Canada origami form grand theatre
:Bélanger Beauchemin Morency
这里曾毗邻St. Maurice银行 和 St. Lawrence银行,传承了文化,记录从18世纪乌苏拉尔修道院到19世纪、20世纪成为工业区的历史变迁。共可分为三个阶段:教会占有期、拆迁期、政府重建期。如今,这里建为大剧院旁边又建起来了银行。这里的草坪和广场成为了公众休闲娱乐的活动区域。建筑就像折纸一样营造了观众区、接待区等各种功能区。主题馆更是巧妙地建在沉积土壤之上。建筑的前面和侧面的空间也很宽阔。新事物的不断介入改变了原场地的规模面貌,工业、宗教甚至是海军等因素都曾或多或少的影响了这里。只有当黄昏降临,灯笼开始张灯结彩照亮了地面,这里才展现它的原貌。
译者: 柒柒
Origami is an art: it is a living culture. Beacon of culture, the new amphitheater exalted traces of the past, proposed a dialogue. These are the traces of the evolution of the site and the banks of the St. Maurice and St. Lawrence, implementation of the Ursulines in the 18th century until the construction of the industrial landscape of the 19th and 20th centuries, which serve trusses and a pretext for the organization of various activities on the site. The approach reveals the site through these successive layers from its construction, its occupation, its demolition and finally its re appropriation. Thus, the initial layout of the bank is rediscovered, giving the theater an anchor coastline. The slope and industrial piles of logs are evoked by the textures of public space and a game that now includes topographic grassy lawn and the stands.
Like the folding of “paper”, the materialization creates functional spaces, the home crowd on landing and reception areas. Thus, the thematic pavilions are born of this encounter and dialogue with the sedimentary soil as new evidence of significance. This work also defines origami a generous forecourt canopy and brand appeal to the urban site.Dialogue between the site and new interventions emerges the volume of the amphitheater, a symbol of memories industrial, religious and navy that has marked the landscape. At nightfall, the volume becomes scenic lantern and strata trifluvian mark the landscape, celebrating the recapture of the place through his character.