of our masterplan, close to the Clinic, that could be developed into a dedicated campus, combining two Schools of Medicine, a School of Dental Medicine and a School of Nursing.

▼健康中心外观,exterior view of the pavilion

穿过一片广阔的草坪和醒目屋顶下方的入口灰空间,人们便来到了萨姆森健康中心巨大的内部中庭里。得益于顶部的屋面系统,中庭享有极好的自然采光。可以说,草坪、屋面系统和中庭都标志着凯斯西储大学和克利夫兰诊所对未来健康教育的重视和投资。此外,健康中心不仅将以前分开的牙医学院、护理学院、医科大学和克利夫兰诊所勒纳学院(Cleveland Clinic Lerner College)的医学教育系整合在了一个多学科的四层建筑体量中,更与周边的城市环境建立起一种和谐的关系。

With its expansive lawns and welcoming canopy leading to a grand, naturally lit internal courtyard, the Samson Pavilion marks a significant investment in the future of health education for Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic. The design brings together the previously separate dental, nursing, and the university and Cleveland Clinic Lerner College medical education programs into a single, multidisciplinary four-story building that blends sympathetically with its neighbours.

▼健康中心四层通高的中庭,具有极好的自然采光,the pavilion with four-story naturally lit internal courtyard


Key elements of each school are arranged around a large internal courtyard, maintaining their own identities, but with a series of layered shared spaces. Spatial efficiency was greatly increased through utilisation studies and analysis of teaching methods, while the creation of flexible spaces allows room for future growth. The different faculties share teaching spaces, admin areas, lecture halls, recreational areas and technical teaching facilities as well as improved building services, storage and amenities such as cafeterias and personnel support.

▼健康中心中庭,每个学院的主要空间都围绕着大型中庭布置,key elements of each school are arranged around a large internal courtyard

▼健康中心中庭,空间具有层次感,the internal courtyard with layered spaces

▼健康中心四层通高的共享休息空间,the four-story shared space of the pavilion

80英尺高的Delos M. Cosgrove中央庭院是健康中心的社交中心。这个中庭空间宽敞而明亮,上方设置着一系列线性天窗,内部设置着一系列舒适的橡木桌、长凳和种植槽,为非正式的工作会谈、偶遇和休闲提供了场所。垂叶榕树在健康中心的东西入口之间限定出一个走廊,不仅强调了中庭的大尺度,更为空间平添了几抹平静的绿意。此外,人们还可以对家具、树木以及中庭南北两侧的冬季花园进行重新布局,使其能够适应各种活动。

▼健康中心中庭,上方设置着一系列线性天窗,垂叶榕树在健康中心的东西入口之间限定出一个走廊,the courtyard of the pavilion with linear skylights, Ficus Nitida trees create an avenue between the east and west entrances

▼健康中心中庭,共享空间内设置橡木家具,the courtyard of the pavilion with oak furniture in the shared space

▼健康中心二层的共享区域,the shared space on the level 2

The 80-foot-high central Delos M. Cosgrove courtyard is the social heart of the pavilion. Generously top-lit through linear skylights and furnished with oak tables, benches and planters designed by the practice, the space is meant for informal work meetings, chance encounters, and sharing a coffee from the nearby cafe. Ficus Nitida trees create an avenue between the east and west entrances introducing a sense of scale and calm greenery to the space. The furniture and trees can be easily reconfigured, as can the south and north winter gardens, for a wide range of events.

▼中庭空间仰视,阳光透过线性天窗在室内投射下阴影,looking up from the courtyard, the sunlight penetrates through the linear skylights, projecting shadows in the interior space

▼中庭空间局部,partial view of the courtyard

建筑公司Foster + Partners还负责了健康中心的结构和环境设计。详细的光照和气候分析为中央庭院的屋顶设计提供了理论依据。同时考虑到冬季里该地区时常出现的大雪,建筑师设计了一个倾斜的屋面结构系统,使得降雪可以从玻璃天窗上自然滑落到中庭周围的实心屋面结构上,待降雪融化后,雪水也可以顺势流入屋顶侧边的沟槽里。屋面的桁架结构一方面提供了必要的遮阳,另一方面也将更多的自然光线引入交通空间周围的区域内。

Foster + Partners delivered the structural and environmental design for the project. Detailed daylight and climate analysis informed the design of the roof of the central courtyard. The heavy snowfalls in the region drove the structural design, where the roof trusses are pitched to allow the snow to naturally slide off the glass and onto the solid infill roof around the courtyard, ultimately melting into the channels along each side of the roof. Shading is provided by the truss cladding allowing more light around the perimeter circulation spaces.

▼中庭上方的屋面系统,线性天窗提供自然采光,the roof system of the courtyard, the linear skylights provide the natural light

▼中庭上方的屋面系统,屋面的桁架结构提供了必要的遮阳,the roof system of the courtyard, shading is provided by the truss cladding

▼健康中心的屋面结构,the roof system of the pavilion

Foster + Partners还与诊所合作,为图书馆、会议室、院长室和其他一系列工作空间设计了定制家具。橡木和皮革不仅给室内空间带去了温馨感、舒适感和永恒感,更有助于创造良好的声学效果。这个新的健康中心为牙科学院、护理学院和医学院的学生们提供了一个可以共同学习、相互启发的场所。此外,建筑师还将最新的数字技术应用在健康中心的设计中,并设置了一系列共享的社交空间,从而强调出该建筑的初衷:即为所有人提供更好的医疗保健服务。

The practice has also designed bespoke furniture pieces for the library, meeting rooms, deans’ suites and other working spaces in collaboration with the clinic. The warm, timeless nature of the oak and leather materials aid acoustics and create a sense of wellbeing. The new pavilion allows students from the dental, nursing and medical schools to learn together, inspire each other, and collaborate using a combination of the latest digital technology and shared social spaces, reinforcing the building’s pioneering purpose to create better healthcare for all.

▼健康中心的地面细节,flooring details of the pavilion

▼健康中心的室内楼梯,the interior stairs of the pavilion

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,1F plan

▼二层平面图,2F plan

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan

▼东西立面图,east and west elevations

▼南北立面图,south and north elevations



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