发布时间:2016-05-04 15:56:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


我们希望WHY hotel是一个能够创造和承载无尽的个人感受的地方。如同中国传统园林的精髓,身在其外不能看到全局,只有身在其中亲身体验,才会发现独有的惊喜和感动。


WHY hotel 前身是京城后院温泉酒店,是以卡通主题房定位的农家院。原建筑是当地施工队根据甲方现场口述需求而快速搭建的,每个房间的大小尺寸都不尽相同。甲方希望我们能将现有的20多个房间进行改造,并在当时作为停车场的300多平米的地方加建一个房子,根据现有私汤标间的尺寸,预计能分成7套独院标间。甲方当时的定位是希望延续卡通主题。


WHY hotel is a hot spring hotel located in the northeast Beijing suburb of Peking Backyard. WEI Architects / ELEVATION WORKSHOP was initially hired to renovate an existing structure of 20+ rooms and add seven new units on top of an existing parking area, without any major changes to the cartoon theme of the hotel. However, the owners of WHY Hotel are a group of daring businessmen in their early thirties: once open communication was established between the clients and architect, they quickly agreed to transform the project from a cartoon-themed agritainment style hotel to a design-focused boutique hotel, unified by a beautiful bamboo grove. The new design of WHY Hotel bridges traditional Chinese architecture and contemporary Beijing. We have described the experience of the new design in the spirit of the famous ancient poet, Yuanming TAO (AD352 – AD427) in his piece “The Peach Colony”: Walking along the path with trees rustling, water rippling, and tree shadows dancing, the guest feels as though the buildings became indistinct among the bamboo leaves. After a turn, there is a pond with a thinand delicate mist hovering above the spring water.



The design team confronted many issues due to the condition of the existing buildings and site. The original hotel was built hastily without planning or architectural drawings, resulting in rooms of varying size and orientation with no foundation structure. Additionally, the allotted site was very tight to fit seven standard rooms with private jacuzzis and while ensuring complete visual privacy from the other rooms. The new construction also needed to serve as a striking visual image for the new hotel, but I felt that a single building with an expressive roof, though an easier path for conforming to the site constraints, did not allow for the full potential of the design. Standing at the pond and looking out onto the new site of the hotel, I envisioned small houses scattered throughout a bamboo grove.


We began with an analysis of the programmatic requirements of the new units, separating the basic functions of bedroom, toilet space, private jacuzzi, and space for meditation into individual units with the minimum required space. We then analyzed the site, studying the lighting conditions, the relationship with surrounding buildings, and the way in which humans move through the site. Last, I departed from our analytical process and placed the units intuitively. By scattering the buildings both vertically and horizontally throughout the site, I was able to recreate my vision of individual houses amidst a bamboo grove within the constraints of the allotted site.

▽ 平面图,南侧看似随意的建筑分布,plan



Working from this initial design, the team optimized the organization of the units to accommodate our site analysis and the technological, material, and functional needs of each building. Our bamboo steel engineers translated our digital model into a complete structural model to enable them to send datasheets to their factory in Szechuan province. Each piece was made to specification in the factory and transported back to Beijing, where it was precisely assembled according to the design.

When we saw the completed work, we found that the seemingly random spaces between each unit had achieved what our firm has been studying all these years: the Suffused Space. This space is shapeless but omnipresent, shifting and interacting with each human differently. Though architecture inevitably results in a tangible form, I hope that the form is only a frame work through which we can offer the invisible Suffused Space that is the true soul and spirit of our architecture. As said by the Diamond Sutra,

“If all forms are seen as unreal, the Tathagata will be perceived.”




如果借用《桃花源记》的方式形容Why hotel的场景:树欲静而风不止,波澜起,枝影婆娑,沿九曲青砖小径,穿行竹林间,隐约可见竹屋错落浮于竹叶间。转身忽见一泓池泉,水雾缭绕。清逸空灵,不染纤尘。


Our team aspires to create an architecture that exists in harmony with the landscape and guests. Rather than designing forms, we aspire to create cinematic experiences, designing spaces that inspire emotion, routes full of change, scenes that arouse sentiment, and unique social encounters. This aspiration was a driving force in the landscape design of the central public space of the hotel. In the center of the courtyard is a bean shaped hot spring pool, filling the courtyard with warm steam throughout the year. Two sets of paths weave through the courtyard amidst the bamboo grove: a central path encircling the hot spring pool and a second path connecting each independent courtyard to the central space. The elegant dance between these paths required two months of careful iteration by the design team. A system of sprayers produces mist in the bamboo groves to maintain adequate humidity.

Meandering through the bamboo, guests can see only mist and the indistinct form of the hotel units beyond the dense grove. The experience invokes the writings of the famous ancient Chinese author Zongyuan LIU, who wrote in his Travel Notes of Little Stone Pond:

“across the bamboo grove, I heard the sound of water.”

The walker’s view clears upon reaching the hot spring pool, where an undulating wall of vertical bamboo steel planks encircles the public area to create privacy for the hotel units. Privacy for each unit is created through the carefully designed angle of each vertical bamboo piece, as well as through the electric glass in the doors and windows in each room. With this technology, guests curate their visual interaction with the central landscape by adjusting the transparency of the apertures.

项目名称 WHY hotel 甲方 WHY酒店 设计团队 WEI 建筑设计/ ELEVATION WORKSHOP 施工团队 北京贝盟国际建筑装饰工程有限公司/ 洪雅竹元科技有限公司 摄影 夏至、胡亭亭、邢颖摄影团队、郑亮 完成时间 2015年10月 地点 北京市顺义区高丽营镇前渠河村235号 项目规模 占地面积:2100 平方米,其中加建面积:310 平方米/ 建筑面积:990 平方米 (33 床位) ,其中加建建筑面积: 360 平方米(7 栋温泉庭院别墅) 工作内容 酒店改造/ 独栋加建/ 室内设计/— 景观设计/— 家具设计


WHY酒店,北京顺义 / WEI建筑设计
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