发布时间:2018-10-03 10:19:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


A golf club house always combines a social human activity with the fact of being in the middle of a natural environment, a golf course. The project maximizes this combination: social interaction, it is a “ club” and landscape; A certain centrality, recognition is always needed; By being a clubhouse, no matter it is a small building, the project is the center, the heart, of a big natural area: it needs visibility without being invasive in the landscape.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


The project consists in a series of rocks, stones that lay in the middle of the landscape, offering that presence and visibility disguised in a natural context: They are rocks in the landscape, and they are materialized according to that. The rocks put together become the clubhouse. The organization of those elements make the building: 4 volumes hosting different programs linked by a common plaza, the heart of the building, the bar. The plaza opens completely to the landscape, the niches, spaces in between the volumes are fully glazed: the surrounding landscape is framed and brought inside the building.

▼4个体块通过酒吧这一“公共广场”实现连接, 4 volumes hosting different programs linked by a common plaza, the heart of the building, the bar

▼不同体量之间的空隙由玻璃围合,the niches, spaces in between the volumes are fully glazed


The plaza overlooks the surrounding landscape in all directions. The rest of volumes are mostly opaque due to program (kitchen, changing rooms), with almost no openings or openings hidden behind the stone lattice, texture; according to privacy requirements the façade opens or closes up. The restaurant-lounge volume is an exception: big openings are carved in to offer an indoor-outdoor lounge, adequate to the Mediterranean climate. Planning requirement originally demanded sloping roofs based on the local vernacular. The project offers an alternative interpretation, creating irregular angled forms that give the building a contemporary character.

▼倾斜的屋顶使建筑更具当代特色,the irregular angled forms give the building a contemporary character


▼室内空间,interior view

▼宽阔的玻璃立面在地中海的气候环境中形成一个室内外畅达的休闲空间,big openings are carved in to offer an indoor-outdoor lounge, adequate to the Mediterranean climate

▼石制的栅格立面可根据对隐私性的需求进行开合,according to privacy requirements the façade opens or closes up

▼夜景,night view


The regulation constrains gave the opportunity to explore different arrangements of the volumes and design the building in a way that it looked completely different from every angle: sometimes it looks small, or massive, or seems to extend into the landscape. It gives a very rich experience while playing the course, as the building looks very different depending on the player’s position. The materialization of the building maximizes the rock effect: the local natural Stone covers not just the facade, also the roof making no distinction between them: the roof is part of the facade and the facade is part of the roof. It is all about stone in the landscape.

▼立面细部,facade detail

▼屋顶也完全以当地天然石材覆盖,the local natural Stone covers not just the facade, also the roof making no distinction between them

▼高尔夫球场中的标志性存在,the center of a big natural area


▼北立面图,north elevation

▼南立面图,south elevation

Location: Santa Ponça, Mallorca, Spain

Size: 540 m2Year: 2014Architects: GRAS-Reynés

Arquitectos Engineer: Andreu Ortiz

Photography: José Hevia


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