-经典与时尚如果会说话,可能会大声疾呼:不想被定义。优雅与摩登,于每个人的眼中各有所及。If classics and fashion can speak,May scream: dont want to be defined.Elegance and modernity,In everyone’s eyes.-
-开启灵感的时空隧道,任叛逆出逃,替经典找到新生。Open the space-time tunnel of inspiration,Let the rebellion flee,Find a new life for the classics.-
-奢华的家要有安静的感觉,才能触动心灵深处,优雅的空间要有静谧的氛围,才能让每一个步入者心生况味。A luxurious home must feel quiet,In order to touch the depths of the soul,An elegant space must have a quiet atmosphere,Only in order to let everyone who step into it feel like alive.-
-爱马仕2021年度的主题为“和马史诗”,从中提取古希腊的抽象画,西洋棋盘,希腊陶瓷女性曲线为灵感来源,呈现出叙述史诗,探索新生。The theme of Hermès for 2021 is Hema Epic,Extract ancient Greek abstract paintings from it,The chessboard, Greek ceramic female curves as inspiration,Presents a narrative epic,Explore new students.-
-硬装在色彩上以黑白灰为主,在个别墙面运用了跳色让整个空间稳重又不失趣味,在材质上运用了大量的木饰面和大理石,使整体空间更具高级感。The color is mainly black, white and gray,Color jumping is used on individual walls to make the whole space stable and interesting.A lot of wood veneer and marble are used in the material,Make the overall space more advanced.-
-软装在色彩上以大地色系为主,融入饱和度较低的橙色为点缀,贴合爱马仕的主题,在家具上也运用了大量的皮革质感,使空间具有优雅高贵的气质。The soft decoration is dominated by earth tones in color,Blended with less saturated orange for embellishment,Fit the theme of Hermes,A lot of leather texture is also used on the furniture,Make the space elegant and noble.-
-都市精英的定义越来越广泛,我们把主人定义为服装设计师,衷爱红酒和展览;女主人是平面模特,喜欢杂志和插花,孩子热爱舞蹈和绘画。The definition of urban elites is becoming more and more extensive,We define the owner as a costume designer,Love wine and exhibitions;The hostess is a plane model,Like magazines and flower arrangements,Children love dancing and painting.-
-基于主人一家的性格特点,软装的选择与摆设也与主人性格尽可能的相符,想要营造出性格与见解,营造出艺术人生的氛围。Based on the characteristics of the owner’s family,The choice and furnishings of the soft outfits are also in line with the owner’s character as much as possible.Want to create character and insights,Create an atmosphere of artistic life.-
-在当代生活中,人们对艺术与品质的要求越来越高,我们的设计师将空间氛围严格的把控,将每一根线条跟材质纯熟的应用,凝结出一个极具艺术气息的人文空间。In contemporary life,People’s requirements for art and quality are getting higher and higher,Our designers strictly control the atmosphere of the space,Apply every line and material proficiently,Condensed into a very artistic humanistic space.-
-在色彩运用上保持克制,仪式感与氛围营造亦精心精致,让每一位都市精英都能感受到专属与态度。Be restrained in the use of colors,The sense of ceremony and atmosphere are also carefully and exquisitely createdLet every urban elite feel exclusive and attitude.-
-我们的设计师将现代人的都市梦境,于空间中做出优雅的诠释,试图给出一种摩登的可能.Our designers have transformed modern people’s urban dreams,Make an elegant interpretation in the space,Try to give a modern possibility.-
-力图营造出既有精睿品质感,又具有现代摩登气息的人文艺术美学家居空间。Strive to create an existing sense of quality,Also has a modern and modern atmosphere of humanity, art and aesthetics home space.-
【项目信息】 项目名称 | 德信天宸 项目地点 | 温州 项目开发 | 德信地产&中梁地产 甲方团队 | 李鹏 余凌舟 陈设艺术 | 美域高MIYUKO 设计主创 | 杨玲玲 郑姗姗 陈丽媛 设计样本 | 样板间 项目面积 | 139㎡ 项目摄影 | Ingaller
-对每一个都市精英来说,最理想的状态就是,既可以感受到城市的繁华,又能随心所欲的畅想自然.For every urban elite,The most ideal state isYou can feel the prosperity of the city,I can imagine nature as I want-
-于繁华之中寻觅自然的静谧,于静谧之侧享受极致的繁华。Looking for natural tranquility amidst the prosperity,Enjoy the extreme prosperity on the quiet side.-
-温暖的原木将空间层层包围,如大地的质朴原色,以繁花点缀,像极了人生和梦境The warm logs surround the space layer by layer,Like the plain original colors of the earth,Decorated with flowers, it looks like life and dreams.-
-作为经典,香奈儿的设计与精神傲世独立,其不单单是一种设计语言,更是新世纪女性的声音、自信和坚定的表象。As a classic,Chanel’s design and spirit are proud of the world’s independence,It’s not just a design language,It is the voice of women in the new century,The appearance of self-confidence and determination.-
-打开钢筋丛林的束缚与牢笼,对未来的每一个期许皆如是。Open the shackles and cages of the reinforced jungle,The same is true for every expectation in the future.-
-整个空间里弥漫着设计师想要营造的,最理想的生活状态,把一切对于优雅生活的想象都凝结在每一个细节里。The whole space is filled with what the designer wants to create,The most ideal life state,All the imagination of elegant life is condensed in every detail.-
-就在此刻,世界温柔倍至,未来于眼前似锦如焉,At this moment, the world is gentler,The future is as beautiful as it is before my eyes,-
-我们的设计师在提炼了品牌固有的传统元素之上,将复古与优雅联袂呈上,打造出一个充满魅力的摩登空间。Our designers have refined the inherent traditional elements of the brand,Combining retro and elegance,Create a modern space full of charm.-
-正如香奈儿本身,从叛逆到天真,从舒适到随性,永恒不变的是经典与时尚。Just like Chanel itself,From rebellious to naive,From comfortable to casual,The eternal and unchanging is the classics and fashion.-
-有人说“在过去的一个世纪里,也许没有任何一个女性能比香奈儿更了解女人”。Someone said, In the past century,Maybe no woman knows women better than Chanel.-
-暗红色将整个空间的氛围烘托至恰到好处的微醺。The dark red highlights the atmosphere of the entire space to just the right amount of drunkenness.-