2020 年开始 90 年出生的一代人过半进入工作岗位
今年 CUN 全面推出
这是属于 90 代的设计师参与的作品
将把更多的设计机会交给 90 代
As the perceptual appearance of the idea, the nature of aesthetics owns the feature of blend and harmony between inner and outer. On the definition of beauty, different people have their unique preference, and their pursuits for the beauty is always on the road. However, some people regard the explaining their particular charming temperament as a start, sharing and shining in the aesthetic style.
Percent, an aesthetic collection mode, pregnant with pretty and vitality. This aesthetic habitat meets the first party’s need, aiming to build a perfect comprehensive space for manicure, eyelash beautifying, themed parties, conceptual photography and womenswear design.
Such area is not only for simply expressing and sharing beauty, but for offering a comfortable space to ladies appearing their confidence and elegance.
There is no boundary in aesthetic. Dominated by the functionality required by the first party, we do our best to explore, show and share the beauty, and also try to integrate into female confidence and elegance. Based on these three methods as the main designing philosophy, our designer do hope that every girl could excavate and present the beauty, which advocates to pursue a true beauty both in this area and in herself.
于是在空间质感的塑造上,Percent 以红色为基调,更能彰显女孩的审美和自信,红色代表热烈、激情、感性,是女性的代表色系之一。
In the aspect of moulding space’s texture, percent is in red for fundamental key, highlighting the aesthetics and confidence of young ladies. As the representative color of women, red shows for fervency, passion and sensibility. The kind of red we used, is not excessively dazzling and frivolously pastel. Through many attempts, we decide on vermilion which is the best representative for female especially mature female. According to this keynote, we do some adjustments in part depth, appearing the various elegance of women.
在空间发掘的趣味性上,Percent 被设计师赋予了很多精美巧妙的巧思细节:深蓝色的气球装置、门上的指示灯牌、楼梯的形状,软装的成列,还有亲子活动的空间,让女孩在其中发掘童趣、精致、生活品质,为他们离开这个空间的生活中带出一点一滴的灵感,自然而然的为他们带来自信,在空间赋予人潜移默化的影响和感知这一功能性上,做到设计师力所能及的传达。
In the aspect of excavating space’s entertainment, percent is endowed with many subtle and clever details, such as, the blue-black balloon equipment, the indicator light on the door, the shape of stairway, the line of soft-decoration and the area for parents-child campaign, from which young girls can explore the childlike happiness, delicacy and life quality. They also can absorb a few inspirations for lifestyle when they out of the space and enjoy the confidence spontaneously. In the functionality of unconsciously affecting and perceiving, achieving the designer’s controlling communication.
功能性上,percent 是一个复合空间、集合了美甲美睫、美容护肤、聚会空间、概念美学摄影、设计师女装、满足了女生的一切需求。
Functionally, as a comprehensive space, percent gathers manicure, eyelash beautifying, skin beauty, themed parties, conceptual photography and womenswear design, which provides all exquisite needs for ladies.
For adding to some freshness into the dull life, our designer adopts the philosophy of prominent local geometry and hyperbolic Morandi’s color chunks.
Color sense of space contributes to manifest the lady’s character and improve their experience feeling, such as the color of red and blue, the iridescent access featured by Morandi’s contrast color in the second floor’s lounge. Every beautiful girl will find a colored mood here.
In the process of creating, our designer also repeatedly exchanges his ideas with the first party, achieving the aesthetic art space of combining French retro feeling and modern fashion, characterized by open for trend and simple in style.
Project Name | 项目名称
Percent 美学集合空间
Location | 项目地址
云南省昆明市顺城购物中心 3F
Area | 项目面积
Designer | 设计师
Team members | 设计师团队
Decoration designer | 软装设计师
Photography | 摄影师
方飞 & 杨雪婉
2019 年红棉中国设计室内设计奖
2018 英国 SBID 室内空间奖
2018 中国国际空间建筑装饰设计奖
2018IDS 国际设计先锋商业空间奖
2018IAI 国际设计优胜奖
2018 年金堂奖优秀餐饮空间设计
2018 年艾特奖